What is a legal activity

Legal activity has the characteristic features that are inherent in any social activities: objectivity, appropriateness, consistency, consistency, selectivity, etc. the Object is right in various forms of legal norms, legal relations, legal consciousness and legal regulation, therefore, legal activity is the Foundation of the existence of the legal system of the society and the state. She was acknowledged as such not only because its object is the law but because its results are legally relevant and allow you to create new precedents relevant to changing legal realities, or, on the contrary, by preserving legal reality.

Carried out legal activities on the basis of legal knowledge, experience and way of thinking that allows to build a logically sound chain selection, analysis and evaluation of legal information to select the optimal solutions to legal problems. This activity contains both a rational component and emotional.

Types of legal activities

Currently Russian legal scholars in his writings on the substance and functions of the legal profession, present different points of view. Some of them share legal work and legal practice, another part considers them to be inseparable from each other and would take legal activity the totality of socio-legal phenomena.

One thing is certain: legal activities should be carried out by lawyers with the appropriate vocational education, qualifications and experience. In this case, there is a guarantee that this activity will focus on creating public benefit legal norms and values necessary for society as a whole and for the individual personalities of its parts.

Such activities are professional lawyers based on the current legislation, norms of law and morality and has legal consequences. Its main types include:
- legal assessment of the facts and information;
- develop search algorithm and check these facts and information;
- search and analysis of legal information related to these facts;
- the selection of existing legal rules which make a clear legal conclusion;
- development and formulation of positions;
- execution of legal documents: certificates, decisions, etc.;
- control over the legal process and activity of organizations and citizens, allowing them to stay in the legal field.