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  • Harmful diapers for boys?
    After the light came disposable diapers, the lives of parents much easier. The number of sliders and dirty diapers has decreased, there is more time to communicate with your baby. However, the notion that diapers are very harmful to the boys. Is it really so?
  • What to do if a child pinched his finger
    Children almost around the clock at risk of injury. Little fingers are actively studying all that surrounds the child, so the bruises and contusions and abrasions are a common problem for every mom. One of the most common situations – a pinched door or drawer fingers. A state of shock and crying can prevent parents to quickly navigate and to provide appropriate assistance to the child upon receipt of such injuries.
  • What to do if your child has swollen eye
    I'm sure almost every parent wants to protect their children from various diseases and misfortunes, but with them something always happens. It seems not long ago your baby was a light, fun and carefree, suddenly you see that his eyes were swollen. Find out what could be the reason for the manifestation of this disease.
  • What to do if your child has red eyes
    You know that childhood goes by without diseases and ailments. Children from time to time are any health problems. Therefore, parents should closely monitor their child, not to miss the signs of any changes in health. One of the alarms is red eyes in a child.
  • What to do if a newborn peeling skin
    The first meeting of mother and baby very touching and tender. Women experience relief and happiness. But after the mother will consider the baby begin the first excitement. She imagined the chubby baby with smooth and soft skin, and then the newborn small pimples and the skin is sometimes scaly. All these fears are unfounded. While the baby has a skin and it needs special care.
  • How much should the baby weigh in 3 years
    After the baby is born some moms start to worry, whether their child eats, how much he needs to sleep, how much he should eat, how well developed. It is known that each baby has its own individual pattern of development.
  • What to do if the child long does not subside temperature
    High temperatures can signal the eruption of the teeth, if the child of chest age, or accompany infectious disease is bacterial or viral in nature. In the latter case, it is necessary not only to bring down the temperature, but also to go to the doctor to get tested for the disease diagnosis.
  • Why is a child's green chair
    The appearance of the baby in the house leads to various problems related to the development and health of the child. Upon detection of the green chair, the parents panic. To understand the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause.
  • As the baby move in my stomach
    Wiggling toddler stomach – the long-awaited and exciting event in the life of the expectant mother. Nurturing under her heart a little miracle, she anxiously listens to the new sensations, afraid to miss the most important. With the first tremors of the child, the woman begins to not only know about his interesting position, but also to feel it.
  • Where to go with children in Chelyabinsk
    There are many places in Chelyabinsk, where you can spend time with the kids. Parks, zoo, theaters – anywhere you can find activities to enjoy leisure activities.
  • Where to reduce the child in St. Petersburg
    Saint Petersburg – one of the most interesting cities in the world, and interestingly, it can be not only for adults but also for children. Theatres, museums, concert halls, will be happy to see the young visitors, in the Northern capital quite a lot. But if you came to St. Petersburg for a long time, you will meet friendly and in its splendid suburbs.
  • Where to go with kids in the summer in Saint-Petersburg
    Summer is a special time for families with children. Someone is going to the country, someone at sea, and someone in the cultural capital of Russia - Saint Petersburg. Top 5 places for summer holidays with children in St. Petersburg.
  • Where to go with children for free in Moscow
    The downside of paid vacation suggests that even for the money you can't always get the desired result. And the presence of free entertainment allows you to save money without sacrificing quality in the process. Let's get creative and try to organize entertainment for a child that does not require a cash outlay.
  • Where to have a birthday party for a teenager
    Caring parents are seen not only as clothe, Shoe and feed the child. In the eve of the birthday, they face the question of how to celebrate this important day in the life of the family. Want the holiday was fun, unlike any other and remembered for a long time. In adolescence, the uniqueness of this event is particularly important.
  • How children learn in art school
    If your child enjoys drawing, long and with obvious pleasure working with pencils and paper, then you should seriously consider the need to develop his creative abilities. It is enough to find a good school where the child will be able to get professional art education.
  • How to drain mucus from a baby
    Wet cough mostly accompanies such infectious respiratory diseases like SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Also, this cough can be due to allergic reactions.
  • What does the child development center
    Companies with a proud name "the center of development", it would seem, must be different from regular education. And different... Mainly, the prices for the services provided. In General, their programmes work with children are consistent with those implemented in public institutions of preschool and school education. But in most such institutions there are, at least one qualitative difference from General education: offering quite a wide range of services, they are to a greater or lesser extent, retain the specialization, i.e. focused on certain activities with certain groups of children.
  • How to determine who the father is
    The desire of the mother to determine who is the father of a child is understandable. After all, the joy of pregnancy and care of the not yet born baby I want to share with the man who will take direct part in this. However, if you had two or more partners, you may have doubts about paternity.
  • How to stop feeding baby
    Despite the fact that breastfeeding provides all the needs of a newborn, sooner or later the day comes when the child must be weaned from the breast. Stop feeding your child is not easy, but if you adhere to certain rules, then the child will survive the separation from a loved product easier.
  • As it is impossible to raise a child
    About parenting created a lot of books, which contain the sometimes contradictory advice. However, by following certain rules, you should be able to raise a good man. But there is in the education of children and their taboos. If you want to grow harmful and hysterical child, to make it easier.
  • How to dress your baby for christening
    The christening of a child is called "the second birth", because this is a very important event in the life of an Orthodox family. At the same time is a very important and troublesome event for parents. It is very important to prepare for it in advance, invite the godparents, relatives, gather for christening accessories for baby, dress him appropriately.
  • How to recover after antibiotics child health
    Treatment of infectious diseases in children sometimes requires the use of antibiotics. But, acting on bacteria, they disrupt the balance of useful and harmful microflora. The result is dysbiosis. It prevents normal absorption of food and produce protective substances. The result of these changes are decreased immunity, frequent colds, poor weight gain, vitamin deficiency and other problems. That is why the organism of the child needs to recover after antibiotics.
  • How can a father take the child from the mother
    Despite the formal equality of the rights of parents before the law, in most divorces, custody of child given to the mother. However, in some situations the father may also have the opportunity to qualify to take the child to itself.
  • How to behave in the first days of pregnancy
    In the first weeks of pregnancy begin to form many important organs of the future baby. So as soon as the woman learns of this new status, it must adjust itself to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and become very attentive to your body, to respond to the slightest signs of illness.
  • How quickly to cure the throat of a child
    Like the parents may protect their child from drafts, infections and viruses, prevent colds quite unlikely. A sore throat is one of the first symptoms. Although most of the drugs and treatment methods are not compatible with infant age, parents can help baby to quickly go on the amendment.
  • How can a father take a child in a divorce
    The situation when parents divorce, children remain with the father is quite rare. In most cases, they are left with the mother, which is understandable. But in some cases the father can prove in court their right to raise a child.
  • How to wean a child from my mother
    The child's attachment to mother mother nature, but sometimes it is too much. To wean baby from the mother means to stop breastfeeding him to teach them to sleep separately and explain that sometimes mommy has to leave.
  • How can get pregnant with twins
    The birth of a child is a great happiness in the life of every family, and the appearance of two – a double joy. Before the twins were born with a frequency of 1 in 80-100 births, but lately, in connection with the introduction of reproductive technologies, it happens more often.
  • How to give children antibiotics
    Some bacteria present in our body can cause infectious diseases treated frequently with antibiotics. No exception is children. Only to help, not to harm the child, you must know how to give the baby.
  • How to encourage your child to brush teeth
    Proper and regular care helps to maintain the health and beauty of your teeth. You need to teach the child to this procedure as early as possible. After all, even the dairy teeth need daily cleansing.