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- What are the most famous acting dynasty in Russia A large part of the acting dynasties of Russia originates in the 60-ies of the last century. That's when the profession came fathers and mothers – the founders of the now most famous acting families.
- How to make a costume of Malvina Modern times give people new idols, and today the girls are popular Winx club. But there are carnival images which are out of competition, for example, Malvina. Such a fabulous character perfectly combines intelligence, impeccable manners and delicate beauty. And to try to imagine the image of this girl with blue hair, you can make beautiful and elegant a suit Malvina.
- Movies about the Maya Learn about the life of bygone civilizations to the modern people than through movies or books cannot. The mysterious Mayans, known for their intellectual achievements, the creation of the calendar and naprorochili descendants failed until the end of the world, attract lovers of antiquities and adventure. Directors are trying to fill some gaps in the history and present their vision of the existence of the Mayan Empire.
- Who are the Magi Many are familiar with the biblical story of the Magi who appeared before the newborn Jesus and presented him with gifts. Wanderers led to baby bright star of Bethlehem, which they considered an omen of the coming of the Savior. Who are the Magi who were among the first to see God, who took human form?
- What religions exist in the world Religion in one form or another, existed in the world throughout human history. She was one of the first stones in the Foundation of the cultural development of various peoples. The exact number of religious movements it is impossible to determine due to the constantly emerging of new branches of existing religions, sects and doctrines.
- How to call the DPS at the scene of the accident The accident is the unpleasant incident on the road. Even a minor collision between two vehicles can cause drivers a shock, and they sometimes forget the basic rules of behavior in case of an accident. How to call traffic police on a place of accident?
- How to create a social organization If you have found your calling in community service activities, perhaps you thought about how to create a social organization. It is a responsible and serious step, both in terms of career in particular and life change in General. If the decision on registration is accepted finally - begin to act.
- How to make repairs to the porch Every indifferent man strives to make a comfortable and beautiful not only the apartment, but the entrance and the yard. However, those who tried to get repairs in the stairwell at the expense of the municipality, you know how difficult it is to do.
- Home to find brownie Brownie is a mythical master, patron of the house, looking after the welfare of the family. It is believed that before the house lived in each hut. Now residents of apartment buildings are interested in, whether in their homes the spirit-guard. It is easy to verify.
- How to bless the bride and groom In the old days that consisted of only a Church marriage could not be and speeches about the wedding without parental blessing. Even if the bride and groom got engaged secretly without parental consent, then they tried to earn their forgiveness, and even retroactively to the marriage blessing. It was believed that only in this case their marriage will be truly pleasing to God. Now marriages are not registered in the Church and in the offices of the Registrar. However, in Orthodox families there is still the ritual of parental blessing.
- How to write a letter to the presidential Administration What to do if there is a problem that can not or do not want to allow local authorities? In this case, the citizen remains the possibility to appeal to the President. These applications will be reviewed by a special Department at the presidential administration. But how correctly to issue the petition, so it was taken into consideration?
- How to make a metro card Card network hypermarkets METRO can be interesting because it allows to make a number of purchases at lower prices than other stores. In this case it can only get legal persons or individual entrepreneurs. The hypermarket is the center of wholesale trade and does not serve ordinary buyers. But this does not prevent the card to make personal purchases.
- How to get on reception to the Deputy Reception of citizens on personal matters and work with citizens ' complaints (written and verbal) are an important and integral part of the duties of each Deputy. A citizen has the right to contact the Deputy of any level, the Deputy of Council of deputies of the specific settlement; the Deputy of regional legislative authority (the subject of the Russian Federation; deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (depending on the scale of the issue and the competencies of the aforementioned authorities).
- What musical instruments include the dombra Traditionally Russian musical instruments are fading, giving way to new. Few places today can you hear the balalaika, even rarer domra. Domra is the ancestor of the balalaika and is considered a Russian folk instrument.
- What the Nazis hated the Jews The racist ideology of fascism assumed superiority of the Aryan race over all other peoples. Slavs, for example, was intended partly to keep and make servants of "Superman". The Jewish nation in this world of space was not provided.
