To obtain the certificate, you must send a package of documents to the Federal office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The right to have certificate women who have given birth or adopted the second or subsequent child. If the mother of the child is not, the certificate will issue to the father or guardian. The Pension Fund you have to show your passport and its photocopy. The photocopy must be removed from the pages, which shows your personal details from the page with a residence permit or from the entered children.You will also need to provide birth certificate to all children and copies of, the pension insurance certificate for you and the children. If you are not able to issue a social security number for children, you can apply and issue when contacting the office of the Pension Fund. If you remarry, you will need a certificate of divorce and its copy, the certificate on registration of marriage and a photocopy of a certificate from the Registrar's office standardized form f-28 about the first marriage. If the child's mother died during childbirth, the father must present a death certificate, court decision on recognition of the child's mother died. If the mother is deprived of parental rights or made against the life of a child wrongful acts, bring documentsconfirming this fact.If both parents are dead or deprived of parental rights, the guardian must present the death certificate of the parents or court decision on deprivation of parental rights, the identity of the guardian.The certificate will take about one month. To use the parent capital can be immediately after receipt, if you have a loan that previously obtained for the improvement of living conditions. If you are planning to improve their living conditions, to build a house or to renovate existing housing, to apply to the Pension Fund not earlier than the child reaches 2 years 6 months. Specify the purpose of receipt of funds, submit documentsproving your goal. The funds can be transferred via Bank transfer construction materials to the seller of real estate. To receive the parent capital cash impossible.
What are the necessary documents to receive maternity capital
Certificates of the parent capital began to issue in 2007 to support families with children and to improve the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. Each year, the amount of capital indexed. In 2012 has reached 387640,3 rubles, in 2013 it is planned to issue certificates for 402000 rubles. Support the birth rate will be implemented until 2016.

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