The essence of care. Guardian appointed for children up to the age of fourteen years, and also incapacitated people because of their mental disorder. The essence of guardianship is that the guardian is almost completely involved in the care, treatment, education, training, and maintenance of the child or person with a mental disorder, the duty of the guardian to include a joint living with the ward. In this ward retains his surname, name and patronymic. Typically, a guardian is appointed only one person, every month he allocated funds for the maintenance of the ward. The guardian is obliged to account for the money spent, as they all belong to the ward, and must be spent solely on him. Contacts between wards and relatives are not prohibited.
Requirements for the guardian. The guardian must be an adult and give consent to this role. In addition, it should not be a criminal record for causing harm to life and health. As a rule, as a guardian appointed by the relatives of the ward, if there are none, then the guardianship and curatorship themselves appointed guardian. To ensure that the guardian does not abuse his powers, the law set certain limits, for example, the guardian does not have the right to take actions with the property of the ward (sale, lease); a guardian has no right to dispose of the funds allocated to a ward, for their own purposes, so once a year he reports to the guardianship of their activities.
Persons who are not eligible to be guardians. In the role of guardians there may be older people (over 60 years); persons who are deprived of parental rights; persons previously removed from the custody; people suffering from serious diseases (tuberculosis, oncological diseases, mental disorders, heart diseases and so on); alcoholics and drug addicts; former adoptive parents, through whose fault the adoption was canceled.
Termination of guardianship. When the child reaches fourteen years of age, the guardianship shall be terminated and replaced by guardianship. If this mentally ill person, the guardianship is terminated by court order. In addition, if the guardian does not fulfill all requirements placed on him, he loses his status. Also the guardian can give up his role, in this case, the court will appoint a new one.
As such, guardianship does not imply profit, and earnings, as a form of social assistance to incapacitated. To obtain payment for care on the ward should arrange a foster family (for minors). This form of care for minors involves monthly payments for maternal labor is calculated based on the level of the minimum wage in the region. When making instead of guardianship of a foster parent family are employed, shall be paid at the same time and child support. There are also plan programs for guardianship of the disabled. In this case, non-working guardian has the right to receive wages for caring about the ward, the guardian is experience and a record is made in the workbook.