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- How and what to eat dumplings Dumplings for many are a standing dish. There is nothing easier than to boil store-bought or pre-cooked semi-finished products. But the favorite dish was not boring, it should be diversified. Dumplings can be boiled, fried, stewed and baked, and served with different toppings and sauces.
- How to cook rolls "Caesar" Rolls is a popular dish with regard to Korean and Japanese cuisine. They represent one of the varieties of sushi that are twisted into sausages with a sheet of nori and rice and then cut into slices. To cook delicious rolls, you must have some experience and desire. Here is the recipe of one of the rolls is called "Caesar".
- How to boil potatoes in their skins Potatoes, boiled in their skins, is significantly different in its qualities from that which is prepared in a purified form. Its distinctive flavor and a more dense structure suitable for adding to salads and for self-consumption.
- How to cook carrot salad Since olden time people were aware that carrots improve eyesight and blood composition, as well as strengthens the immune system. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals (carotenoids, vitamins, flavonoids, etc.). Also, this vegetable has excellent taste. There are many dishes that include carrots, for example, is known to all, salad. But how do you properly cook this root vegetable for salad?
- How to boil eggs for salad Cooking of eggs for a hearty winter salad type "Olivier" or "Capital" – the process seems to be simple. But it has its own quirks and tricks. Undercooked eggs have a semi-liquid yolk and loose protein digested rubber consistency and gray alapetite a RAID around the yolk. Those and others are able to spoil the taste of the salad, and the mood of the hostess.
- How to boil potatoes for the salad A classic recipe of salad Olivier includes many ingredients, among which are crab meat, and quail eggs. Olivier salad with potatoes is a much more economical option, but no less delicious. Just need to correctly prepare all the components of the salad, and boil the potatoes.
- Recipes gluten-free homemade cookies Gluten free cookies – this cookie that does not contain gluten. It's shown young children, people on a gluten-free diet or gluten intolerance – celiac disease.
- How to braise zucchini Zucchini cooked in various ways, one of them is the suppression. Steamed zucchini is good in the form of hot and cold appetizers, the main dishes and as a garnish. Recipes for stewing there is a huge number, try a few, diversify according to your taste and please your family with delicious dishes.
- How to make a menu for dinner in the cafe A romantic dinner in the restaurant, a pleasant meeting with friends over a delicious meal, what could be better. But if the evening is successful, it is necessary to think carefully about the menu for that dinner. After all, food should be not only delicious, but also to go by all the rules of etiquette.
- How to remove word 2010 Word 2010 is a popular word processor. The purpose of this program is the creation and editing of documents. Like all apps, the vord may be affected by the three treatments relative to the user: installation, use and removal.
- How to dry apricots Fresh apricots are very healthy and tasty. Ripe fruits contain carotene, b vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin e, potassium and iron. But how to reinforce your body with vitamins and minerals when the season ends? Apricots can be dried and used at any time of the year.
- How to make pickled cucumbers Crisp green cucumbers with the smell of dill and garlic they ask themselves in the mouth. In the harvest season each woman wants to treat a family salted cucumbers with crisp new potatoes. These vegetables are salted in jars, kegs, enameled pots. Just do not use aluminum cookware. Determine the capacity, go-to recipes.
- Coho salmon in the oven - tasty and healthy In cooking a variety of fish species. And one of them is coho. Some time ago about it almost forgot, the most popular kind salmon and trout, which actively began to breed in fish farms. However, the wonderful taste of tender meat coho salmon and its beneficial properties does not leave indifferent those who once tried this fish.
- How to put cold cuts beautifully Large feast on the various events in the lives of people, often accompanied by lots of snacks. Mistress trying to please them, so choose the best varieties of meats, but before the celebration can occur the problem of their attractive covers.
- How to cook rice in bags Rice bags – a practical proposal for those who basically can't cook grits. Because this type of packaged products does not need to interfere in the process of cooking, is not required to constantly monitor him, he does not stick to the pan, and cooked rice always turns out crumbly and tasty.
