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- How to change the fuse The fuses in the car are used to protect the junction block (fuse block) from overheating and fire network. Each fuse has its maximum discharge current. When passing through the power circuit current is exceeded, the conductor in the fuse is burned. Therefore, it is necessary to replace it.
- How to get international driving license For any driver who had gathered on a trip or a business trip outside the Russian Federation and planning to drive there by car, often acutely raises the question about obtaining an international driving license.
- How to paint rims Often it happens that in the garage lies a set of disks, not bent, but apparently not in a very good condition. Such discs and throw a pity and the place they occupy. The most appearance of the discs deteriorates in winter due to spilled reagents on the roads from the ice. To buy a new set sometimes expensive, but to go to "battered" – it is ugly. Is one way to bring the discs in a suitable presentation is to paint them, it's cheaper and able to give originality to your car.
- How to change the radio Everything in our world is changing and improving. And radio will eventually become perfect and ergonomic. A few years ago to buy a radio with good sound quality was laid waste, now from a variety of shops of audio dazzled. Here you got a modern radio, but how to change it, because the old one was installed at the dealership during the purchase of the machine. This procedure is not so difficult to go to the professionals, it is quite possible to cope in the garage.
- How to change wipers Car wipers must meet certain requirements: to ensure uniform pressing, elasticity and frost resistance. Sooner or later the wipers are deteriorating and require replacement. To do this you need a minimum of tools and knowledge.
- How to make a bumper Modern cars are constantly improving with the help of plastic kits, called aerocity or bodytite. Many companies and tuning company made bumper an unusual shape, but their products are quite expensive. But you can make the bumper yourself.
- How to put the car on accounting in traffic police After buying the car it is necessary within a month to put on accounting in traffic policein order to obtain state registration plates, certificate of registration and the mark in the title. Consider the order of actions of the owner in setting the vehicle on the account.
- How to cover with film If you want to transform your car to make it unique and not similar to the "grey" most other machines don't have to spend huge amounts of money, without the help of Studio tuning. You can restrict the styling to fit the entire body of a car or its separate parts with vinyl tape. This operation no special skills are requires, and the equipment to do this, no special are required. The most common are matte black and imitating carbon film.
- How to get a driver's license Buying a car, every car enthusiast should know that in order to use it in the first place, must obtain a driving license for the right to control his vehicle. In Russia there are 4 categories of rights: category "A" gives the right to drive motorcycles and mopeds to persons who have reached 16-year age; category "B" – gives you the right to drive a vehicle with no more than 8 seats (excluding the driver) persons who have reached 18-year age; category "C" entitles to drive a vehicle with more than 8 seats (excluding the driver), buses and trams persons who have reached 18-year age; category "E" – gives you the right to drive a car with a trailer.
- How to disassemble the rear view mirror Venturing into the tuning of your car, the car owner begins, as a rule, to make changes in the design of the machine. Modernization in the first place being all that catches the eye. And when you look at the car in front, it is impossible not to pay attention to the side mirror rear view.
- How to change a driver's license To control the car, each person must have driving license of the corresponding category. Sometimes there comes a time to change it. The reasons for this can be: expired (10 years), change of name, external quality, etc. And then the question immediately arises: how to change a driver's license right?
- How to remove a dent on a car All sorts of accidents (traffic accidents, bullies, playing with the ball kids, etc.) can cause which on your beloved car can receive damage in the form of dents on the body, which is very unpleasant. Typically, body work car repair masters is expensive, not everyone is afford. Therefore, in order to save on the services of specialists, it is possible to try to get rid of the dents is quite simple, effective and proven method.
- How to change a tire On the road anything can happen, but the most common problem of different brands of cars is the tire wheel. In the car should always be provided for the spare wheel. The process of replacing the wheels especially light weight for quick replacement, as there are situations where a longer stop on this stretch of road is prohibited.
- How to glue the bumper What troubles lie in wait for drivers while driving on the roads. Statistics show that most emergencies happen during traffic congestion on city streets. The most common accidents in such circumstances are collision vehicles, which often leads to damage to the bumpers on the cars.
- How to turn on the turn signals Traffic rules require the inclusion of the turn signal or turn signal " in some cases, non-compliance with these requirements is considered not only as a traffic violation, but can lead to serious road accidents.
