Be confident in yourself and your charm. If on the scene of an insecure person, guests do not perceive him as the master, it just will not be ignored, and the customer is unlikely to pay for the work. Develop confidence in their abilities, be ready to exit for the public.
Thoroughly prepare the script. Without it, neither party will be fun and interesting. Consider the ages and interests of guests, theme and occasion of fun and other things that significantly affect the preparation of the event.
Have alternatives depending on developments. Always remember that the festival can go not as you expected. So think carefully about your behaviour in different situations, for example, if you refuse to go on stage or try to take control into their own hands.
Consider the opinions of the customer. Offering various options of competitions and the theme of the event, carefully watch the reaction of the heroes of the occasion. After reviewing the slightest dissatisfaction of the client, you can easily lose your future order. Adapt them, change and mix contests from different programs, learn to find compromises.
Develop your wit, sense of humor, quick wit and eloquence. These qualities are necessary for someone who will be constantly under the scrutiny of many people. Because you have to face not only with a cheerful and obedient guests, but also with those who want to hurt you or displace from a post of the leader.