Intending to write a report on the practice, remember that it consists of several clearly separated parts. This is the introduction, main part, conclusion (conclusions), and a Glossary. In the introduction, the focus should be on why this organization went student, I received education and how this company successfully in the market. It also includes the time of internship, working student hours and in what time period for the student and the company have practice.
Write the main part with the idea that she has details to tell your teacher how much practice was useful to you. Here specify the structure (Department, division, etc.) where you interned. Describe it: how many people are in it, what are their objectives and how efficiently it works in the total array of the company. Also here you have to describe your contribution to the work of this structure. Themselves and rate their productivity and efficiency. Indicate in the report the responsibilities that you have entrusted. And to do so in sufficient detail. And of course you should definitely indicate the successes you have achieved (if any).
In conclusion, write their conclusions about the practice. For example, how well in relation to their profession you chose the organization, which Intern. Also here you have to share your conclusions about the state of the industry in General and what can help it the development of today's graduates. In some cases the students can write in the final part of his report and proposals on optimization of work of the enterprise in which he conducted practice.
In the Glossary you need to give a transcript of certain terms used in the working slang of the company where you interned, and you included in your report. It is necessary that your head of school could understand what was going on in one way or another the situation you described.