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  • How to learn to live for today
    During the instability in the world and society, people live not easy. Often because of concerns about the future of the overlooked joys of the present. Happier you can, if you learn to live for today.
  • How to cultivate self-esteem
    Some people naturally have a sense of dignity. Others, alas, it lacks life. But it is fixable, because people are able to change and evolve if they face such a goal.
  • How not to worry about before a date
    Dating can be a pretty exciting event. Are you worried how it goes, whether you like the opposite sex. But sometimes feelings are unnecessary and interfere with to Express themselves.
  • How to protect yourself from bad people
    The debate about whether there are actually all sorts of black wizards, energy vampires or it's fiction people, last for many centuries. Those who do not believe in the evil eye, no building damage, say it's all psychological! Some people persistently tormented thoughts: "what if I or someone from my family jinx? The constant fear and stress do not go unnoticed.
  • How to learn to read the eyes
    For eyes you can easily read about what people think, say psychologists. And ordinary people think this skill is very important and useful. Because very often want to understand what the interlocutor thinks he cares about. Therefore, the art of reading eyes can and should hone.
  • How to stop worrying
    People often worry over nothing. But for some it becomes a constant habitual state. Often there is no apparent reason to worry, we're all just exaggerating and overreacting themselves.
  • Whether you want people to take revenge for wrongs inflicted on them
    When a person is hurt for anything, it is very difficult to accept this state of Affairs. I want to revenge, to justice, and people ceased to feel offended. Even in ancient books it was said "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", only because it was not really about the concept of revenge.
  • How to learn to joke
    Often the desire to make a joke in the company leads to an awkward situation when after a joke no one laughs. Though, apparently, the joke is very good. Given the situation suggests that either someone can't tell a joke, or everyone else can't take a joke. Exit two: either to develop a sense of humor or change company.
  • How can you change your destiny
    Destiny is a sequence of events happening to the person. Many modern doctrines claim that causal relationships exist, and some things are predestined, but many things can be changed if you ask for.
  • How to get rid of bad memories
    Each of us happened unpleasant history in life, but how many people - so many variants of perception these stories. Sometimes we are too deep in our negative thoughts and begin to lose touch with the real, vivid and full of life.
  • How to control aggression
    Aggressive people tend to act hostile: to destroy, to attack, to argue. Aggressiveness can be managed and unmanaged. If it is unmanaged, such an emotion is harmful, as any other. Often angry outbursts are the result of sleep disorders, feelings of stress, dissatisfaction or permanent conflicts with loved ones.
  • How to be a dislike of the man
    In life of each person they met people they disliked and irritation. The causes of this unpleasant feeling can be very, very much. To alienate us from the person his behavior, manner of communication. Hostility may be related to some childhood experiences. You unconsciously "carry" their old grudges on the man, just because he's something like the character from your past.
  • How to stop being afraid of the dentist
    Long gone frightening drill and impatient, sharp dentists, but the vast majority of Russian citizens are still afraid to visit the dentist. The fear is not so bad, much worse is the situation when the fear develops into a phobia and cross the threshold of the Cabinet becomes simply unrealistic. The result is lost teeth that could be saved, and procedures that would have been much less painful if you took your time. To deal with fear of dentists and need. What should I do?
  • How to stop being afraid of girls
    Communication with people in General and the opposite sex in particular is often constrained by more or less pronounced fear. The reasons may be quite different: fear of being clumsy, fear of ridicule, fear of misunderstanding... But if you have a good look and to others, and to yourself, you will realize that there is no threat.
  • How to stop feeling
    Most women have a high emotion, they are feelings prevail over reason that sometimes prevents to make informed and rational decisions. Any failure causes them to worry and to suffer, to feel pain. After some time, the events are forgotten, and the injuries inflicted on the soul remain. To stop feeling the pain and tear his soul for every little thing, you must change your perception and learn to calmly endure the setbacks and time of trouble.
  • Why are people away from the conversation
    Sometimes people not on contact. This happens not only because of personal animosity to him, but also because of the reluctance to discuss a specific topic. If your friend or friend leaves the question, don't force it and look at the reasons.
  • How to stop being gay
    To start is to ask ourselves: do we really need to stop being gay? After all, homosexuality is not a disease, mental disorders (egodystonic) is extremely rare. And the society, in this case Russia, though not becoming more tolerant, but also aggression towards gays is also showing quite rare. However, the cases are different. It is necessary — means necessary.
  • What to do if tired
    Sometimes people can feel a lack of interest in the surrounding reality. When fatigue becomes permanent, it is necessary to take measures to deal with such a state.
  • Is it possible to exactly measure your intelligence with iq test
    Scientists of many countries for centuries have wrestled with how to compare and measure the intelligence of different people. The result is several groups of tests to measure iq tests Eysenck, tests of Amthauera.
  • How to stop living someone else's life
    One of the worst mistakes you can make is to live someone else's life instead of his. In the end only one life, and entirely to spend it on another man though honorable, but quite a shame.
  • How to become more sociable
    Saturate your life with bright events, to make it more beautiful and amazing by using communication. Modesty and shyness often exacerbate the situation and bring discomfort into the conversation. Of course, modesty adorns the man, but everything is good in moderation. What to do to sociability became your indispensable quality of character?
  • How not to be afraid to lose a man
    Some inherent fear of losing loved ones. And sometimes this feeling becomes a phobia that prevent to live normally. Paradoxically, the more a person is afraid to lose someone, the greater the likelihood that it will actually happen. Attempt to keep a loved one very often lead to separation.
  • How to find inner peace
    The fussiness of modern life makes increasingly think about how to find inner peace. But both want to achieve a balance and to arrive at peace with yourself. To do this as every person who dares to look at your life and change it.
  • How to understand the behavior of the guy that he likes you
    Guys in love can be no less than shy girls. They are not recognized directly in his feelings and people have to solve their submission signals. What signs can tell that a guy has feelings for a friend.
  • What to do if in a bad mood
    It is difficult to meet a person who ever in your life suffered from bad mood. All people occasionally fall into such a state. And although the reasons for the lack of a bright future are different, there are several ways to return your mood to normal.
  • How to get rid of the complex completeness
    The more you complex any occasion, the more people notice it. Fully such a statement refers to a very popular complex complete. How to overcome it, stop worrying about excess weight?
  • How to develop the power of sight
    People with their eyes receive most of their information about the world. But it can also give her with his gaze. A person with well-developed power of sight has an almost hypnotic ability to persuade other people. These people are very persistent in their decisions. In order to develop this ability, you need months of training.
  • How to learn not to be afraid of people
    Some people are very much afraid to be in the company when communicating with people they feel fear, panic and discomfort. Psychologists call this a manifestation of fear – social anxiety. In this disease the person is very much dependent on the opinions of others, he is afraid in the eyes of others look like silly, funny, being misunderstood and embarrassed. With this phobia, it is imperative to fight because it is the manifestation does not allow man to live a full life.
  • How to be wise and smart
    How often we have to run for advice to adults and respected people. But do not think that the wisdom and skills come with age. It all depends on the person and his desires.
  • How to develop deduction
    The word "deduction" is most often associated with people with the name Sherlock Holmes. Indeed, the deductive method helps the detectives. It is useful, however, and other people. The ability to draw conclusions and to reason logically does not hurt anyone.