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- How to solve fractional inequalities Fractional inequality requires more careful attention than the usual inequality, because in some cases, the process solution changes sign. Fractional inequalities are solved by the method of intervals.
- How to build a wind rose A wind rose is called a circular vector diagram showing the direction of wind motion within a certain period. Such graphs are widely used in meteorology, climatology and also in the construction of runways, airfields, housing estates and industrial zones. Stylized image of a wind rose is often used in heraldry. Today it can be seen in the symbolism of NATO or old geographical maps. But unlike these diagrams, a stylized image all rays of equal length.
- How to measure caliper When performing carpentry or plumbing work is required regularly to measure different holes. The usual line for this is not very suitable, since it is difficult to measure, for example, a recess. In addition, it provides an accuracy of 1 mm, and this is not always enough. For more accurate measurements used the Vernier caliper, which allows to determine the internal and external dimensions with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
- How to do integrals Integral number - the basis for mathematical analysis, one of the most difficult disciplines of the course of the graduate school. To do the integrals required in the mathematical analysis and in the number of technical disciplines. The difficulty is that there is no single algorithm for solving integrals.
- How to select gold Gold is a noble metal soft yellow. Nobility of this metal is estimated that it is resistant to aggressive media, i.e. not oxidized under the influence of acids and alkalis. Extracting gold from gold-bearing materials in two ways: mechanical (manual) or chemical.
- How to take the theory of probability Theory of probability is called a branch of mathematics which is devoted to the study of regularities of random phenomena. This item, if not separately, in math class, pass almost all students, even if they are studying Humanities specialties. And not for everyone to take the exam on this subject is an easy task.
- How to calculate the arc tangent In the presence of a personal computer there are several relatively simple ways to calculate trigonometric functions. These methods are equally suited for conventional computing functions (e.g., sine) and more complex (e.g., arctangent).
- How to calculate the average number The average number is the average of employees for a certain period of time. This indicator is calculated using the time sheet, made according to form T-12 or T-13. The average number of employees is calculated to be exempt from paying certain types of taxes to determine profit share for the separate divisions and for the delivery of settlement statements in the form No. 4-FSS in the FSS.
- How to make a Tesla generator Generator Tesla is a device created by a brilliant Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla in the nineteenth century. In industry the principle of operation of this generator is used in microwave ovens. In ordinary life, here already more than hundred years generator Tesla serves as an exciting entertainment to the public. Electrical discharges that are generated by this device can reach a length of several meters. Now we'll show you how to create a generator Tesla at home.
- How to divide a circle into 12 parts The geometric construction is an important part of the training program. They develop imagination, logic and spatial thinking. Most of the tasks on the build should be solved only with the help of ruler, compass and pencil. This allows you to consolidate the perception of dependencies between parameters of geometric objects. Some of them are simple and natural, and some are not visible clearly. So, to build the diagonal of a square or an isosceles triangle is not difficult, and over how to divide the circle into 12 parts, have to think a little.
- How to melt gold at home For manufacture in home conditions, of articles of precious metals necessary melting furnace. Of course, you don't need an industrial unit for the processing of several kilograms of gold, because you are not going to engage in the production of jewelry for sale. It is enough for a small oven that can satisfy your modest creative requests.
- How to write in cursive In order to have a beautiful handwriting, it is not necessary to be in possession of some special talent. If you know and follow the rules of good writing in cursive, your handwriting will be smooth and beautiful.
- How to convert from square meter to cubic meter To obtain square meters cubic is the problem of computing the volume of the figure at a given (or found) the square base of the figure. Let us consider how to calculate the volume, knowing the area of the base.
- How to learn to think fast The ability quickly and correctly to count - it is a necessity dictated by the times. Shopping, planning time, professional activity - this is not a complete list of actions that would not be possible without the ability to think fast. To form this skill begins in elementary school, and the task of parents - to make an oral account automatically. This is achieved by repetition, memorization and drills.
- How to calculate the volume The world in which we live triangular. So all bodies in the nature of the space. Volume - a physical quantity, numerically showing the dimensions of the body, it is measured in cubic meters, centimeters, etc., and also in liters, milliliters, etc. to calculate the volume of the body, neobhodimo to see its shape. Depends on the method of calculation.
