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  • 1. Words
  • 2. Handle
  • 3. Paper
Ask a question to the word. Word answers the questions who, what? It is a noun. For example, mother, mountain, grass. Nouns describe objects.
Differ from a noun an adjective. These are the words denoting features of objects. For example, new, wool, mother's. Adjectives answer the questions what, what, what, what, whose, whose, whose, whose.
Feature words that replace nouns and adjectives. It is a pronoun. They point to objects and faces or signs, but don't call them. For example, I, we, you, who, my, this, one, anyone, everyone, someone, etc.
Ask a question how much. Answer this question cardinal numbers and determine the number of items. For example, one, forty, etc. Ordinal numbers answer the questions who, which, which which. For example, fifth, sixth.
Let's see, does the word action and state. If Yes, then it's a verb. For example, read. Verbs determine the time, person and number. With the exception of the infinitive, uninflected indefinite form of the verb. To Express temporary properties use of the sacrament. They also need to Express the feature of an object, depending on the specific action. The participle combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. For example, sleeping, playing. Differ from a verb gerunds. It is formed from the verb, but has no time, no change at the genera and numbers. For example, talking, resting.
There is also an immutable part of speech – adverb. For example, here, here, long, Threesome, foot, etc. They refer to the signs and signs of signs.