Do not be trivial. The banality of the name – a sure way to drive people away from visiting any place, be it even a super-fantastic-magnificent. So make sure you have a dozen of the most banal names for the Park, which already exist or can exist, and then forget about them. You will need them. For example, we can hardly call Park "Park of culture and rest" or "green Park".
Don't call the Park a name of a famous figure in politics, science or the arts. For example, the name "Park of a name of Pushkin" is in itself self-sufficient, but just remember how much your and other cities have places named after Alexander? If you want to immortalize someone's name, it is better to choose someone not so widely known, especially that you don't have to go through a huge number of instances to obtain the right to use the famous name. Therefore, it is best in this situation to choose the name of someone who lived and worked in a place where there is a Park that you want to call it. The country must know its heroes, and not just the elite!
Select the title in accordance with the location of the Park. It will help people who want to visit it, it is easier to navigate. So you can choose the name of the district in which the Park is located, or the nearest street. However, this method will be effective only if the settlement is large enough in small areas where Park can be only one, it makes no sense to specify in the title the location.
Name the Park so that its name displays in it sites, if available. This corresponds with step 2, if the Park has a monument to someone, then it makes sense to name it in honor of the same person or group of people.