So, to find the person by name and surnames, known to you, go first to the sites most popular social networks. Most people registered at least in one of them and knowing personal information, or at least the city of residence, you will be able to find the right person. Sometimes, of course, the coincidence is too much. For example, in Tashkent can live more than a hundred people with the same first and last name, so you have to specify any more data.
See person is a little easier. To do this, contact Microsoft customer service "Wait for me" in Uzbekistan. Remember that the search is possible if the person was in fact registered in Uzbekistan, and not just lived there. Tell the agent you known personal details, including residential address. Well, if you can provide any additional information: date of birth, place of study, name of parents/children and so on. All this will facilitate and speed up the search. Such services do not take note of the phone number searched, as the information about the owner is not legal.
However, if you only know a phone number, the search is still possible. So, to find person by phone number, search the Internet, open the phone database, which allow you to define the owner in any region and any country, including Uzbekistan. Be careful not to be deceived. Such information is not fully legal, so the search services sometimes require any fees for services. Make sure that the search does work, and only then pay. Also try to use the various services of search of people in Uzbekistanthat exist on the Internet. Perhaps the man you seek, has already made known about himself and is also looking for you. The main thing – do not be discouraged, because nothing is impossible.