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- How to determine the average number All the known numbers can be mentally laid out in a line, this line is called numerical axis. It is located at the ascending of the mathematical values from minus infinity to plus infinity. And if you choose any two points, it is possible to determine by calculation how many will be between them, that is, to determine their average number.
- How to cook soda solution Soda is a product that is easy to find in the kitchen locker of every housewife. But not everyone knows that soda is the universal medicine for many ailments. The recipes soda solutions, which helps to overcome sickness, very simple and accessible to all.
- How to determine the coefficient of friction Friction is the process of interaction of solid bodies during their relative motion or the motion of the body in a gaseous or liquid medium. The coefficient of friction depends on the material of the friction surfaces, the quality of treatment and other factors. In physical problems, most often determined by the coefficient of sliding friction as the rolling friction force is much less.
- How to obtain glucose from starch Sugar can be extracted in several ways: from the plants by the chemical industry. But this option is sweet, like glucose, can be obtained from ordinary starch.
- How to find force of tension of the thread Often in problems on mechanics you have to deal with blocks and goods, suspended by threads. The load pulls the thread under the action of the thread the force of tension. Exactly the same in modulus but opposite in direction force is applied from the filament to the load according to the third law of Newton.
- How to solve problems with arrays Computer science is one of the most interesting technical subjects in schools and higher education institutions. Every person who has solved the problem in computer science writing the program, can consider himself the Creator. Moreover, the program code and the executable file can live virtually forever, performing right society tasks. But in order to learn how to write complex useful programs, you need to understand how to handle large amounts of information. The best solution to this problem is to solve the problem with arrays.
- How to determine the main idea of the text The ability to determine the main idea of the text is an important academic skill. Because it depends on the speed of understanding and the assimilation of the text. The increasing amount of information makes the work with texts not only students but also adults. The ability to quickly highlight the main idea will allow you to reduce costs time reading, and increase the volume of the (readable) texts, and, consequently, will facilitate the work. This will take quite a bit to remember a few typical questions that need to be asked, reading the text paragraphs.
- How to solve arithmetic progression An arithmetic progression is such a sequence, in which each member, starting with the second, equal to the preceding member, folded with the same number d (step or difference in arithmetic progression). Most often in problems with arithmetic progressions are issues such as finding the first member of an arithmetic progression, the n-th term, the constant difference of the arithmetic progression, the sum of all members of an arithmetic progression. Let's consider each of these issues in more detail.
- How to formulate a hypothesis To start to define what is a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a supposition to explain the essence, possibilities, properties, causes, structure and interrelation of the studied phenomena. However, they must be reasonable and verifiable, theoretically or experimentally.
- How to measure the scale To correctly determine the location of objects on the map and calculate distances it is necessary to know its scale. Usually each card is given a numerical or linear scale, it only remains to read it. But what if for some reason the scale is missing? To determine it in several ways.
- How to associate It should be clearly understood that "to associate" can mean two different situations. The first is to obtain a position of assistant Professor (lecturer in higher educational institutions). The second is to obtain the academic title of associate Professor. In the first case, for the position of associate Professor should have higher education and experience teaching in higher education. In the second case, it is necessary not only higher education, but also the availability of a scientific degree of candidate or doctor of Sciences. So, how to obtain the academic title of associate Professor?
- How to determine the pole of the magnet A magnet is a metal object that can attract iron and some other metals. The magnets industrial and those used in training, typically plus and minus the designated color, under production conditions, edge device cover the paint counter. Blue denotes a minus, red - plus. The magnets that are used in machinery, such designation is not, but replacement parts with this device, you often need to find the polarity.
- How to find the height of the prism A prism is a polyhedron, the base of which are located in parallel planes, and its lateral faces are parallelograms. Height of a prism is a segment that connects both the base and perpendicular to each of them.
- How to find the height in a triangular pyramid Is called a triangular pyramid, the base of which lies the triangle. The height of this pyramid is the perpendicular from the vertex to the plane of its base. In order to find the height of the right triangular pyramid, a pyramid, all faces of which are equilateral triangles, it is necessary to know the length of edges of pyramid (a).
