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- How to determine the height of the table for a child The habit of sitting correctly you can raise a child only when the furniture matches its growth. Important table height, chair height and their ratio.
- How to get into speech therapy group Unfortunately, many children lag behind in speech development. The kid can't pronounce the sounds of the native language, or pronounce them incorrectly. Can also suffer vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. To not have later in school with reading and writing, visit a speech pathologist and, if necessary, put your child in logopedic group of a kindergarten.
- How to give the child activated charcoal Activated charcoal is in the medicine Cabinet of almost every family, because it helps adults and children in cases of poisoning and in many infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite the fact that the activated charcoal refers to safe medicines, before you give it to a child, consult your pediatrician or call the ambulance service and specify the dosage.
- How to cook mashed potatoes for a child Table modern adult it is impossible to imagine without a variety of potato dishes. Children's menu also contain this beneficial for the growth and development of the product.
- How to brush teeth-old child Kids at the age of one year already require regular brushing regardless of their number. Brush teeth one year old baby is not yet possible, so parents will have to help. Let the kid starts the procedure himself, and to finish it will be the adults.
- What to feed a child with diarrhea Diarrhoea (diarrhea) is a pathological condition which can be characterized by the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Its main symptoms are watery stool and bowel movement is too rapid.
- Sample menu baby 10-11 months By the end of the first year of his life baby starts to move actively and quickly to grow, is not enough mother's milk. The growing body requires more variety. In 10-11 months, it's time to introduce him to new products that will give all the most useful and necessary for its proper development.
- How to interpret dreams about dead parents It is believed that the dead mother and father visit the dreams of their children to help them, to help, to guide to the straight path. Dreams in which people hugging with their now deceased parents, are considered favorable.
- When the child begins to babble The first goo goo baby touches adults, they want to listen to it again and again. First sounds is an important step in child's development in speech, in emotional terms. However, not every mother knows when her baby should start to babble and do I need to worry if this is not happening.
- How to make astrological predictions Astrology exists for thousands of years, and all the while there is ongoing debate about its truthfulness. However, the evidence suggests that an experienced astrologer is able to give amazingly accurate predictions. You can learn to make predictions independently, so the accuracy is sufficient in order to avoid many possible troubles.
- Nocturnal emission in adolescents The emission is called spontaneous and uncontrolled ejaculation, which is not related to sexual intercourse, and Masturbation. Usually, nocturnal pollutions occur in adolescents during sleep and indicate their entry into puberty. It should be noted that this phenomenon is considered perfectly normal physiological act and a sign of good sexual glands.
- In what positions to sleep during pregnancy The expectant mother after she learns that she is pregnant, you have to give up a lot to not hurt the baby in the womb. This applies not only to eating habits, harmful habits, but a night's rest. About 5 months belly is growing vigorously in size, and the breast is engorged, it becomes painful. Therefore pregnant it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep, guaranteeing a good night's rest and recuperation.
- Which zodiac sign which stone suitable Since ancient times people have noticed the influence of gemstones on the life. Sages have argued that everyone should wear certain metals and minerals to balance their internal forces to suppress the excessive qualities and stimulate weak. In the world there are many different classifications of minerals. Choosing a gemstone for yourself or as a gift to a dear person, you can use the most common method of selection according to the astrological signs of the zodiac.
- Can I drink kvass pregnant Healthy the expectant mother is no reason to abandon the brew as from a refreshing drink in the summer heat. The risks of damaging the fetus or weight gain are also absent if the kvass is made at home. But the purchase may contain questionable components.
- How to treat in children, catarrhal otitis media Catarrhal otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. Very often it affects children, as they have short and wide auditory tube - it is easier to get the bacteria and develop infection faster. Basically, catarrhal otitis media develops on the background of colds or viral diseases, inflamed mucous membranes, nasal discharge, enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
- Can you get pregnant after ectopic pregnancy From ectopic pregnancy, no one is safe, but life doesn't end here. Doctors say that the re-conception is possible. But it will have to prepare well.