- What are the icons of the virgin In Russia, the virgin Mary has always been revered particularly. The virgin Mary is a patroness of Russia, and more than once helped the Russian in the fight against foreign invaders. The confidence of believers in the heavenly intercession of the mother of God is reinforced by events of the distant past, but some facts of contemporary Russian reality, which has already become history. The icons of the virgin have always been treated with great respect. Most famous faces have their own names.
- How to win at instant lottery At the moment there are many lotteries that offer to all comers to win quite a large sum of money. The winnings in these lotteries, as a rule, is formed by the sum of all funds spent on the tickets lottery. Everyone has a chance, but will win only one. And the probability of winning is quite small. Often, the organizers of the lottery have resorted to the formation of the jackpot, which increases each time no one manages to guess all the piles of the Lotto numbers. The most popular lottery in our country is an instant lottery from Sberbank of Russia, reliability and reputation which suggests that to win money you will pay in any case.
- How to find the missing person Even now, in peacetime, every year disappear without a trace hundreds of thousands of people. Someone becomes a victim of an accident. Someone suffering from bandit attacks. Among the elderly is fairly common sudden memory loss in multiple sclerosis. The missing person is always a terrible blow for his family. Often people don't even know where to go with the trouble.
- How to obtain the certificate of the participant of military operations On the territory of the Russian Federation is home to a large number of citizens who participated in combat actions. According to article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.05.2004, No. -36 "On veterans", such citizens eligible for benefits. To obtain the appropriate certificate.
- How to commemorate the dead In the Christian tradition, the remembrance of the dead symbolizes belief in eternal life and in the after life "biological" life begins another, not led by the people of the earth, but no less real. Remembering, we try to help the departed from us humans in eternal life. And as the remembrance of the dead in the first place, is based on faith, all the customs are somehow connected with the Church.
- How to write in "wait for me" The program "Wait for me" gathers viewers at the screens for 13 years. If you are desperate to find the family or friends or just want to meet up with a childhood friend whose contacts long lost - write in the program "Wait for me".
- How to get a firearms licence To own firearms, one desire is not enough. Of course, in a specialty store not just to buy a gun. To ensure that everything was according to the law, you must obtain the appropriate license.
- How you can help those in need Many people feel incredible sympathy nemeskey the elderly, children who need expensive surgery, single mothers, living on a meager allowance. Such people often want to help, and ways to do it - a lot.
- What prayers to read at the cemetery The death of a loved one always becomes a heavy emotional shock. Often, people who had never conceived of the faith, in such a situation for the first time and begin to pray.
- Why the eagle on the Russian coat of arms two heads The image of an eagle is very common in heraldry. This proud bird, a symbol of power and the state vision, is in the state coat of arms of Armenia, Latvia, Georgia, Iraq, Chile, USA. There is an image of an eagle in the Russian coat of arms.
- What flowers to buy for a funeral Flowers accompany people not only throughout life but even after death. For day of memory and grief there is a special arrangement of flowers, which expresses respect and love for friends and loved ones who have left this world.
- How to use Moscow metro Moscow metro — more than just transport. Almost everyone has to deal with him. Not to be lost, in time to reach the destination, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.
- The place of Russia in the world economy Russia has great economic potential, which consists of a wide resource base, the availability of vast territories and human resources. However, in the modern world, the country is not the highest position from the point of view of the economy, yielding the recognized leaders in a number of important indicators.
- How to write a statement to the police about the threat to life There are situations when there is reason to believe that your life or health being threatened by someone. By law a citizen has the right to contact the police and to declare the fact of threat of life, in violation of article 119 of the Penal code.
- Where to put the icon Home altar – a place for prayer and meditation. For centuries in Russia the main, more Holy, or called red corner that had a home iconostasis. The Shrine or the Shrine (the ark) hung on the East side, as well as placed the altar in the Church, as the Eastern Christian tradition has a special symbolic meaning.