Many students are not serious to the design and conduct of diary of practice, and then have a number of problems and questions from teachers on internship. As a rule, such problems are solved easily and in a short time, but it is better when the diary will be filled immediately while fresh in your memory the results of this work. Moreover, to fill in the diary at the practice will not take you a lot of time and effort.

Standard practice report consists of two parts: General information about the student and the assignment for practice. In addition to the diary of practice attached opinion from the company about the student which is signed by the head of the practice.
In the diary section "General information" don't forget to specify your data:
1. Surname, Name, Patronymic.
2. Name of the faculty, specialty, group
3. Name of the company, which is practice.
In the diary section "General information" don't forget to specify your data:
1. Surname, Name, Patronymic.
2. Name of the faculty, specialty, group
3. Name of the company, which is practice.

4. The name of the head of the practice assigned to your business.
5. Surname and initials of the responsible for the practice in the Department of your school.
6. Term of performance practice according to the curriculum.
7. Data on the adoption of the practice by date (if the practice is appointed in another city, then indicate the date of departure from the educational institution and date of arrival at the place of practice).
8. The graph on the appointment of Intern to the position (to be determined by the place of practice, taking account of the capabilities of a particular enterprise).
5. Surname and initials of the responsible for the practice in the Department of your school.
6. Term of performance practice according to the curriculum.
7. Data on the adoption of the practice by date (if the practice is appointed in another city, then indicate the date of departure from the educational institution and date of arrival at the place of practice).
8. The graph on the appointment of Intern to the position (to be determined by the place of practice, taking account of the capabilities of a particular enterprise).

The category of "Individual task to practice" the easiest way is to take the form of a table with the following graphs:
1. Serial number.
2. The content of the work.
3. The timing of implementation practices.
4. The reporting form.
1. Serial number.
2. The content of the work.
3. The timing of implementation practices.
4. The reporting form.

Try to formulate the contents of work performed, and determine the form of reporting. This can be a small report in a free form, decorated in paper form or on electronic media. This may be the result of observations or investigations, or even developed a program. In General, all depends on the situation and future profession of the student, and, of course, the characteristics and the wishes or recommendations of your head of the practice.