Filling out an expense report starts from the front side. Fill in the top line the name of your organization. Specify the date of this report, this number should not be specified, this field will be filled in by the accountant. Below, specify the unit to which you belong, the name and initials, as well as the position. Enter the purpose of the advance, for example, "Travel expenses", "business needs" etc.
In the left column indicate the rest-of-pocket funds that you had to get a new advance (or overrun, if it was). Below, specify the amount (or amounts if they were obtained via cash and via Bank), obtained under the report. Fill in the total row can be received, putting the total amount that you received sub-report.
After filling in the advance report with the reverse side. List all documents that you are going to confirm all the expenses and fill in for each document in columns one through six.
Enter the sequence number of the document. Specify the date and the number indicated on the document itself. Enter the name of the document (e.g., commodity or the cash voucher, receipt etc.). Enter the amount (in LCY or foreign currency) as stated in the document. Add up all the amounts and record the result on the "total" line. Put down your signature and its transcript.
Then again go back to the filling the front side. Enter in a line "Spent" the amount you indicated in "total" on the reverse side. Enter the remaining amount (or cost overruns), which was left to you. Below enter the number of documents attached to the expense report and specify the total number of pages of these documents.
All other lines you do not fill, they will fill the accountant and cashier (if you return the balance in cash).
After you pass the report to the accounting Department, the accountant is obliged to issue you a receipt, which must be maintained. With this receipt you can always confirm that reported for issued you funds in case there's any misunderstanding.