You will need
  • - expert advice on fitness;
  • - exercises with a barbell;
  • - high protein diet;
  • - drink plenty of liquids;
  • - rest between workouts.
Before you start training, determine your body type. Each of them requires a slightly different approach, both in food and in the classroom. Although, of course, the basic principles of muscle gain are the same.
Do not attempt to draw up a training program yourself. So that the muscles grow quickly, you need a competent approach to the organization of loads. It is better to spend a little money on the professional advice of a fitness instructor, than to waste time and money on useless classes.
Three times a week, work out in the gym. Strength training is necessary for both men and women. It is training with a weight cause muscle growth.
Do not attempt to lift weights in isolation. It will take you too much time. Train the biggest muscle groups: a wide back, chest?, biceps, glutes, abs, quads. They form a beautiful athletic silhouette.
Work with free weights. Exercises with a barbell allow you to simultaneously involve all major muscle groups. In addition, they are forced to work the growth hormone. This will reduce the time of training.
Be sure to include in your workout deadlift, bench press bar from chest and squats. These exercises cause maximum muscle growth and are called basic.
Perform basic exercises under the supervision of a partner or instructor, at least at first. Their efficiency is very high, but depends on proper technique.
Don't forget that for active growth, the muscles need to relax. The more intense the load, the longer should be the rest. Make sure to do stretching exercises. They increase the force component by 19%.
Try to increase the load by increasing the weight of the projectile, and not by the number of repetitions or reduce the breaks between sets.
Drink more water. Muscles are made of it by 80%, so dehydration leads to loss of muscle mass. Not accidentally, the process of reduction of muscles called "drying".
Your muscles need protein for growth. The best source of protein are meat and fish. If you have problems with excess weight, give preference to Turkey meat. It has less total fat and protein, almost 50% of the total weight. The most useful of grains – buckwheat.