You will need
  • - a means for washing of glasses;
  • - microfiber;
  • - suede;
  • - vinegar;
  • - Mel;
  • - a dry rag or newspaper.
Special care for the frosted glass is to correctly dry, completely removing moisture. To wash the dirt should be a normal detergent for Windows. For serious dirt, you can also use ammonia. He is a very strong smell, so open the window and make sure there were no children. Despite its pungent smell, this tool is loved by many Housewives, because it allows to cope with any stains and leaves no residue on the matte surface.
Regular care of the frosted glass allows to do without the use of ammonia. To do this, use a special cloth of microfiber material. You can clean the glass with a dry microfiber cloth, you can wet the result in either case is excellent. It removes the moisture and leaves no residue. After cleaning the microfiber needs to be washed, after which it can be reused as new. The material is very durable, enough for such a cloth for a long time, and it is inexpensive.
A good method for cleaning frosted glass is to use composition based on chalk. Dissolve in a glass of water besides the bed of finely crumbled chalk. Then with a cloth dipped in this solution, both sides wipe the glass. Once the composition has dried, crumpled newsprint, remove the rest. Instead of newspaper use a dry cloth.
For frosted glass fits very well wash vinegar solution. Dilute it in hot water. Dampen a cloth in the resulting structure, and use it to wipe the glass. Then go over the cleaned surface with a dry microfiber.
To frosted glass looked like new, they are useful from time to time wipe with a chamois. In principle, fit any nappy and a fairly hard surface.