If you possessed a dream of water, have good health and a dream of becoming a sailor, enough to pass an annual course at the sea school. The more serious the specialty of a naval officer purchased in a special nautical schools. Official sailors, military units, appeared in the 17th century with the creation of the Russian Navy, a special role in the history of which, no doubt, was given to the marine corps.
Interestingly, the first Marines appeared in the times of Peter the great, who ordered to establish on the basis of the Baltic fleet, the first such regiment.


Marines - one of the most important and elite troops of the Navy, require serious military preparation and sagastume in special operations associated with the water element and Maritime borders of the state. Marines - a kind of universal soldiers, especially the service which dictate the need to perform a variety of tasks, ranging from participation in the sea battles and capture enemy ships by boarding, finishing by dropping from the air to perform special operations on land.

Their field of action expanded over time from simple guard duty on the border of the country to the special operations associated with long intersections of the spaces and elimination of antilanding defenses. Not alone the fighting can not do without the participation of Marines, these troops were involved in the Russian-Turkish battles, won many victories in the war with France, during the great Patriotic war, the Marines participated in operations related to the defense of Leningrad and Stalingrad, fought for Murmansk and Odessa, reached Berlin, and continued on his way as the liberators of many European countries.

Unfortunately, the story of the Marines in the Soviet Union cut off: this unit has been restored as existing only in 1960.
Marines now serving in the composition of all units of the Russian fleet, equipped with the most modern weapons, have at their disposal a special equipment and ultra-modern installation.


The concept of the sailor more widely than marine. The sailors – all those people who work or serve (the watch) on sea vessels. And it's funny, but not necessarily a seafarer to go to sea, just enough to be a member of the crew or to serve as support staff.

Usually sailors called navigators, pilots, captains or sailors ships. Seafarers are those who combat duty in military courts, and those who carry out transportation on the sea.

A more precise notion - in the Navy - those people who are active duty or are under contract to the military courts. They are not meant to carry out special operations and participating in military action only as part of combined arms Navy.