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- How to find the derivative at the point Physical meaning of derivative - rate of change of a function. The derivative of the function changes the coordinates is the rate of motion, the derivative of speed is acceleration. Thus, knowing the formula for change of coordinates of the body in space, you can find it velocity and acceleration in each coordinate space.
- How to solve problems with the algorithm The algorithm is a failure a sequence of precisely defined operations that describes the required procedure to solve the set tasks. Any task can be solved using the algorithm. Before drawing up the instructions in the algorithm are introduced variables taking into account the conditions of the problem. The most common types of algorithms: linear, cyclic and algorithms with branching. Each of them, by a finite number of transactions, the transition from input data to the desired task result.
- How to solve a system with three unknowns Linear system with three unknowns has multiple solutions. Find the solution of the system using the rules of the Kremer via determinants, Gauss method or using the simple method of substitution. The substitution method is a basic for the solution of linear systems of equations of smaller order. It is the successive terms of each equation of the system one unknown variable, substituting it in the equation and simplify the resulting expressions.
- How to melt lead The question of how to melt lead, occurs in many people, both beginners and seasoned anglers. Because the need for the smelting of lead in the home arises usually out of a desire to make sinkers, lures and jigs in our own unique sketch. I must say that the process is fairly simple and presents no special difficulties. The melting point of lead is equal to 327,4 degrees Celsius. This allows you to melt it in a ceramic, steel and even aluminum containers directly on a gas burner of household cookers.
- How to test your typing speed Lately, increasingly, we see ads that require office or Bank employees with a certain speed of typing. Do you think that is worthy to take this job, but I doubt if you have adequate print speed? Check it out. Obviously, you are constantly typing the lyrics and yet manages to answer several forums at the same time, just not counted how many characters per second you can give without errors.
- How to calculate scale On any geographical map you can see about the following inscription: "Scale 1:100 000". Usually the first number is 1, and the second may vary. If it isn't there, then definitely there's a little Ticker, divided into equal periods, or nomogram. These signs designate the ratio of the size of an object on the map or plan to its real size.
- How to break down fat A living organism uses fat as an energy source, for good reason, he is part of the cells as an indispensable part of the core and shell. How ingested fat is split, and what is the chemical nature of these transformations? Knowledge of the physiological bases will help each of us to monitor the content of fatin the body, and to some extent control it.
- How to solve a system of equations with two unknown The equation is an identity, where among the known members of one hides the number you want to put instead of the Latin letters, to the left and right sides came out of the same numeric expression. To find it, need to move in the same direction all known members in the other all unknown terms in the equation. How to solve a system of two such equations? Separate – can not be linked to a desired value from the system with each other. You can do this three ways: method substitution method addition method of graphing.
- How to solve examples with cons Still in elementary school are taught how to add and subtract numbers. In order to learn how to do it, you need to learn the table of addition and based on it the table of subtraction. So, the graders will deduct nine of the seventeen or to solve any example. However, to lead to a dead end it will reverse example: how to subtract nine from seventeen. Examples with negative numbers given in the school curriculum much later, when the person Matures to abstract thinking.
- As to the power of water Water is the basis of all life on earth. People according to various estimates 80 - 90% consists of water. In ancient times, there were many traditions of using the force. Over time, people lost a significant part of the tradition, have ceased to appreciate and to respect the water. In our time, not only healers and psychics say and prove the healing properties of water, these scientists. An ordinary man, not being a scientist, a magician or a healer, can use the power of water.
- How to make petroleum gasoline Oil is a flammable liquid of natural origin, consisting of various hydrocarbons and small amounts of other organic substances. It is the main raw material for us the usual fuel, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, etc. the Production of gasolineand of oil - the lot of refineries, but as an experiment, and small amounts of gasoline can be obtained, and artisanal.
- How to solve equation with a cube For the solution of cubic equations developed by several mathematical methods. The method of substitution or replacement of cube auxiliary variable, and a number of iterative methods, in particular Newton's method. But the classical solution of the cubic equation is expressed in the use of the formulas of vieta and Cardano. The method of vieta-Cardano is based on the use of the formula of the cube of the sum of the coefficients and is applicable for any kind of cubic equation. To search for the roots of the equation , the entry must be represented in the form: x3+a*x2+b*x+c=0 where a is not zero.
- How to divide a circle into 5 parts Certainly, in life, each person had to cut a round cake into pieces. It is easy to do because each segment of the dessert, only approximately equal to his "brother", because he cut "by eye". And how to divide it so that all the parts were exclusively equal to each other? Now that's a mathematical problem, whose solution is reduced to the practical work in geometry: the division of a circle into parts. This requires skills with protractor, compass, straightedge, and pencil. Of course, to measure the angular measure and draw pencil marks on the cake should not be, it is better to practice on paper.
- How to recognize starch You urgently need to cook the paste, and you remember that somewhere in the closet was the starch? But on the shelves revealed several packages of white powder - which one to use? Determine this is possible by chemical means. Suitable for determination of starchand a substance probably have in your home medicine Cabinet.
