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  • How to find the directional angle
    Orienteering lines on the map is to define its direction relative to the geographical axis or the magnetic Meridian is taken as the initial direction. The initial selected direction to form a reference angle, which is the orientation direction of lines. Backsight angle can be directional angle, the true (geographic) and magnetic azimuth or quadrant bearings: geographic, magnetic and directional.
  • How to distinguish real stone from a fake
    The main evidence of a gemstone is a special certificate. Examination of precious stones carried out by experts-gemologists. But a rough fake can determine even a regular customer.
  • How to put a fraction into a square
    In the solution of arithmetic and algebraic tasks is sometimes required to build a fraction in a square. The easiest way to do it when the fraction to a decimal is fairly simple calculator. However, if the fraction of the ordinary or combined, in the construction of such number in the square may experience some difficulties.
  • How to make a volt
    Conventional Zener diodes are available in voltage stabilization not less than three volts. Often, however, there is a need for the stabilization of voltages on the order of one volt. For this purpose the so-called stabistor.
  • How to measure resistance with a tester
    There are three types of devices which can measure the resistance: a digital, dial, and bridges. Methods of using these gauges differ. An experienced handyman should be able to measure resistance, using any of them.
  • How to find the capacitance of the capacitor
    In order to know whether it is possible to use in a particular location diagram condenser should determine its capacity. A method of finding this option depends on how it is marked on the capacitor and marked, if at all.
  • How to find relative humidity
    To determine the relative humidity of the air learn real pressure or density of vapor at a given temperature, divide the value of the pressure of saturated steam at a given temperature, which can be found in the table and multiply by 100%. The relative humidity of the air can be found depending on the difference in the readings of dry and wet thermometers or change the length of the hair depending on the humidity.
  • How to lower current
    Many appliances are designed for a certain (maximum) value of the force of the current. If the current exceeds the allowable value, such equipment can fail. To lower the current a few simple methods, consisting in a series connection with the load is active or passive (ballasting) resistors.
  • How to make a Tesla coil
    One of the most famous electric devices created by the genius scientist Nicola Tesla in the late nineteenth century, is a high-voltage resonant transformer (Tesla coil). Produced transformervoltage ohms the high frequency potential of several million volts leads to the appearance in the air of large and colorful electric discharges. A hundred years of existence, the device is overgrown with legends and myths. But today, anyone can make transformer Tesla and to make sure natural created effects.
  • How to solve derivatives
    The derivative is one of the most important concepts not only in mathematics but also in many other fields of knowledge. It describes the rate of change of a function at a given point in time. From the point of view of geometry, the derivative at a point is the tangent of the angle of inclination of the tangent to that point. The process of finding is called differentiation, and backward - integration. Knowing a few simple rules, you can calculate derivative of any function, which in turn makes life easier and chemists, and physicists, and even microbiologists.
  • Levels of organization of living nature
    In the organization of wildlife are eight levels. Each successive includes previous. Each level has its structure and properties.
  • What is the ampere force
    The ampere force is called the force with which the magnetic field acts on a current-carrying conductor placed in it. Its direction can be determined using the left hand rule, and the rule of clockwise.
  • What is the weight of a liter of water?
    The need to determine the mass of an object in the absence of weights occurs quite often. The simple weights can be made of vessel with water, but you need to know how much weight the desired amount of water.
  • What is the current in the socket - direct or alternating
    Despite all the advantages of AC proved N. Tesla, his ideas were for the time forgotten. The Americans, followers of his famous countryman, completely abandoned the transmission and consumption DC only at the end of 2007
  • What is the electromagnetic field
    The introduction of new technologies and the widespread use of electricity led to the emergence of artificial electromagnetic fields, which often have a damaging effect on humans and the environment. These physical fields are created when there are moving charges.
  • As the time flows in space
    The history of space travel, of which the astronauts return to their old friends the same, young, not excite as many years ago. Today, however, question the flow of time on Earth and in space, obviously not everyone.
  • What is the book "the Master and Margarita"
    The novel of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is one of the best books written in the twentieth century in the Russian language. Unfortunately, the novel was published many years after his death, and many riddles, encrypted by the author in the book, has remained unsolved.
  • How to convert km/h into knots
    Hearing that the ship speed was 10 knots, people who are not familiar with marine business, forced to clarify, is it much or little, good or bad. Marine terminology for the uninitiated, in most cases quite complex, but with the translation of nodes in the usual kilometers per hour and Vice versa, nothing complicated.
  • How to determine electron configuration
    Chemical reactions do not affect the nuclei of atoms. Chemical properties of elements depend on the structure of their electron shells. The state of electrons in an atom is described four quantum numbers, Pauli principle, rule Gund and the principle of least energy.
  • How to determine the angle of diffraction
    The light waves are deflected from their straight path when passing through small openings or past of small obstacles. This phenomenon occurs when the dimensions of obstacles or openings comparable to the wavelength, is called diffraction. Challenges in the determination of the deflection angle of light is necessary to solve most often applied to the diffraction lattice surface in which alternate transparent and opaque areas of equal size.
  • How to read wiring diagrams
    For correct reading of electric circuits is necessary not only to know the symbols of the components, but also to imagine how they are formed into blocks. To understand the nature of the interaction between elements of the electronic device, learn to identify how the scheme passes the signal as it is converted.
  • How to calculate the coefficient of autonomy
    The coefficient of autonomy used in the analysis of financial stability. It shows the share of own funds in total assets of the enterprise. This indicator characterizes the degree of financial independence of the enterprise from external creditors.
  • How to find latitude and longitude on the map
    Any point on the terrain has its own geographic coordinates. With the advent of gps accurate positioning ceased to be a problem, but the ability to understand the map – in particular, to establish the latitude and longitudeis still quite relevant.
  • How to calculate the wire resistance
    The resistance wire shows the extent to which it prevents the passage of electric current. Measure it with tester, switched to the operating mode of the ohmmeter. If this is not possible, you can calculate it in different ways.
  • How to translate W/in the hour W
    When calculating the amount of electricity consumed, it is customary to use the term "kilowatt-hours". This value is the actual power consumption device power N kilowatt a number of hours X.
  • How to convert gallon in liter
    Gallon is the unit of measurement of volume used in USA, UK and some other countries. At different times and in different countries, its value was equal to unequal values. And now there are several options gallon, separately used for measuring dry or liquid substances. It also differentiates between American and British gallons. Liter is another unit of volume. As a gallon, it is not included in the international SI system, but is mentioned there as valid for use together with SI units.
  • How to determine the momentum of the body
    The momentum of the body is otherwise called the amount of traffic. It is determined by the product of mass and velocity. It can also be found through the duration of the force on the body. The physical meaning is not the impetus to change.
  • How to determine the angles of inclination of the plane
    In the production of various works on the country or the plot (laying various sites, paving slabs or paths) often have to stitch the oblique tracks site, located on different levels. It is necessary to carefully define and maintain the inclination angles of the plane on such sites.
  • How to build a cross-section of a parallelepiped
    In many textbooks there are jobs associated with the construction of sections of various geometric shapes including parallelepipeds. To cope with this task, you should be armed with some knowledge.
  • Why leaves turn yellow
    With the arrival of autumn sky cloud heavy rain clouds, sunlight becomes less, the foliage of trees and grass turn yellow and eventually fall off. Why in this gloomy time of year the leaves become yellow it?