If you decide to use the first option, go to the Federal Migration service. In Kemerovo they are in Kirov, Mine, Central, Leninsk and Factory areas. There are also offices, issuing passports not only to those who constantly registered in the city, but the inhabitants of the region. They are located in the streets Nogradskaya, 10 and 32, Kuzbass, 18, Ostrovskogo, Dom 13. All additional information and contact numbers can be found on the website or numbers: +7 (3842) 34-88-84, +7 (3842) 75-88-00.
Bring a set of the documents necessary for registration of the passport for trips abroad. It includes: - valid Russian passport;- receipt of what was paid the state fee;- photo - biometric passport - two, for the usual three. Color or black and white - doesn't matter. The main thing - the matte paper and the image in an oval with a feather. The passport of the new sample taken with a special apparatus when submitting documents in Management of Federal Migratory service;- military ticket or certificate from the recruiting office. At registration of the passport of men from eighteen to twenty-seven years;- for employees in the army of the Russian Federation - resolution of the command, issued in the prescribed manner;- the old passport, if its validity has not expired.With all documents clear photocopies and bring them with you.
To send the documents for registration of passports through the Internet, register on the portal Write a real email and a valid cell phone number. They'll send a password and instructions to activate your account. To complete registration, enter a special code. You will get a letter that will come to a permanent registered address. Print it in a special window on the website, and you open access to all options.
You will be called to the Federal Migration service about a month after sending the questionnaire via the portal During this time, the data will be tested and will be made a new document. After you present the employee of the Department issuing passports originals of securities and cuddly, will have more time to come to FMS in three to seven days. A passport will issue completely and give you.