- How to calculate the diameter of a circle As a rule, in problems of geometry, as well as in practical Affairs, is set to the diameter of a circle and want to find its length. But there are times when you need the opposite — the known length of the circumference and we must calculate the remaining parameters. In math class or sketching, you may need to know the radius of the circle, before it is drawn. In practical life also there are times. For example, you know the size of the hat and want to build her pattern.
- How to dissolve the resin The chemical composition of the resins may be different. To substances that carry this name are, for example, complex organic compounds are those that set the pine trees. This class includes relatively simple synthetic substances. Depending on the composition of the substance is necessary to select the solvent. Resin, if you do not know how to deal with them, can cause some trouble in daily life. For example, if you accidentally leaned against a pine tree or poured the glue where it is needed.
- How to solve fractions 5th grade In the 5th grade middle school introduces the concept of fractions. A fraction is a number consisting of a whole number of share units. Fractions are written in the form ±m/n, the number m is called the numerator, the number n of its denominator. If the module of the denominator is greater the numerator of the module, such as 3/4, the fraction is called proper, otherwise improper. A fraction may contain the integer part, for example 5 * (2/3). To fractions, you can apply different arithmetic.
- How to divide a fraction by an integer Any whole number can always be represented as fractions - both common and decimal. Therefore, dividing fractions by whole numbers is reduced to the transformation. The very division between the different fractions is different: the decimal point for division, the common - reduce.
- How to calculate the volume of a cube Calculate the volume of a cube may be necessary not only in solving mathematical problems. For example, you need to know how many bricks in a package of the cubic form or how much liquid or dry ingredients will fit into a container. For this course, you will need to clear up a few options, but first, you need to calculate the volume of a cube.
- How to find the spring stiffness In physics the term "spring rate" is more accurately the stiffness coefficient of the spring. To determine experimentally the spring stiffness, you need to know Hooke's law: F=|kx|. To calculate the desired quantities it is necessary to measure the other two and then using the laws of mathematics, to solve an equation with one unknown.
- How to find the area of a tetrahedron A tetrahedron in solid geometry is called a polyhedron, which consists of four triangular faces. The tetrahedron has 6 edges and 4 faces, and vertices. If the tetrahedron all faces are right triangles, then the tetrahedron is regular. The surface area of any polyhedron including a tetrahedron can be calculatedknowing the area of its faces.
- How to calculate transformer A transformer is an electrical device that converts one AC voltage to another, for example from 220 V to 12 V. is step down transformer. The simplest transformer consists of a magnetic core and a wound on it windings: primary and secondary. The primary winding is supplied an alternating voltage, for example 220 volts from the mains, while the secondary coil through inductive coupling creates a different AC voltage. Output voltage depends on the difference of turns of the primary and secondary windings.
- How to calculate logarithm with a calculator The calculation of logarithms in the training process often ends with the entry of a simple form of the logarithmic expression. In practice, however, it is sometimes necessary to compute the exact value of the logarithm of a number in the given base. Moreover, the accuracy of the logarithm is sometimes required is quite high. Most calculate logarithms are irrational numbers. Previously, the numerical value of the logarithm determined by a special logarithmic tables. To find the logarithm of a number using a calculator, after a series of simple steps.
- How to find the temperature of the gas In order to find the absolute temperature of an ideal gas, you can use the equation, which is commonly known as the equation of Clapeyron-Mendeleev. This formula allows to establish the relationship between pressure, temperature of gas and its molar volume.
- How to check punctuation Do you make business documents, whether you write a letter to family or friends, you, and your intelligence will give the contents of the document and correctness of his writing, particularly punctuation. To say that wrong to put the comma can radically change the meaning of the phrase, I think, not worth it, but on how to check punctuation and talk.
- How to find acceleration speed Under acceleration (a) is defined as a physical quantity that characterizes the change in velocity of a body in the period of time during which a body changes its location in space. Acceleration can be positive (for example, start the train from the platform) and negative (train starts braking at the destination). Based on the above definition, this value is easy enough to find.
- How to check punctuation In the Russian system of punctuation there are total 10 punctuation point [.], comma [,], semicolon [;], ellipsis [...], a colon [:], question mark [?], the exclamation mark [!], a dash [–], parentheses [()] quotation marks [" "]. However there are so many ways you can use them that often pupils, students, and many adults put commas and dashes at random. But on the Internet people often do stop to use points-commas – nobody puts marks for recording on the forums! However, neither the school teachers nor the professors of the institutions nor employers will be able to appreciate your knowledge if you don't check your work for compliance with the rules of the Russian language.
- How to draw a frame for the drawing To make it convenient to store and file drawings, they make the frame and the table with the basic information according to certain standards drawing. They are all described in the Standards.
- How to carry out the tangents to circles A tangent to a given circle is called a straight line that has only one common point with the circle. Tangent to a circle is always perpendicular to its radius drawn to the tangent point. If two tangents drawn from one point, not belonging to a circle, then the distance between this point and the touch points will always be the same. Tangents to circles are constructed in different ways, depending on their location relative to each other.
- How to determine the phase zero In everyday life we are constantly confronted with electrical devices that operate from AC. In modern household wiring there are three wires that are loosely referred to as "phase", "zero" and "ground". Therefore the installation of electrical appliances must be able to distinguish "phase" from "zero".