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  • How to treat the child for chlamydia
    Chlamydial infection is a serious disease. It is especially dangerous to the occurrence of complications, including pneumonia, conjunctivitis, lesions of joints, organs of hearing and genitourinary organs. Chlamydia in children is a relatively common phenomenon, particularly increased incidence in recent years. The sooner carried out diagnosis and prescribed treatment, the more opportunities to avoid complications.
  • How to insert the vapor tube baby
    Vapor tube can be used if toddler bother gases, constipation, abdominal pain. Ask your baby's doctor or nurse to explain to you how to choose and use this device.
  • How to teach a child to play
    Hard to be a winner always and in everything, but to behave with dignity while losing is also a victory, a small victory over himself. The ability to play is laid in childhood, so parents should pay particular attention.
  • How to wean a child to write by night
    Normal to three years children need to walk to the potty. But some children have the habit of writing in bed at night persists for a long time.To wean the child from this habit, you need to understand its causes and to develop a set of measures for its elimination.
  • How to bring down the temperature of the child when teething
    Eruption of teeth is a continuous process that requires great emotional cost. Few moms can rejoice that their children when this started. Drooling, sore irritated gums, insomnia – in addition, kids can torment and even high temperature.
  • How to save a child from stuttering
    A problem such as stuttering, can cause weight complex your child. Stuttering at the kid violated the rhythm and pace of speech, he repeats separate sounds and syllables several times, constantly stammering. The reasons could be many, the most common ones: fright, the consequence after infection, rude attitude to the child and the frequent quarrels of their parents. Help the child to get rid of this disease.
  • How to get rid of constipation in newborns
    Constipation is common among infants. Most often it occurs in violation of the process of feeding the wrong diet nursing mothers, and also due to early introduction of complementary foods, or the wrong mode of the day of the child. The main signs of constipation in children serve dry, hard stools, the lack of it within two days and more.
  • How to register a child in a civil marriage
    If parents are not in officially registered marriage, to register the birth of a baby they should come to the registry office together. This is the difference of the procedure from a situation where a marriage certificate is available and you need to visit the registry office either parent with this document.
  • How to determine the time and date of birth
    Definition of term of pregnancy and the date of the alleged birth has important practical significance. Knowing them, you can follow the development of the fetus in the dynamics, to diagnose probable complications of pregnancy (e.g., premature birth), as well as having the opportunity to have an early maternity leave.
  • Why is it that you cannot get a haircut for pregnant
    There are a few signs and superstitions associated with pregnancy, and one of them is a ban on haircuts. Explanations for this may be few, but none of them can be called supernatural. By and large the baby is not in danger.
  • How to stand in a queue in a kindergarten in Ufa
    The entry of the child in the children's garden is the need for a large number of parents who must work and cannot afford to pay private institutions or nanny. But your child went to the children's garden in time, you need to know how to write it there in your city, for example, in Ufa.
  • How to wear plate
    Tooth plate is a removable orthodontic device that is used for treating certain defects of dentition in children. An important advantage of the plates is able to remove them, which allows you to avoid discomfort when eating or cleaning your teeth. However, this advantage plates can easily become a disadvantage and lead to decrease the effectiveness of treatment, if you do not observe the rules of wearing.
  • How to treat a sore throat in a child
    Almost all children at least once complained of pain in the throat. Most often this occurs in the off-season and in winter. The infection causes swelling, redness of tissues, increases body temperature. Sore throat pain in addition to gives kid a lot of inconvenience, such as difficulty swallowing and sleep disorders.
  • How to pass the exam in computer science
    The exam on Informatics is an optional exam, and if you choose it, then assess your knowledge on the subject of at least "satisfactory". But you need to remember that the tasks for the exam on the subject "Informatics" are different from assignments in other subjects. Training facilitates the factor that clearly defined the topics that will be tasks in the exam.
  • How to treat a cold in infants
    The common cold is a disease that causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. The main symptoms are: fever, runny nose, cough and lethargy. Small children are especially vulnerable to various infections, but some parents treat respiratory diseases carelessly, considering them to be something ordinary. How do you treat a cold in infants?
