Call the surveyors to make a survey, measuring the area and making a plan of your site. Then create a written act, in which your neighbors must indicate that you agree with these boundaries and you do not violate their rights.
Contact the local Department of the Federal registration service with documents drawn up by the surveyors and the act signed by the neighbors. Write a statement. The organization will consider your request. If your land is subject to privatization, you will be cadastral plan, which is valid indefinitely. Instead of the cadastral plan for the registration area you can use the order of the head of the gardening Association that your land is within the boundaries of the partnership.
Will issue the technical passport of your home (if it is on the site). This can be done by contacting BTI. Start to make the house property. To do this, again please contact the office of the Federal registration service and provide the technical certificate and cadastral plan and a document confirming your right to ownership of the land.
If the plot just started construction of the housing, you need to confirm their right to construction in progress. If the area is suburban or garden house, to issue him a technical passport is not necessary. However, you have to make an inventory of assets listing all of the buildings located on your property.
Pay the state fee and the regulatory cost of land (if your garden partnership formed after April 1998). Education non-profit organization prior to this date will allow all parties free to re-register for their assigned land.