You will need
  • - diploma in psychology;
  • - certificate of professional retraining.
Rate the level and quality of their training. As a rule, experts in the field of psychology is prepared according to specific directions. It can be social, medical or legal psychology, conflict management, psychological correction of personality, teaching and many other specialties. To achieve maximum success in the profession, it is necessary to choose the activity that best fits your training.
Contact the territorial employment service at the place of your residence. At the labour exchange you can get detailed information about job vacancies that meet your requirements. Unfortunately, not all jobs can guarantee a decent wage. But as a starting point, work in government or other public institution in the post of psychologist may be a good solution. Gain experience, you will be able to qualify for more interesting, creative and well-paid job.
Offer your services as a psychologist, contact your local Department of education. Work in a secondary school or kindergarten can be a great way to find a job if you don't have enough experience. Almost every school has an appointed psychologist-teacher. Over time, you will be able to try their hand at the private school where skill requirements are quite high.
If you have specialization in the field of clinical psychology, try to contact the local hospital or specialized medical center. Psychologists occupy a special place in the healthcare system, providing assistance to those who have significant health problems. Work here is often tied to behavior correction, rehabilitation of patients after injuries and diseases. Medical psychologist must have developed empathy and be resistant to stress.
Use your knowledge and skills to work as the Manager on work with staff. Forming the personnel Department, heads of many enterprises prefer psychologists. Functional duties of the psychologist of the personnel functions include selection, training and placement. The psychologist on the enterprise can conduct corporate trainings and events for team building, as well as to advising employees on a variety of issues. Working with the staff, there are ample opportunities for creativity.