- How to roast a pumpkin Despite the fact that the usual interpretation of the word "frying" is the process of cooking the product in the pan, in the broader sense of the word "fry" is to cook food in the oven. Determining factor here is the presence of heat and lack of fluids – water, broth, etc. In the pan of uncooked pumpkin is fried, cut into very thin slices, which is difficult, considering the thickness of the pumpkin peel, and zapanirovat. But to roast the pumpkin in the oven much easier.
- How to make soup kharcho Soup kharcho – Georgian national dish. It has become very popular here in Russia because of their unique taste characteristics. Prepare this delicacy at home and enjoy thereby their friends and relatives!
- How to make sugar Petushki Lollipop is a favorite delicacy in Russia for several hundred years. Simple, as all ingenious, this invention loses none of its freshness today. Form of a Cockerel, perhaps the most popular, although there are still fish, houses, trees.
- How to cut the watermelon Hard to find someone who is indifferent to the watermelonof am. These seasonal fruits refresh and quench your thirst in the hot season, but the most rich taste they reach velvet in the fall. To eat striped berry at the table the whole family gathers at the head of which has its own right way to slice a watermelon.
- What to eat the strawberries Strawberry – sweet and juicy berry that contains many nutrients. It enriches the body With vitamin C, iron, calcium and other elements, has a pronounced diuretic properties. It is possible, but can be combined with other products every time enjoying new taste compositions.
- Harmful than hot cereal One of the most popular choices for Breakfast are porridge and quick cooking. It would seem that the contents of the sachet allows for a few moments to get a delicious and rich in vitamins food, just spreading the product with hot water. However, useful whether in fact such "instant" porridge?
- How to pickle black mushrooms Black mushrooms have long been considered hardly probable not the most suitable for pickling mushrooms. They are easy to collect. Dark hats stand out against the bright autumn foliage, and they grow in groups. Saw one fungus, you will certainly find a number of more several.
- How to clean boiled tongue Boiled tongue, sliced, seasoned with spices, topped with garlic or horseradish, all the time was an exquisite delicacy. Language can not only cook, but bake, for example, in the oven. A delicacy if cooked properly, the flesh is very tender and tasty. To cook and properly clean the tongue does not need to be a chef, enough to know some tricks and fine cooking.
- How to store mint Mint – a plant of the family yasnotkovyh, which are essential oil menthol. It is the menthol gives a distinctive "fresh" smell and taste. In ancient times it was believed that mint refreshes the mind, therefore, scientists and thinkers wore on his head a wreath of its branches. Now mint is widely used in cooking – add it to salads, cocktails, hot. Use it in folk medicine, cosmetology and just to scent a room.
- What can you make from flax seed From flax seeds, you can cook cakes, salad, cereal, etc. From this product is very tasty and useful shelf, and a decoction of flax seed is indispensable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- How to pluck a duck Modern housewife rarely have to pluck the bird, and the duck even more. In the sale usually come ready carcass. But if there are hunter, prey is necessary to prepare, so you'll have to master the easy task of plucking the ducks. This process is time-consuming, not very fast, but it's nice to cook something delicious for lunch.
- How to quickly defrost fish The fish has a rather delicate structure and requires a delicate approach to the issues of thawing. The best place to thaw frozen fish carcasses is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This process takes an average of 5-6 hours. If you can't wait, defrosting can be accelerated.
- How to make grilled chicken Ready grilled chicken can be purchased in grocery stores or specialized kiosks. But the safer and tastier to roast the chicken on the grill at home. It is important to choose the right bird and make the sauce.
- How to cook normal rice Rare national world cuisine without rice dishes. Rich in protein, b vitamins, phosphorus and potassium, it is widely used as the basis for cereals, mousses, and casseroles, as a garnish for fish and meat, as well as a component of soups and salads. There are several thousand varieties of rice. This diversity dictates the difference in ways of cooking.
- How to smoke sausage The sausage has such an old history that it's impossible to tell not only who invented it, but even where and when it happened. Homer mentions sausages in the Odyssey, and Apifarma (I century BC) there is even a Comedy called "Sausage". The sausage making in Ancient China and Ancient Rome, and the Roman Legionnaires could, as an experiment, to make it even from the Dolphin. In Russia the sausage making from the XII century. Cooking smoked sausage at home - a labor-intensive, but the results are worth it.