Carefully inspect the flower. If yellowed lower leaves (yellow, like blurry spots appear brown spots), and the emergent leaves are small and dark, most likely, the monster is not enough moisture. Increase watering.If all the leaves turn yellow, they have a pale color, so your monstera, by contrast, gets too much sunlight. Remove it from the direct sun light or create a shadow by placing a screen or closing the window loose curtain. The lack of light monstera leaves also turn yellow and fall off. If not to take urgent measures to rescue, over time, you can observe the bare stem (the leaves have all fallen) and small pale green leaves on top. Monstera will not thrive in deep shade, move it closer to the window.If monstera leaves turn yellow and along with this you notice signs of rotting and decay, the reason may lie in the oversaturation. Limit watering and yellowing leaves just delete. If discovered badly rotten roots, remove the monster from the pot, gently anthracite the butt, cut the rotten roots (they should be well visible), then sprinkle with the charcoal powder. Then plant a flower in a pot of smaller size, sprinkle moist soil, slightly compact the soil with your fingers. Three days do not water the plant.Rotting and withering, and yet the leaves still yellow? Feed the plant, perhaps it is experiencing an acute shortage of supply. As top dressing, dissolve in 3 liters of water 1 tablespoon of "Effekton for flowers" or 1 teaspoon of fertilizers Agricole for ornamental plants". Suit and the usual wood ash – 2 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. And with the onset of spring or autumn, prepare more nutritious soil (2 parts loam, and humus and 1 part of river sand and peat) and transplant monstera. You can buy ready ground from a retailer. Yellow spots on leaves can be caused by pests – spider mites or scale insects. Treat monstera special preparations. For example, means "Akhtar" or "Fitoverm" (carefully read the instructions on the packaging).Monstera leaves are yellow, covered with brown spots and fall off when dry and too hot air in the house. Move the plant from the battery, often spray it with cool water and throw a shower in the bathroom. Monstera will be grateful to you.