- How to write equation of chemical reactions The main subject of study in chemistry are reactions between various chemical elements and substances. Deep understanding of the regularities of interaction of substances and processes in chemical reactions gives the possibility to manage and to exploit. A chemical equation is a way of expressing a chemical reaction, which contains formulas of the starting materials and products, the coefficients showing the number of molecules of each substance. Chemical reactions are divided into the reaction of compound, substitution, decomposition, and exchange. Also among them are redox, ionic, reversible and irreversible, exogenous, etc.
- How to open brackets in the equation Each student must learn to reveal the brackets in the equation. This procedure is important for the solution of mathematical, physical, and other tasks that require at least a minimum of computation.
- How to convert kilogram to Newton To implement the translation from poundsto Newtons s as such is impossible, since is the unit of measure fundamentally different physical quantities. But it is possible to calculate the force of gravity of the body, knowing the body mass expressed in kilograms using the acceleration of gravity.
- How to make isomers One of the most important concepts in organic chemistry - isomerism. Its meaning is that there are substances, which differ in the spatial arrangement of its atom or atomic groups that have the same molecular weight and composition. This is the main reason that in nature there is a huge variety of organic substances.
- How to make a dictionary In the process of learning a foreign language there is a need for the compilation of his dictionary, which will be recorded already learned words. The dictionary need to be to give full information about each word, and to this dictionary was convenient to operate.
- How to add vectors Vector addition is a basic task of vector geometry. It is important to understand that the addition of vectors obtained vector. Consider how to add vectorshow to build the vector sum, how to find the length of the resultant vector.
- How to teach to tell time When the child goes to school, he was forced to learn how to use the clock, because in school the lessons start at a certain time, last for a certain time and at certain same time end. In addition, many first graders already attend classes that need time, and parents are not always able to follow through. So teach the child to orientate in time to start September 1, but much earlier.
- How to melt copper at home Copper products can be very beautiful, and the temptation to do something copper with his own hands. For this purpose the metal must be melted. In the foundry business for the most part there are three main varieties of this metal: pure red copper and its alloys: bronze and brass.
- How to parse sentences As for students, and for students one of the most difficult tasks is the parsing of sentences. If you can learn to do it right syntactic parsing, this will improve punctuation literacy. Well representing the structure of sentences, the person usually doesn't make mistakes when setting punctuation. Syntactic parsing of sentences can be performed as follows.
- How to make a right icosahedron Regular polyhedron is called a convex polyhedron if all its faces represent are equal, regular polygons, with each vertex converges to the same number of edges. There are five regular polyhedrons – the tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, hexahedron (cube) and the dodecahedron. An icosahedron is a polyhedron the faces of which are twenty equal right triangles.
- How to decompose into Prime factors of the number To decompose a number into factors, it is necessary to clarify whether a number is composite, because the process of decomposition is the division of a compound number by a simple number. A Prime number is divisible only by 1 and itself. Moreover, the unit is neither simple nor composite number. To simplify the process and get quick result, you must know the signs of division numbers 2, 3, 5, 10, etc.
- How to write essays samples The word "essay" comes from the Latin refero - I tell you, I tell you. The abstract is a brief summary of something, the essence. The ability to write a good, competent, high-quality essay distinguishes humans really know how to work with information.
- How to calculate inflation Inflation is an indispensable attribute of market economy. Among her reasons for this are several factors which in General terms are as follows: when the same volume of output disproportionately increases the amount of circulating money. Thus money is worthless.
- How to build perspective Axonometric projection in geometry is called one of the ways to display items. To build the axonometric projection you first need to build the axis, then considering the coefficients of distortion on the axis sizes of the projected object and its elements. Combining the obtained elements, it turns out axonometric projection.
- How to build section Cross-section of a polyhedron is a plane that crosses her face. Depending on original data there are many methods of constructing a section. Consider the case when the three points of the cross sectionlying at different edges of the polyhedron. In this case, the build section is conducted straight through points lying on one straight line, and then searched for direct re- section of the faces with the plane of the cross section.