- How to restore driver's license Driver"s license, or so-called "driver's license" is the document confirming the right to drive a vehicle. The loss of this identity, the driver is deprived of legal grounds for driving.
- How to remove headrest During execution the tuning of salon of the car, associated with replacement covers for the seats, you need to remove their headrests. It would seem, what could be easier? But this procedure has led to confusion for many car owners of domestic cars.
- How to raise the density in the battery It so happens that the day idle, car not to start, not spinning the starter. The battery is discharged per day, despite the fact that it charge from the mains for a long time. The diagnosis is simple - dropped the density of the electrolyte in the battery. During prolonged overcharging the electrolyte boils and evaporates, its volume decreases. On the advice of the manufacturers top up the battery with distilled water, but few who are thus measures the density. And since not one boils water and also electrolyte, its density decreases. It's time to increase the density.
- How to update the maps in Pathfinder Almost all devices can "reflash" in the "manual mode", i.e. with releases recorded on CDs, memory cards or through the Internet. Updating maps can be done independently or in specialized services, depending on the confidence in their abilities.
- How to make an acoustic shelf Few people are satisfied with the sound quality in the car. Sometimes one gets the impression that it all goes in the trunk, leaving only the cabin noise. This is especially noticeable on budget cars with a hatchback body, but the sedans often suffer from this disease. The only way out of this situation is to install an acoustic shelf. But to buy ready-made expensive handmade after all, and sometimes need impossible to find – there is a suitable for your model car or not satisfied with the design. There is a way to make the shelf yourself.
- How to disassemble battery Disassembling the battery in the "Soviet" batteries so you can replace a failed one or a few cans, but modern batteries such interference does not imply. If you still hope to exploit the battery in the future, work out in advance a defective battery, but then its use is very doubtful.
- How to start the car without the battery Car battery, like any other rechargeable portable source of energy without replenishment after a certain time loses the accumulated electric power. In other words, without recharging the accumulator "sits down". Usually this is not the way, when it is necessary by any means to start the car.
- How to remove alarm Modern technologies allow to protect your car as possible. Car alarm of the latest generation have a high degree of protection from read codes, all the necessary functions for ease of use. To put this alarm on any machine, after dismantling the old security system.
- How to build a wheel Support specified by the manufacturer uniform tire pressure of the car helps to save fuel consumption, but also provides the conditions of operating mileage of the tire, guaranteed by the manufacturer. In addition, this is also a very important factor, ensure the safety of driving.
- How to start the car with a gun About the virtues of a car with automaticMATIC transmission, you can talk forever, but when it comes to the battery is dead, its advantages over other cars seem to just fade into the background. To start a car with automatic transmission you need to know some details, not to break their "favorite".
- How to check the ignition module A diagnostic module ignition engines with modern electronic injection, can be carried out simply and quickly, if you have at least some knowledge of the basic concepts in electrical engineering and possess the reading skills of the lightest electric circuits. This device is responsible for all the basics of engine operation and malfunction of the ignition where you are unlikely to permanently leave.
- How to connect the steering wheel and pedals to the computer The modern computer allows you to connect to yourself quite a lot of different devices, some of which turn into game center. Of course, plenty of joysticks, gamepads and other gaming devices will make your computer a favorite spot of children and sometimes adults.
- How to check the engine The problem is to find the engine number stands in front of motorists in several cases: cars sold abroad, the inspector requires to find the number on the engine to verify it with documents, when you check the car for cleanliness when buying. The engine number is listed in the documents, so you need to know where and how to look for it on the engine itself.
- How to watch the penalties in the traffic police To date, the unpaid fines to the traffic police may lead you to very unpleasant consequences: First, if you are stopped by the police, and you have outstanding fines, unpaid over 30 days, then you can be prosecuted under article 20.25 of the administrative code. Second, information about unpaid fines that are sent to the court bailiffs service, will lead to a ban on all registration, vehicle inspection, and of course, travel abroad, because to look for you because of the small amounts bailiffs laziness. It is easier to seize, you resorted to it yourself.
- How to change the pump in a vase Water pump engine cooling system of the car, drivers are often called short word - pump. The service life of this equipment is designed for its operation, subject to the conditions of the manufacturer, to 160 thousand kilometers.