You will need
  • the seeds of the banana;
  • - a nail file;
  • - peat;
  • - expanded clay;
  • - river sand;
  • - sphagnum moss;
  • thermometer with probe;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • deciduous earth;
  • - peat land.
Treat seeds before sowing. Banana seeds surrounded by a hard shell, so before sprouting, they are subjected to mechanical scarification. In other words, you need to slightly grind the skin of the seeds with sandpaper or nail files.
After machining two days soak the seeds in warm boiled water. So they don't bend, every six hours the water should be changed.
Prepare dishes for germination. They can grow alone, or in one large bowl. In the latter case, you will be able to maintain the same conditions for all seeds. In the bottom of the container for sprouting need to make a few holes.
On the bottom of the dish, pour a layer of expanded clay with a height of two inches. It will place the substrate so that the thickness of its layer was not less than four inches. Between the surface of the substrate and the edge of the bowls there should be a distance not less than three inches, otherwise the seedlings will be rested in the glass, which you will cover the bowl.
For substrate take four parts washed and calcined river sand and one part steamed peat. Some growers bananas germinated in sphagnum moss.
For an hour before planting the substrate should be watered with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Solution for irrigation should be the color of strong tea.
Half an hour before sowing soak the seeds in the same solution of potassium permanganate, the way you watered the substrate. Lay the seeds on the surface of the substrate and press into it to a depth of the seed size. Cover the seed container with a transparent lid. It can be plastic bag or glass. Place the container in a warm and bright place.
Maintain the container temperature from thirty to twenty-seven degrees during the day and the twenty – seven- twenty-five degrees at night, and the night temperature should be different from daytime.
Regularly check the condition of the substrate. When drying, place the bowl of seeds into a large pot with warm boiled water with a small amount of potassium permanganate. Once on the surface of the substrate appears wet spots, watering complete.
The appearance of mold on the surface of the substrate, it is necessary to clean the affected areas of soil and seeds with a teaspoon and a bowl sprayed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The same must be done with cover, which covered the container.
Banana seeds germinate within one to three months. When the seedlings appear three leaves, transplant them into pots with drainage and a substrate of hardwood, peat soil and sand. With good care, which includes watering, fertilizer and timely transplanting of banana in any size pot or tub, to the end of the year you will receive an adult plant.