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  • How to choose a kangaroo
    If earlier for walking with children, all the parents used an ordinary stroller, but today every family there are alternatives – many young mothers use slings and baby carriers-carrierthat allows baby to be closer to her mother and to feel more comfortable than in a wheelchair. However, to kangaroos should be treated seriously – the correct choice depends not only comfort baby, but also your own comfort. Kangaroo proper design will allow you to get rid of the weight of heavy carriages, which no longer need to carry from floor to floor and will not feel the great weight of the child, which will always be with you wherever you go. How to choose the right model of a kangaroo among the many offered shops.
  • How to prepare dill water
    Newborn children are very often troubled by stomach bloating. And to help the child cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, are nowadays used many drugs to reduce the effects of bloating, but most use a very common remedy is gripe water, which is known since ancient times. It relieves spasm of the intestines, whereby gases are removed baby.
  • How to clean the baby's ears.
    Physiological processes in the cavity of the ear in children is similar to adults. The kids, as well as older people produced sulfur to be removed. That's just to clean ears child is not desirable in the usual sticks. At this age, the ear drum is still not fully formed, it is closer to the end of the auditory canal, i.e. to the sink. Perform hygienic procedures should be regularly, but with caution.
  • What should know and be able child 1 year and 4 months
    Many parents are concerned about how fully grows and develops their baby. Once the child turns 16 months, most dad and mom are beginning to be interested in the question of what skills should have in this time, the child, asking him to be their relatives or friends whose children have long grown up.
  • What to give for birthday 12 year old boy
    Gift for birthday should be chosen not only depending on the preferences, interests and character of the donee. When buying a present for a boy, you have to take into account the age category of the child.
  • Teething in children: what to do
    One of the reasons for the crying of a small child – the pain of prorezalsya teeth. Some kids can easily survive this process, while others suffer greatly. If your child's teeth is very painful, it is necessary to find a way to alleviate his condition.
  • How to make a horizontal bar in the bed
    The horizontal bar in the baby cot is a simple and inexpensive device. It can be purchased in the store, and the tinkerers can make it on their own. Nothing complicated about it, and the baby will get a helpful trainer.
  • How much should children weigh at 2 months
    Each child has its own program of development, so the indicators of height and weight in babies can be very different. However, there are statistics to give you an idea of how much should babies weigh at a certain age.
  • How to make a teenager 12 years
    Teen 12 years is quite difficult to find a job, because not every employer will want to deal with minors, in fact, still a child. However, earning potential is still there.
  • Is it possible to cut a child under one year parents
    Cut the kid is a big issue for parents and one of the pressing problems in the care of the baby. On the one hand, nothing wrong with this desire-no, but traditions say that to cut the baby best when he turns a year.
  • How to pass a medical examination in kindergarten
    Then came the moment when parents decide to send their child to kindergarten. No matter how it was sad, but a kindergarten for the kid – a place where he socialities and adapt to a new, larger world. The kid will learn self-reliance and friendship. But, before going to kindergarten, the child will have another test – a physical.
  • What kind of fruit to put on a children's holiday table
    Children's festival is a sea of sweets and fruits. But not all fruits are equally beneficial for all children. Before you purchase a fruit basket, you should to learn the features of the party children, or to choose the neutral fruit that can be eaten by all.
  • How long should sleeping 2-year-old child
    Accurate and universal recommendations how much a child needs to sleep in a particular age simply does not exist. However, many pediatricians insist that children need daytime rest, and how long it will last depends on a number of reasons.
  • What is better to drink milk during pregnancy
    A pregnant woman from the first day of her new status, I want to do everything as correctly and for the benefit of the future baby. So the question is, what can I eat and drink during pregnancy, there is one of the first.
  • It possible for children to paint nails
    Children love to imitate adults, especially parents. Watching mom makes a manicure or pedicure, a girl may also be pulled to the nail Polish, and sometimes mothers want to teach their daughters to "direct beauty". But training may not be as harmless as it seems.
  • How to call a girl with the middle name V.
    Originally a patronymic (the name of the father") was typical of the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and is mentioned only on special occasions. These were formal and respectful address to the man. In the Russian nominal system, the middle name is a separate item, so pick a name to it carefully: the phrase should be sonorous and beautiful.
  • How to sign up to a children's neurologist
    On reception at the children's neurologist to get advice on a number of issues including the diagnosis and treatment of functional disorders in the Central and peripheral nervous system, consequences of craniocerebral injuries, prevention of hyperexcitability.
  • How to collect stool in an infant
    Delivery of fecal analysis - is a common procedure for young children. Examination of feces gives you the ability to determine irregularities in the functioning of internal systems of child organism. The collection of feces in infants can cause serious difficulty for the parents since the kid isn't able to use the potty. There are some tricks to facilitate this task.
  • Pregnancy signs boy
    Who will be born – boy or girl – this question often torments of the parents in the first months, and sometimes until the end of pregnancy. Because ultrasound can not always answer so flapping in the wind theme. But in addition ultrasound examination can help determine the sex of the child some signs and omens.
  • Give birth in the hospital: how it happens
    Preparing for the birth can be different: to buy things for the baby, take courses for expectant mothers and practice yoga, swim in the pool. If the birth first, it is useful to know what awaits you in the hospital and how it is an institution.
  • How to determine a person's character by the shape of the nose
    One of the most prominent parts of the face is the nose. He may have a different shape (snub-nosed, big, long, aquiline, neat). Depending on the characteristics of the nose, it is possible to see which traits inherent in its owner.
  • What herbs to use for bathing baby
    A bath is a pleasant and useful exercise for the baby. The child receives positive emotions from splashing in the water, strengthens the body, trains the muscles of the arms and legs. But if in the tub, add herbal teas, water treatment will become doubly useful.
  • How is the medical examination of schoolchildren
    Clinical examination – routine complex medical monitoring of the health of schoolchildren. The purpose of this event - early detection of affected children and prevention of morbidity.
  • What documents are needed for a free baby food
    In accordance with the applicable laws, the parents, if their family is recognized as poor are eligible to receive free meals for kids under the age of 2 years.
  • How to develop it baby in 2 years
    When the child turns two years, the process of active speech development accelerated. But every kid it's different. Some children just say connected short, others utter only a few words. In any case, parents should help the child in the future formation of the correct speech.
  • What documents are needed for admission to private kindergarten
    By the time when the baby reaches three years of age, most parents tend to define it in kindergarten. It is not always possible to get into public kindergarten at the right time, you have to wait your turn. While some parents initially are determined that their child will be educated in private kindergartens.
  • How to repair a wheel from a baby stroller
    Baby strollers, unfortunately, sometimes break. The most frequently damaged wheels. New stroller because of such failure do not want to buy, so parents try to rectify the situation somehow differently. But not all will be able to fix the wheel on the stroller yourself.
  • What guys don't like girls
    Some girls push away guys and do not know why. The fact that there are certain feminine qualities and habits that young people can not stand. If you notice some of these characteristics, change the situation to not get in men's black list.
  • Causes of rashes on legs in infants
    Rash on baby's skin can signal serious illness. It also appears when prickly heat, allergic reactions and insect bites. To help the kid, you need to determine the cause of the inflammation of the skin.
  • How to choose a hospital
    By law, the expectant mother has the right to choose any hospital you wish. And, considering that never know exactly what day the baby decides to be born, to attend to the choice of hospital is better.