To make changes should be the basis, which are governed by the Labour code. The reason may be the following reasons: the deletion of posts or units in connection with the reorganization; the introduction of new positions with the expansion of production or increase in services; a reduction in units in the state by reason of the drawdown of the enterprise; change of salaries; the renaming of positions, departments or enterprises.
Now in the current labour legislation there are no special restrictions on changes to staffing. The administration has the right to make them as needed. The change in staffing is made in two ways: publication of a local act (the order) or statement. Method selects the head.
First, we need to order necessary amendments, taking into account the requirements of article 74 of the LC RF. The header of an order can be: "On introduction of changes in staffing" or "About partial change of the regular schedule".
If we are talking about specific personnel, they must obtain written consent (personal statement) with the proposed change, then the administration makes an additional order on making specific changes. Or is issued the changed schedule and approved by the Director.
If changes are significant, the development of new staffing. If the changes are minor, they are made in already existing document, changing only the content of the corresponding graph (e.g., salary).
The employer may have one schedule for all activities of the organization and only orders you to adjust the number of posts, departments or changes in salaries.
At the request of the employee, in accordance with article 62 of TK of the Russian Federation, can get a statement from the staffing table. It should be reflected information about the position and benefits. Remember that according to article 88 of the labour code, the salaries of other employees in the statement are not specified.
How to make changes in staffing? Sooner or later, any personnel faced with a change in the information contained in the staffing table. Don't forget that the changes and additions made in the prescribed manner in the staffing table of the organization, are communicated to employees, then in their work book on the basis of the order (instruction) or any decision the employer makes the appropriate changes and additions.
Useful advice
As this document is approved by order of head of the organization or other authorized representative, and change it also records the order of the authorized person. Please note: the date of issuance of the order on changes in the staffing structure and effective date of such changes is usually not the same.