- One called mercenary man The term "mercenary" has Latin roots. In Ancient Rome the word "mercante" called merchants, traders. In modern Italian language the word retained the same meaning. The French gave the word mercantile has a slightly different sense – "the mercenary", "mercenary".
- How can I replace the pacifier Pacifier is one of the most controversial items used in the care of the child. Part of the mothers claim that the worst of the dummy could be nothing and call it a substitute for the breast and a threat to breastfeeding. Other women believe that the pacifier helps the baby to calm down and gives the mother a chance to relax a bit.
- How to detect worms in a child Helminthic infestation in children is quite often the case, because kids tend to discover objects to taste, pull hands in a mouth and to focus on animals that are a source of infection. Confirm your suspicions only with the help of laboratory diagnosis. However, to assume parasites independently and on a number of grounds.
- How to choose a bathtub for your newborn Fear of bathing a newborn baby is visited by almost all young parents. After all, to wash the crumbs so that it is not only not afraid, but even fell in love with this daily procedure. The success of bathing depends on the correctly chosen place. Modern range of containers for bathing infants is so wide that even quite experienced parents can be difficult to choose the most suitable for them and their baby option.
- How to safely wean baby from the breast Undoubtedly breast milk is the perfect food for baby. But the baby grows and there comes a time when a child should wean from breastfeeding. For a young person is particularly difficult stage, so it is important to try to do everything possible so it was painless for the baby and for nursing mothers.
- How not to put on weight while breastfeeding At the time of pregnancy a lot of women gaining weight. This is due to hormonal changes, which are necessary for full development of the child in the womb. Immediately after the birth of a baby the mother wants to return to the previous form. But is it possible to combine the weight loss with breastfeeding?
- How to drink vitamins for pregnant women The increased requirement of vitamins in pregnant women is associated with intrauterine development of the fetus, the formation of which the necessary organic compounds, mineral salts, fatty acids and many other substances. Their intake must be daily and most of the expectant mother gets from food. But this is often not enough, so to avoid vitamin deficiency need to take additional vitamins for pregnant women.
- How to choose a skateboard for child Skateboarding is one of the most popular extreme sports. And riding on a skateboardOh engaged both adults and children. To achieve success in this sport can help high-quality, well-chosen Board. Especially important is the choice of a skateboard for a child.
- You need to extract Extract from the hospital with a baby is a thrilling event. And young mother in this moment I want to look neat and beautiful. So think ahead about what things the child and you need. Because then you will look at the photos of the discharge, which capture all your happy family.
- How to adopt a child from the first marriage You decide to create a family with man who already has a child from his first marriage. But after some time for you this baby is not just friends and family, it becomes truly yours. This fact can be institutionalized, go through the simple steps to design procedures for the adoption of a child.
- How to clean nose newborn Lavage of the nose of the child — the procedure is extraordinary. Hold it should be only on the advice of a doctor. If the child had a cold, first of all, contact your pediatrician, even if no fever. Runny nose in infants can be functional. In this case, it usually goes away without any outside interference. But it happens that the accumulated mucus it interferes with normal breathing. In this case, the doctor may advise to wash the nose.
- How to write a psychological profile You need to write the psychological characteristics of your child, and you don't understand why they are doing it? Often, this feature is required for admission to school. She used to review with your child and for the selection of methods of education taking into account individual characteristics. So how to write a psychological characteristic?
- How to boil rice porridge to a child Rice porridge is the most important meal in the diet of children. It does not contain gluten, so it is recommended for children with allergies. Unlike other cereals, polished rice contains almost no vitamins and minerals, but it has a neutral taste and is very useful in diseases of the colon and stomach.
- How to clean ears newborn A newborn baby is small and not bright, but a real man. And of course, like any adult, the kid needs a daily wash. While he do that he can not keep clean the children's face, nose, eye and ears needs his mom and dad. With special care it is necessary to conduct the procedure of cleaning the ears of a newborn.