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  • How to connect the unit to 24 volts
    24-volt onboard power supplies is found in buses, trucks and other large vehicles. This creates difficulties when you install them in car stereos and other electromagnetic, are powered with voltage 12 V.
  • You need to change the permissions
    Driver's license have a limited period of validity – 10 years from the date of receipt. Then they need to change, although there are times when it must be done earlier, for example, by changing the names. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how the process of exchange of driver's license.
  • When you need to change the clutch
    To drive a car with a faulty clutchm is not recommended, because it can lead to very unpleasant consequences. To increase your chances of getting into a car accident, change grip in time.
  • How to obtain a medical certificate from the driver
    According to the Ministry of Health and Social development of the Russian Federation No. 831 dated 28.09.10. all drivers, receiving or exchanging a driver's license, must present to the police a medical certificate of the new sample. Certificate by passing the technical inspection is not necessary.
  • How to adjust the carburetor in eye
    After prolonged operation of the vehicle, many parts wear out. With them quality suffers the carband then at idle it may stall. This means that it's time to adjust.
  • How to determine the rate of the transport tax
    In the case of a sale or purchase of a vehicle, the question arises about the correct calculation of the rate of the transport tax, determined in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 362 of the tax code listed in column 9 of section 2 of the tax Declaration on transport tax.
  • Why the fan does not work
    Fan, like any other electrical device, may suddenly stop spinning. Particularly annoying is if it happens in hot weather. Why staying a fan?
  • How to draw a car for two
    Buying a car – it is quite troublesome. Families are often faced with the burning question – how to make a car for two? It is often on such a major purchase is spent honestly acquired by joint labour and Finance. As a result, you may experience quarrels and disagreements.
  • How to check for faulty ignition coil
    Coil ignition is one of the most important and reliable elements of the system ignition. It is rarely the culprit for malfunctions, so check its serviceability you need at the last moment.
  • How to check the fuel level sensor
    When you reduce the amount of fuel in the tank the float sensor moves down and the contact of the variable resistor, changing its resistance. The voltage at the input of the pointer of level of fuel also changes and causes fluctuations of the instrument pointer.
  • How to determine the wear of the clutch
    The clutch is one of the most "loaded" vehicle systems and, therefore, there comes a time when begin to appear the problems with the shifting. According to many motorists with great experience, it is not necessary to postpone their decision indefinitely.
  • How to check whether the generator
    A modern car is immobilized without a working generator. Drive to the garage or service does not always work. The conclusion: avoid breakage of the generator. The generator is quite reliable and rarely goes down.
  • How to drive a car in Ukraine from Germany
    Long-known the fact that best vehicle to buy in Germany. This country offers a huge selection of pre-owned in good condition, because exploitation took place in favorable conditions and on perfect roads. In addition, the quality of fuel in Europe is much superior fuel quality of domestic production.
  • How to repair a crack on the glass
    Any damages on the car Windows not only spoil the appearance of the machine, but also reduces the traffic safety. Any crack on glass you can try to fix, so do not rush immediately to go to the store for new glass.
  • How to determine tire size
    The issue of buying new tires for the car sometimes baffled beginners. Criteria for the selection of tires for car lot: winter or summer tires, tread pattern, manufacturer, and most importantly – the size of tyrerequired for your specific vehicle.
  • How to remove a scratch on the bumper
    The scratches on the car, especially on the bumper - a phenomenon quite frequent and unpleasant for every motorist. And of course, every car owner tries as quickly as possible from those scratches to get rid of. The only difficulty is that the bumper is usually the part, made of plastic material, and means to fix the damage more difficult.
  • How to paint a scooter
    It's nice to dissect the expanse of the city, to feel freedom and independence, to soar above all the fuss, over all the surrounding problems and troubles - that's what gets the owner of the scooter. In an urban environment is very hard to keep his horse, as new, will always be scratches, scuffs, chips. But you can fix it yourself.
  • How to set radio
    To the words of the classics "And what Russian does not love fast driving?" I want to add: accompanied by impeccable sound to your favorite music reproduced well tuned car.
  • What doctors need to pass to obtain a driving license
    Before you start training in a driving school, every prospective driver must pass a medical examination consisting of several doctors. The survey results and analysis you will either admit to the school or refuse it.
  • How to check ignition coil on the "Prior"
    Ignition coil is one of the most important technical components of car. Serviceable ignition coil – the key to the smooth operation of the engine of the vehicle.
  • How to check traffic fines in Izhevsk
    The presence of unpaid fines for any traffic violation can significantly complicate the life of the car owner. So pay them better in time. As a resident of Izhevsk to know, whether after him for unpaid traffic fines?
  • How to remove air lock in the cooling system
    To resolve the problem in the old car just enough to put his nose up. When working with modern cars need to depressurize the coolant system by loosening the inlet fitting on the cooler, providing the output of the antifreeze along with the air.
  • Why doesn't the alarm keychain
    Any electronic device once breaks down, and the harder it is, the more wider the range of reasons that can be the cause of failure. Alarm keychain - just one of these devices.
  • How to obtain transit insurance
    Transit insurance – short-term contract of third party liability insurance. The policy in this case is issued a maximum of 20 days, and at the expiration of this period must be replaced. In the period of its validity in transit insurance provides the vehicle owner the same conditions, which implies a common policy.
  • How to choose the model Fields
    The vehicle can rightfully be called the first Soviet SUV. Having gone through several restylings, it has preserved its main advantage is excellent maneuverability even in the most difficult weather conditions. Therefore, still many motorists prefer a "Russian jeep" fancy foreign cars.
  • How to choose a scooter?
    Scooter great for getting around the city. This vehicle can quickly get in the right place, avoiding the traffic jams. In addition, the scooter combines a reasonable price the price of the equipment, components, and repair. In addition to this trip it will be more economical for your wallet than in the car. So, how to choose a scooter to buy a reliable device for long term.
  • How to start uphill
    Starting in a hill – difficult to master skill for the novice driver. But after a series of practical exercises on the racetrack mastered quickly. Home – mindfulness during exercise and coordination.
  • What documents are required while for registration
    Each car needs to be put on the account in traffic police at the place of registration of the vehicle owner. This procedure is carried out registration of the Inspectorate. In their functions, including includes: to change credentials, deregistration, issuing of transit signs, certificates and duplicates of the lost documents.
  • How to choose a driving instructor
    The right choice of a competent carof the instructor – the key to your safe driving. If school choice is limited to a few teachers who lead your group, after training, you can take any. But only this choice will be restricted to certain criteria.
  • How to adjust disc brakes
    The brake system of a motor vehicle allows to reduce the vehicle speed or run the stop. This system involves the brake mechanism and actuator. An important part of brake - disc brake. Properly adjusted there will be these mechanisms depends on the braking system of the vehicle.