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- How to change antifreeze on antifreeze A lot of debate is on "what is better antifreeze or antifreeze". Actually, antifreeze is antifreeze domestic production, but with its own characteristics. As part of the imported antifreezeagents and domestic antifreezeand differ, it came into use habit to separate these liquids from each other.
- How to lubricate the motor of an oven When you turn on the fan , the stove can be heard howling, screeching, creaking or crackling. Even it may happen that the wiring is OK, but the fan is still not spinning. How to lubricate and clean the fan of an oven with his own hands?
- How to learn how to drive a girl So historically, in our country the attitude to the woman behind the wheel, to put it mildly, ambiguous. Although it has long been proven that women drive a car is not worse than men, and in some cases better. But in order to achieve mastery, you will have a lot to learn and to get rid of complexes.
- How to check for spark Spark discharge is used in gasoline internal combustion engines. It occurs at the spark plug and ignites the air-petrol mixture in the cylinder. If engine does not start, in most cases, this is due to the malfunction of the high voltage wiring and the disappearance or weakness of sparks.
- What you need for tire To properly organize tire repair shop, you need to calculate how much money you will need to invest in the organization of the workplace and what kind of equipment you want to install.
- How to drive a truck Although cars are the most used in our lives, but in any economic or industrial sector, our attention stops on trucks. Therefore, in these cases, the question arises as to the ability to control the truck.
- How to adjust the throttle position sensor Sensor throttle position opens the damper and transfer the control information to the electronic engine control unit. The sensor is usually installed opposite the lever throttle control. Periodically, the throttle position sensor requires verification and appropriate setting.
- How to check babineaux VAZ Ignition coil (Babina) is an automotive alternator, which is one of the main components of the ignition system of the automobile engine. Babina transforms a sharp decline in voltage from the switch in the high voltage pulse.
- How to check the engine temperature sensor The sensor temperature of the engine is a thermistor, which changes its resistance depending on temperature. It gives information to the electronic device engine to control the supply of fuel and ignition systems. And how to check?
- How to check the springs Severe blows on the body of the axle beam when driving a loaded truck, shortness of traffic control talking about external manifestations of wear or breakage of the rear springs or front suspension. To avoid this, it is necessary to periodically test the springs, and how to do it?
- How to check the sensors VAZ 2110 The owners of car VAZ 2110 must possess information about all major sensors of the vehicle. They provide stable work of the engine. You must also be able to properly check.
- How to make a collapsible stand Collapsible absorbers produce some manufacturers, such as Kayaba, Tokico, and others. The great advantage of a portable stand is a lower cost repair of the unit than just replace it.
- How to do the paperwork on the bike If you decide to buy a motorcycle with it, then you'll need to design it according to the rules. Special attention should be paid to the details. To complicate the design may lack of vehicle documents.
- How to replace the cabin filter on "Chevrolet Lacetti" The cabin filter cleans the air that enters the inside of the machine, so it is recommended to periodically change. On the car "Chevrolet Lacetti" to carry out this operation is easy if you know some of the nuances.
- Why doesn't the generator Generator is a basic device, without which the car will not go far. Its performance is affected by a number of factors. If the generator stopped working, find out the reasons of failure and try to fix it on their own.
- Do I need a medical certificate for inspection When passing inspection until recently, the driver had to give the passport of the owner of the car, his driver's license, insurance policy, medical certificate and receipt of payment of state fees. But in November 2010 the Russian Government adopted a law to clarify the list of documents provided by the passage of checkup, medical help is not on the list.
- How to open the trunk of the Volga Many motorists were trapped in a bad situation, when things are needed urgently, was in the trunk, the lock is suddenly stuck. How to get out of the predicament?
- How to reduce petrol consumption by "Field" One of the most popular SUVs of domestic production is the field. This car is capable to overcome significant obstacles. Pleasantly surprised by its low cost and practicality. However, almost every owner of the Fields interested in the question - how to reduce the consumption of fuel.
- How to remove the stove on the Gazelle The Gazelle is popular among carriers of passengers and small loads due to the relatively low cost, wide range of spare parts and cheap maintenance. A breakdown of Gazelle can be removed independently, including repair the stove or replace.
- How to disassemble the window lifter button Most modern cars are equipped with electric window regulators. This is a very convenient innovation that allows not to be distracted while driving to the opening of the window by mechanical means. However, an electrician very often fails. To fix this window, you need to disassemble the button.
- How to calculate the cost of CASCO Insurance new car against damage and theft (CASCO) is now used almost as often as the CTP. Only here in different insurance companies the cost of this policy varies. For decision-making about the need to insure the car for hull, try to calculate the cost of their insurance on their own.
- How to plug the holes on the body The through - hole from corrosion on the bodywork of the car detracts from the appearance and bring a lot of trouble to the owner. In order to close up these holes without welding, are used most often in two ways. One of them is simple and accessible execution, the other is the reliability and durability.
- How to render 2107 Independent window tinting services of the VAZ-2107 in the home takes a full day. Approximately 1 hour is spent on glass removal, 4-5 hours on the process of tinting 48 hours to dry and 2 hours to install them back.
- How to pay traffic fines via Sberbank Fines – the most common sanction for violations of traffic regulations of the Russian Federation. The amount of the fine goes to the state income through payment through the branches of a credit institution, which is often the savings Bank of the Russian Federation.
- How to connect the radio at home If you have no car, and the car is available, it can be used at home. However, the full power to work she can not. But sound quality will provide quite decent, and all its functions will work not worse than in the car.
- How to change a light bulb on Mazda 6 Lamp replacement is a fairly simple procedure that requires no special knowledge. However, the quality of lighting depends on the security when driving in bad weather and dark hours.
- How to check alternator with multimeter Automobile alternator is used to supply all of the electrical devices of the vehicle after starting the engine. He must always be in good condition because of his work depends on correct charging of the battery. In addition, the generator allows you to connect to the onboard network additionally many different devices. It should regularly monitor its technical condition. To check the generator with a multimeter or on a special stand.
- How to buy a car in Vladivostok Vladivostok - a transit base and the largest in the Russian market of used cars from Japan and Korea. Here you can buy any car or a truck, bus or motorcycle Japanese-Korean production. There are even exotic specimens, quite unknown in our country.
- How to access the Field without a key Thanks to the combination of quality/price, the vehicle is considered to be popular. He also won popularity among the fans to travel on the road. Chevrolet Niva is a four-wheel drive car, that is, all the wheels are leading. It is very convenient in the conditions of bad weather and off-road. There are situations when it is necessary to open the door of the Fields without the use of keys or electronic lock. It happens when you forgot your keys at home or left them in the car.
- How to replace a stove on vases 2107 This files most often about the heater recall at the onset of the autumn-winter period or when experiencing coolant in the car. Malfunction of the heating system always creates an uncomfortable atmosphere in the car and spoil the mood of the driver and passengers. Replacement stove on the car VAZ-2107/2106/2105 the same and is slightly more complicated compared to replacing the stove VAZ-2101/2102.