- How to determine the end in verbs The verb, like any other variable part of speech is the ending. Are still at school you learned that verbs are the part of speech answering the questions "what to do", "what to do" and having two conjugations. These factors pay attention in the first place for determining the end.
- How to find the derivative of given function The task of taking the derivative of the given function is the base for secondary school students, and for students of higher educational institutions. Is impossible to learn mathematics without learning the concept of derivative. But do not worry ahead of time - any derivative can be calculated using simple algorithms of differentiation and knowing derivatives of elementary functions.
- How to solve genetic tasks in biology In the school course of biology in high school you must have met, or will meet genetic goals. Genetics is a very interesting science. It studies the laws of variation and heredity. Representatives of any of the species reproduce like themselves. However, there is no identical individuals, all descendants to a greater or lesser extent differ from their parents. Genetics, as a science, makes it possible to predict and analyze the transmission of hereditary characteristics.
- As MPa convert to kg One unit MPa corresponds to one million Pascal. This index is used to measure the physical pressure and mechanical stresses in SI (system international) is the international system of units, which is the modern version of the metric system and is the most widely used worldwide. MPa can be converted to different units, including pounds.
- How to find the hypotenuse if you know the side and angle In a right triangle the leg is called the side adjacent to the right angle and hypotenuse - side opposite the right angle. All the sides of a right triangle are connected by certain relations, and that these constant ratios will help us to find the hypotenuse of any right triangle with a known side and angle.
- How to write the numbers in the square It is believed that the usual way of referring to the extent to which elevated any number, invented by Descartes. He, of course, did not come up with the idea about how this one and the design will have to enter from the computer keyboard. But if a civilization were able to create this very computer, and with something as simple as the font formatting in accordance with the usual standards of mathematical operations too.
- How to find the circumference knowing only the radius A circle is a figure that consists of all points in the plane equally distant from a given point (center) lying in the same plane. The segment connecting a point on the circle with center is called the radius. If you know the radius of the circle, you can calculate its length.
- How to find the area of the base of the prism Prism - a polyhedron with two bases which are equal the polygon and the lateral faces parallelograms. That is, find the area of the base of the prism means finding area of a polygon.
- How to find the surface of the cone Cone is a body which lies at the base circle. Outside the plane of this circle is a point called the vertex of the coneand the segments that connect the vertex of a cone of circular base is called a forming cone.
- How to solve complex numbers Mathematical analysis is a compulsory subject for students of technical universities of Russia. One of the most difficult topics of the first semester for most students is the decision of complex numbers. Meanwhile, a careful consideration of the complex numbers, it becomes clear that their solution is achieved using fairly simple algorithms.
- How to determine the number of electrons The atom of a chemical element consists of nucleus and electrons. The number of electrons in an atom depends on its atomic number. Electronic configuration determines the distribution of electrons in shells and subshells.
- How to find the ph of a solution There are two ways of determining pH of solutions – potentiometric (by using pH meter) and colorimetric (using chemical indicators). First thus more accurate and allows to determine the acidity in any medium, of any composition, color and texture, while the second method is suitable for clear aqueous solutions. This method of determining pH of solutions based on the use of acid-base indicators, the colour of which varies with changes in the environmental acidity.
- How to find the length of the leg In a right triangle the two sides, lying opposite the acute angles are called the legs, and one side that lies opposite the right angle is the hypotenuse. Depending on which data parameters there are several ways to find the length of the leg.
- How to investigate for convergence the series One of the most important tasks in mathematical analysis is the study of a number of on the convergence of a number. This task is solved in most cases. The most important thing - to know the basic convergence tests, be able to apply them in practice and select for each number needed.
- How to distinguish from Melchior silver How to distinguish the Nickel silver from silver? This question is quite relevant. Often, finding the old thing, think, throw it out or leave it, is it of any value or just takes place. Externally cupronickel and silver to distinguish not easy, but if you follow a few tips, this task is much easier.
- How to find the smaller base of the trapezoid Smaller base of the trapezoid (or a small base) is the least of its parallel sides. The length of this side you can find a variety of ways, using a variety of data. That is the way they are being addressed in this article.