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- How to calculate depreciation Depreciation is an objective process of gradual conversion of the cost of used fixed assets at the cost of the finished product or service. In the Russian Federation allowed to use 2 methods of depreciation.
- How to find out the percentage On television, in Newspapers, on the radio we often hear that GDP fell by this much percentage ofsthat economic growth amounted to a certain number of percent. What is the percentage as a mathematical unit, and how to count the most?
- How to get sulfur Sulfur is a flammable chemical element that is a nonmetal. People have used sulfur since ancient times, when such science as chemistry, and even did not exist. Alchemists believed that sulfur, like mercury, is a supernatural substance that it is a mandatory component of all matter, marking the element of fire. Sulfur is mostly extracted from natural deposits. But it can also be obtained by other methods.
- How to do well Well - it is a necessity for any private home or Villa. Because water is required for drinking, and for watering the garden and for the bath or pool. But to drill the hole, using the services of various companies and organizations, not everyone. To equip the well you can own.
- How to write a review The opinion represents the analysis, judgment, and evaluation of any artistic or scientific work, article, object or product. No matter what topic you write a review, it must contain the basic provisions that characterize your relationship to the object.
- How to make a jet engine A jet engine is a pretty exotic thing, even for talented fans of anything designed in a garage or private workshop. But if someone is full of enthusiasm and fired up a similar idea, it is unlikely that anything can stop the dream to life. The easiest design for a similar apparatus, which can collect, is valveless pulsating jet engine.
- How to calculate the volume The volume is the space occupied by the body. To calculate the correct volume of the object, which can easily determine the parameters (length, width, height) easy. It is only necessary to multiply the found value. To determine the volume of arbitrary shapes is much more difficult.
- How to determine the part of speech To determine the part of speech, you need to know what part of the speech. These are the words that have morphological and syntactic characteristics. Distinguish between independent and auxiliary parts of speech.
- How to find the side of isosceles triangle Isosceles is called a triangle whose 2 sides are equal. From the definition it follows that a right triangle is also isosceles, but the converse is wrong. There are several ways to calculate the sides of an isosceles triangle.
- How to translate into decimal Common fractions are usually where you need precise mathematical calculations, decimals are used more in everyday life.
- How to find the area of an isosceles triangle Isosceles is a triangle whose two sides are equal. The area of this triangle can be calculated by several methods.
- How to find the area of a rhombus The diamond for the first time introduced the ancient Greek mathematics Heron of Alexandria and Poppa. A rhombus has 4 corners and 4 sides, but not immediately possible to imagine its appearance. In Greek (qоubоc - "tambourine") is a regular quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equal and parallel in pairs. A rhombus with right angles can be called a square.
- How to learn to talk fast As a schoolboy, everyone wanted to answer the lesson so that from teeth jumped aside, but not always, the dream came true. And even now, at the crucial moment words are not enough, you blush from embarrassment, but the tongue could barely move her mouth. All fixable by your strong desire.
- How to make a proportion From the necessity of complex mathematical calculations the average person going round the head. Try to calculate what amount of income tax from your pay. In this case, you will help simple activity - drawing ratio. Proportion is equality of two quotients. It is written in the form of two simple fractions, between which and the equal sign.
- How to find the third side in a right triangle Before we look at different ways of finding sides in a right triangle, let us take some notation. The leg is called the adjacent to the right angle side of a right triangle. The lengths of the legs let us denote a and b. The angles opposite sides a and b denote respectively through A and B. the Hypotenuse is, by definition, is the side of a right triangle that is opposite the right angle (with the other sides of the triangle the hypotenuse forms a sharp corner). The length of the hypotenuse is denoted by S.
- How to square a The construction of a number in a square is called raising a number to the second power. In General, the construction of the degree – one of the algebraic operations that cause difficulty in understanding and implementing calculations. However, the need for the construction of the square is found in many mathematical and practical problems.
- How to make fiberglass Using things we do not always think how and what those things are made. Therefore, many will be surprised if they knew that the basis for the manufacture of many familiar objects is fiberglass. Make optical fiber from natural raw materials, the technology of its receipt is rather simple.
- How to find the angles of a triangle on the sides The triangle is the simplest polygon, bounded on the plane, three points and three segments connecting pairs of these points. The angles in a triangle are acute, obtuse and straight. The sum of the angles in a triangle is constant and equal to 180 degrees.
- How to find speed, time, distance Speed, time and distance is a physical quantity, interconnected process of movement. Distinguish between uniform and uniformly accelerated (daunosamine movement) of the body. In uniform motion the velocity of a body is constant and does not change over time. In uniformly accelerated motion the velocity of a body changes with time. Understand how to find each of the quantities, if known to the other two.
- How to find the diameter The diameter is a line that connects two points a curved shape and passes through its center. In many applied problems it is required to find the diameter of a circle or sphere. The diameter of a circle to find its radius, length and area of a circle. The diameter of the ball find the radius, volume and surface area.
- How to find angle in a right triangle Already from the name "rectangular" triangle, it becomes clear that one angle is 90 degrees. The remaining angles can be found by remembering some simple theorems and properties of triangles.
- How to determine age Probably, everyone knows that the age in which we live – the twenty-first. But sometimes you have to correctly name the age long past, or, conversely, not come. Such a need may arise in the preparation of the report on the history, or perhaps writing a fantastic story. How to determine age?
- How to put commas Correctly put commas in the sentence should be able to every educated man. In addition, the correct punctuation in a sentence often determines its meaning.
- How to divide words into syllables With this problem facing any student. In addition, it is important to remember that the division into phonetic syllables do not always coincide with the breaking the word into syllables for transfer.
- How to divide a column The division is always useful - this way you can find the remainder of an integer division, and to bring the fission process to the desired decimal place.
- How to round numbers Rounding numbers is a mathematical operation that allows to reduce the number of digits in the number, replacing it with the approximate value. Rounding numbers is used for convenience in the calculations. Don't want to get confused and bother with the numbers that are after the decimal point five digits or more. There are a few rules of rounding numbers:
- How to find kinetic energy Kinetic energy is the energy of the mechanical system, which depends on the speed of movement of each of its points. In other words, the kinetic energy represents the difference between the total energy and the rest energy of the system, that part of the total energy of the system, which is caused by movement. Kinetic energy divided by the energy of translational and rotational motion. The unit of measurement of kinetic energy in SI system is Joule.
- How to find sides of triangle To find the sides of the triangle, you must know the lengths of two sides and the size of one angle. Or Vice versa - the length of one side and the values of the two angles. The value of the third angle is easily calculated from the equality of the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
- How to find the zeros of the function The mathematical concept of a function clearly shows how one value completely determines the value of the other variable. Usually deals with numeric functions that are put in the corresponding one of the other numbers. A zero of a function, usually called the value of the argument at which the function becomes zero.
- How to make a tetrahedron To make the tetrahedron, we need to take a sheet of paper, scissors and glue. You then cut out a paper scan of a tetrahedron and glue. If there are 4 sheets of colored paper, the tetrahedron will be even more beautiful.