Determine whether you qualify to work in the Prosecutor's office. Collect documents such as certificates of no criminal record and mental illness, copy of passport confirming Russian citizenship. For the military Prosecutor's office of compulsory military service or military Department.
Please contact the personnel Department of the Prosecutor's office, which would like to work. Be prepared for the interview and tests of psychological and knowledge of the Criminal code. If you pass all the tests you will take in the reserves that are put on a waiting list until space becomes available.
While you are in reserve or are in the production practice, you can get to the Prosecutor's office volunteer assistant. It is a daily work on a Pro Bono basis (i.e. without pay) with the implementation of various orders. After some time you can ask your supervisor about the written petition for you with the purpose of adoption in the state.
Useful advice
Students of state legal institutions and the institution of the prosecution, who studied on budgetary branch, can after graduation to get into the Prosecutor's office for distribution when the University signed a contract (this can be found in the Dean's office).