The definition of total area

Because the parameter total area refers to the main characteristics of the apartment, its definition can be found in the housing code. In paragraph 5 of article 15 States that it is the sum of the squares of all parts detached dwelling. It includes areas of rooms and area of the premises having an auxiliary function, for example, storerooms, and dressing rooms. However, the area of the exterior parts of the premises: terraces, balconies and loggias in the General area, according to LCD, not included.

The definition of "living space" in the LCD is not this, but when calculus is applied such normative document "regulations on conducting accounting of the housing Fund in the Russian Federation" approved by order of Minnestoa No. 37 dated 04.08.1998 g. At this instruction in the total area included the area of loggias, balconies and terraces, but lowering factors, to he equal to 0.5 loggias, balconies and terraces – 0,3. Since 2005, the guide was aligned with the LCD and the premises to account for the total area are not used. Porches and unheated storage rooms are included in total area in its full size. Residential area statement defines a term as all residential premises in the apartment.

Total living area of the apartment

Thus, when calculating the total area takes into account all rooms in the apartment: rooms, toilets, bathrooms, corridors and passages, kitchen, vestibules, closets, cold storage and inter-floor stairs, if apartments duplex. Of them as residential will be taken into account only the area of the rooms.

Quantitative characterization of living space never used for calculations for housing-utilities it is common area of the apartment. But this notion sometimes found in agreements of participation in shared construction. In their description of the purchased equity holders of the apartment is based on data from project documentation. These contracts also specify what area, public or residential, is the basis for the calculation of the cost of the apartment. If the basis of calculation of – living area, this increases the cost per square meter, so often developers to determine the value of a shared area in order to attract investors. But with a large square footage of outbuildings holders, ultimately, can give the rent more money. If you are going to buy an apartment on the basis of equity participation, will pay attention to this nuance in order to choose the more beneficial option for you.