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- How to distinguish between the prepositions "for" from nouns with a preposition No matter how much we tried to avoid such expressions in written language, we somehow still encounter them and once again wonder: how to write? Together or separately? At the end or And? And why so and not otherwise, what does it depend? Some adverbs and prepositions just need to remember, and in some cases you need to first understand, whether it is adverb or a noun with a preposition, this will depend on the writing.
- How to multiply the matrix Matrix multiplication requires a certain condition: the number of columns of the first matrix multiplier must be equal to the number of rows of the second. In addition, this operation is not commutative, that is, the result depends on the order of the factors.
- How to find a leg and the hypotenuse The leg is one of the sides of a right triangle, which is adjacent to the right angle.The hypotenuse is the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle. There are several ways to find their size.
- How to solve equation third degree Equations of the third degree is also called cubic equations. This equation, in which the highest degree when variable x is a cube (3).
- How to find the bases of the trapezoid The bases of the trapezoid can be found in several ways, depending on the specified parameters. When famous square, the height and the side of the isosceles trapezoids of the sequence of calculations is reduced to the computation of the sides of an isosceles triangle. And to use the properties of isosceles trapezoids.
- How to make AC DC In human life, interested in electronics, often face the task to convert AC to DC. In General, a relatively easy task for the experienced in this field person. But what if you're just starting out in electronics? There are a number of devices that will help us in this
- How to translate from English to Russian English is the most widespread language of international communication. Without knowledge of the English language in our days it is difficult to get a paying job and doing business with foreign partners. In the process of work and study we often have to translate English language to Russian the various texts, documents, instructions and other papers.
- How to write "wasn't": together or separately In the negative forms of the verb "to be" in past tense: "was", "was not", "was not" - the stress falls on the particle. As a result, the question often arises, whether to write these forms together or separately. In this case, as a General rule for all verbs.
- How to find an angle in a trapezoid A-line is a flat foursquare, of which two opposite sides are parallel. They are called bases of the trapezoidand the other two sides - the sides of the trapezoid.
- How to find common denominator The decision of mathematical tasks with fractions has many ways. One of the simplest and most common operations - addition/subtraction of fractions. If the denominator of both fractions are the same, just folded/subtract the values in the numerator, but if the numbers in the denominators are different, come to the aid of finding the lowest common denominator.
- How to find the percentage of the interest The mathematical definition of the cent, as the hundredth part of the whole from a given number is a manageable problem. However, in life we often find solutions in unusual situations. For example, when the source data is not available, the number and the percentage of the number. For this task it is required to determine the percentage of the percentage.
- How to make a Newtonian liquid A Newtonian fluid is any fluid, which is in accordance with the law of viscous friction Newton. According to this law, the liquid will continue to have flowing properties, regardless of what forces act on it. To do a Newtonian fluid is incredibly simple.
- How to break words into syllables A syllable is a combination of letters in a word that is pronounced with one push of exhaled air. In the study of the Russian language is often necessary to break words into syllables.
- How to find the side of a triangle if two sides are known The solution of the problem developed by the ancient mathematician Pythagoras. All of the plurality of triangles select rectangular. In one of the angles is equal to 90 degrees. Sides that are adjacent to this angle are called the legs. And a third side connecting the other two sides is called the hypotenuse. Let one of the legs is equal to 15 centimeters, and the second was 9 inches. By the Pythagorean theorem we find the length of the hypotenuse.
- How to round a number to the hundredths The task of rounding to the hundredths sometimes appears in programmers. This happens in two cases. First, the language used may not be the corresponding rounding function. Secondly, an inexperienced programmer may not be aware of the subtleties of language. In either case, rescued a 4-step rounding algorithm.
- How to translate in decimal system In machine arithmetic used different systems of notation. Basically, computing is based on binary numbers. In everyday life we are accustomed to using the decimal system of notation. Let's see how to represent decimal numbers represented in other systems of notation.
- How to transfer numbers in binary system In addition to the usual decimal system of notation, there are other systems. The most common ones are: binary, octal, hexadecimal. These systems are mainly used in computing. For converting numbers from one base to another there are simple operations. Consider how to translate numbers into the binary system of notation from other systems.
- How to convert a number from decimal system Are used in computing various systems of notation: binary, octal, hexadecimal. Not always convenient to operate with such numbers, because it is in use accustomed to use a decimal system. So try to figure out how to translate a number from a decimal system of notation to the other.
- How to write "for" The phrase "in the course of"perhaps one of the most difficult in the Russian language. Writing it depends on what part of speech is the word "for". Learn simple rules explaining how to write "in for"and you will be free from spelling mistakes in this life. While studying the rules of main thing is not to memorize but to understand.
- How to find the sides if the perimeter is known The perimeter of a plane figure is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. But to find the sides of the figure, knowing only the perimeter is not always feasible task. Often, more data are needed.
- How to convert degrees to minutes In minutes and seconds, as a rule, measured by geographical or astronomical coordinates. These units are rarely used in mathematics, physics, and applications in solving various problems both theoretical and applied nature. Here more application as the unit of measurement of plane angles have degrees, whole or fractional. How to convert minutes and seconds to degrees we now find out.
- How to write "nevertheless" The phrase "none the less" depending on the context, may be separated with commas or used without them. In the first case, the phrase "none the less" must have expressed the importance of introductory words.
- How to prepare for state Any exam requires knowledge on the subject, especially the state. But even the most complete knowledge does not guarantee that the response will be high. Sometimes, having mastered the material, you can succumb to the natural excitement and take responsible action. Therefore, when preparing for the exam it is more important to pay attention to psychological preparation.
- How to travel in time To turn back time age – old dream of mankind. The idea of moving in time - based plots of many science fiction works. Isn't it tempting to move in time a few years to correct their mistakes, to do things differently, to catch up? How is it really?
- How to convert a decimal to a fraction Decimal fractions handy. Recognize them calculators and many computer programs. But sometimes it's necessary, for example, to make a proportion. This will translate a decimal fraction to a fraction. It is not difficult, if we make a small digression into the school curriculum.
- How to defend a thesis Thesis is not only a major research project designed to confirm the qualifications of the student as a young professional, but also a serious test for the diploma ofnick. The diploma is not enough to simply write well, it still must successfully defend before the State examination Commission. And for the defense went smoothly, better prepare for it in advance.
- How to find places of power "Places of power" are referred to as points or areas on the map that have unique bioenergetic characteristics. This term first appeared in the light from the books of Carlos Castaneda, a story about the Mexican magician don Juan Matuse. So don Juan called the place, which is the focus of subtle energies, allowing the magician to control reality and to draw magical power.
- How to convert meter to linear meter Currently, depending on the situation, there are different ways of measuring length. One of these units is the "linear meter". The name is intimidating, but in fact, this unit is nothing special.
- How to convert from cubic meters to tonnes The transfer of the units determine the volume per unit weight is very easy, it all depends on the substance from which made the object. Help can come in the course of physics for grade 8 regular high schools.
- How to convert from kg to liters How often do we find that invaluable knowledge, so firmly forgotten, would be useful in real life ? How often do we have to remember simple tasks ? Banal, it would seem that the question: "how to convert kg to liters" ? But still... Suppose You found an interesting recipe. The number of required ingredients specified in kilograms. It is a pity that you don't have a kitchen scale. But there is a measuring Cup. It remains only to translate kilograms to liters.