To go to the publisher should be prepared in advance. Make a small description of his work. It should be brief, but to put your creation in a favorable light. Do not need to completely retell the content of the book, it is sufficient to describe in General terms. You should be able to sell the description of the work.
The choice of publishers is an important step in the sale of the book. The Internet can help you find all of the publishing house, the most favorably located geographically. You can offer a book from several publishers. Each of them send a letter, in which place the description of your book. No need to attach any files - the editor has no time to read them. Your proposal should be brief, but profitable for the publisher.
The positive aspect is the idea of a series of books under your authorship. Publishers benefit from such cooperation, as in fact will need to advertise only one book. If it will please the reader, he will be ready to buy all the subsequent books of the author.
No need to worry, if you sent out the emails will remain unanswered. Be persistent. In about a month, send another letter. If you have some amendments in the work, or you already write another book from the same series, be sure to mention this.
If you received several responses from publishers, then go with all seriousness to the final choice of one of them. It is advisable to talk with the authors previously collaborated with the data publishers. Gather as much reliable information about each publisher. Analyze the situation and choose the most reliable publisher.
Pre-set a price below which you do not want to give his creation. Discuss all other terms and conditions of cooperation. Only after that sign a contract with the publisher.