  • How to put toddler to the statement
    How to put toddler to be discharged depends on what time of year you leave the hospital. Parents always want to choose a beautiful and comfortable clothes for a newborn baby, but most importantly, it was cozy and warm.
  • How much baby milk a day
    The amount of milk consumed by a baby depends on the age of the crumbs from his state of health, as well as from nature baby. But there are some rules that need to be guided a young mother.
  • How to restore vision to the child
    The majority of children acquire in school not only knowledge, but also vision disorders. Of course, you can accuse in this position, the computers and mobile devices, but the problem is not solved. Wearing glasses many do not want, especially teenagers lenses cause discomfort, and for ophthalmic laser surgery can be contraindications, and it is not cheap. So many parents are puzzled by the problem of restoring vision to a child.
  • Why do babies sweat
    Your infant sweats during feedings or on a walk, covered with beads of perspiration; during sleep, his clothes getting wet, even overcoming. Should I worry about this? Why sweat infants?
  • What you need for a newborn in the hospital
    Charges in the hospital - always an exciting event, so all the necessary things for a newborn it is desirable to prepare in advance by putting them in a separate bag, standing at the ready.
  • How can I give propolis to children
    Propolis is a unique tool that can help in the fight against many childhood diseases. In addition, it has no side effects and does not irritate the internal organs of the child. But in order for propolis benefits the baby, you need to properly use it.
  • What to do when the voice is gone
    Little baby got his feet wet during a walk yesterday, only coughed. But today he does the voice is gone. Probably, you also faced with a similar situation. Loss of voice is a fairly widespread illness that can be caused by not only hypothermia, but also other reasons, among them: stress, fear, getting into the larynx, foreign bodies, etc.
  • How to relieve ear pain in a child
    Ear pain in a child may occur after swimming in contact with foreign bodies, but mainly at the beginning of colds. Eustachian tube in children is wide and short, so infection in the nose or the nose and throat easily passes to the middle ear cavity. Parents should always know how to relieve the pain in your baby's ear.
  • How to decorate apartment for birthday child
    It seems that very little time has passed since then, as you celebrated the first birthday of their child. However, the hero of the occasion, then, not quite aware of this day as a festive event. Now, when the baby is older, make him a surprise – decorate the apartment so that the occasion will be long remembered.
  • How to speed up eruption of teeth
    Often the first teeth in infants is associated with excruciating pain and, as a consequence, the tantrums, the sleepless nights. To cause teeth prematurely impossible is a physiological state of the organism, evolving according to its program. However, if the process of emergence of teeth has already begun, and it is the obvious way gives the child discomfort, you a little to relieve him.
  • How to determine pregnancy after childbirth
    After pregnancy and childbirth the woman's body needs about 6-8 weeks to come to normal. The exception is the normalization of hormonal levels and mammary glands. They are recovering a little longer. Since hormones affect the menstrual cycle to determine pregnancy some time after childbirth can be difficult, because menstruation during breast-feeding for most women, missing. In this regard, you should use other means of determining conception.
  • How to treat furuncle in children
    Furuncle is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle that looks like a painful bright red bump with purulent pustules, gradually increasing in size. A single boil on the body is not dangerous. If he popped up on the face, it can turn into a serious illness that threatens the child's life. Therefore, even a single boil of children requires the proper therapeutic approach.
  • How to make music corner
    The music area is a place where children learn about music and its beauty. Listening to music occupies an important place in the education of children. Through this process the child is instilled the desire to love and know the beautiful. Creatively designed music area will not only help to plunge into the world of music and to expand ideas about it, but also develop children's imagination, stimulates the emotional sphere, thinking, speech. How to make the musical area?
  • How to make an apartment for a minor child
    In accordance with Russian law, every minor child has the right to own property. At any time the required stability, therefore, many parents prefer to invest their capital in real estate and make a purchase for the child, to further their child had not experienced financial difficulties.
  • How to make reusable diapers
    Reusable diapers do not irritate baby's skin unlike store-bought disposable. Many moms started buying them for their babies, but save money with reusable diapers can make yourself.