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  • How to turn on the air conditioner in the car
    Air conditioning is one of the many devices found in most modern cars. However, in hot weather it is particularly important because, by including it, it is possible to provide an acceptable temperature.
  • Why smoke the engine the VAZ
    From the exhaust pipe can be released as vapor and smoke. If the vapor is not terrible, when you smoke diagnose. Smoke can be pure white, white with tint, or even black. And the color indicates a fault in the engine.
  • How to choose a sportbike for a beginner
    A novice motorcyclist in my dreams sees himself as really cool and powerful sportbike that all escorted admiring glances. However, the first motorcycle in his life, this model is unlikely, because they are designed more for experienced riders than beginners. There are certain rules that you start to the beginner in choosing the first in his life motorcycle.
  • What scooter is better suited for girls
    Motorcycle or scooter today have become a real salvation, especially in big cities. This training for you can easily get to the other end of the city, without spending money on taxis and not pushing on the bus or subway.
  • At what prices sold mopeds
    Scooters and mopeds – one of the most popular summer modes of transport for young people. The cost of this technique depends on the power, engine capacity, size and manufacturer.
  • How to view a recording from the DVR
    Modern equipment designed in every way to make life easier for the person. Does not shy away from progress, and motorists. In recent years, gadgets have become an integral part of the process of driving. Radar detectors, navigation devices, DVRs - those things that underpin modern drivers, considering these accessories are very necessary. But it's also important just to know where to buy but to know how to use any kind of electronics.
  • How does the valet button
    All motorists care about your car. And not only about the appearance and technical condition, but also about protection. This is very important because the problem of theft of vehicles is relevant in the world. But surveillance systems have the ability to break down, required emergency shut-off, and sometimes service.
  • How to hide the wires from the DVR
    When you install the DVR drivers are often faced with the same problem as hanging and covering the review wire. How to hide the wire and to eliminate this embarrassing moment?
  • In which year stopped producing the Lada-"penny"
    The first "Zhiguli" car, affectionately and aptly nicknamed by the people "penny", was released in 1970. It was produced for only 14 years, but during that time managed to catch the fancy of enough citizens that in 2000, according to surveys of automobile magazine "Behind the wheel" was recognized as the best Russian car of the twentieth century.
  • How to check ignition module VAZ 2110
    Faulty ignition module can fail at the most inopportune moment. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting will take about an hour, but it will allow us to react to development problems.
  • Moped or scooter - what to choose
    Scooter and moped are two wheeled vehicles that has gained popularity due to the ease of use, efficiency and mobility. But if you have to choose how to determine which is better — a moped or scooter?
  • How to buy a tractor
    If you decide to become a farmer or you have owned a large plot of land, it is best to process it to buy a tractor. The first is to determine what tractor you need.
  • How to work car battery
    The battery is an integral part of the car. It has three main functions. First of all, the engine is started. Also need a battery to power some electric devices, such as alarm, when the engine is off. When the load on the generator is big and it can not cope, then this load is divided into the battery.
  • How to sew covers for car seats
    Car cover is not just decoration but also useful. They stand a bit to fix the shape of the seats, lousy covers special rollers. Covering awnings can be made of natural or synthetic fabrics. You can choose velvet, tapestry, leather or artificial leather, faux fur or plush. So, how to choose fabric and how to manufacture the seat covers with my hands.
  • How to make a car in the property
    Buying a car is associated with the registration of a large number of documents and it does not matter what it is – your car: new or used. In any case, you as the buyer will have to understand some of the nuances that come with contract of sale of the car.
  • Lada Kalina: characteristics and features
    Lada Kalina is a popular model of domestic production, which in 2013 experienced a change of generations. The car has a good technical characteristics, as well as a number of features.
  • How to learn the exam on traffic rules
    To learn the exam rules of the road - a simple task if approached correctly. Without knowing the answers you do not solve the theoretical part of the exam, the traffic police and to write them will fail.
  • What you need to get right.
    With the introduction of the new category replacing the old category E has changed the form of training and exams for operators of the respective vehicles. To obtain the E required documents and experience of driving car not less than a year.
  • How to get psychiatrist to a driving school
    For non-resident consisting on the account in a psychoneurological clinic, there are difficulties in passing the psychiatrist in the driver's commissions. Living in another city has the opportunity to obtain the necessary help remotely.
  • How to choose a 50 CC moped
    Lately become very popular to use varieties of two wheelers such as mopeds, scooters and motorcycles. In a big city that would be a relief and will help to save time.
  • How to assemble rear hub Bicycle
    Bush is one of the most important components of any model of bike. The quality of this element determines the efficiency of transport, which is important for the cyclist that spends at driving their own strength. Thus the front sleeve has a simpler design than the rear, as that has to withstand heavy loads. Therefore, the repair of the rear hub more often.
  • Why is the engine "eats" oil
    Motor oil in a car engine performs several important functions. Coating moving engine parts with a protective film, it greatly reduces friction and wear, protects the units from corrosion, dirt and harmful deposits.
  • How to choose a car refrigerator
    Lovers to travel by car very often arises the problem of preservation of products. It can be solved with the help of a refrigerator, due to which you do not have to spend money for food at a roadside cafe. To choose the right refrigerator for your car, you must consider a few highlights.
  • As to the clutch
    The clutch of the car is designed for smooth joining of the gearbox to the engine, in other words, it allows you to associate the movement of the wheels with the engine speed. The clutch pedal reduces the friction and allows you to smoothly connect the engine flywheel to the shaft of the transmission to start moving or to carry out switching of speed. To achieve a smooth start of motion from place can only be correctly squeeze the clutch.
  • How to open a new driving license at the driving school
    Opening new categories in the driving license is the ability to legally drive another vehicle. Each category grants the right to control a certain type of vehicles.
  • How to check vehicle sensors
    Modern fuel injected engine is controlled by many sensors. But the electronic system, engine control may not always be the cause of his failure. So, before you inspect the condition of the sensors, verify the health of the rest of the parts and components of the power unit. The only fact that points directly to the fault of any sensoris lit-up on the instrument panel Check Engine lamp.
  • How to sell used/rubber
    If the car owner change his car tires, not bringing it to full wear, old tires better not throw away and sell. It is not only profitable, but also environmentally friendly. Sell b/a tires you can at the reception or via the Internet.
  • How to adjust the ignition with a strobe
    Correctly adjusted ignition timing – the key to sustained engine operation and the minimum operational fuel consumption. Use an optical method and adjust the motor of your car with a strobe.
  • How to transport cars from Germany
    From Germany are now carrying quite a lot of cars – because German manufacturers are always on top, and because it's relatively close, and because of the traditional German pedantry and of care. in relation to its products, which makes such transportation is quite beneficial.
  • How to repair the torpedo
    Torpedo in the car is called the front part inside the car that contains the dashboard, a stove and some regulators. To get it repaired, you must first remove it.