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- How to read the English text Learning any language begins with the formulation of the correct pronunciation. As vocabulary in the first stages is equal to zero, then the first steps is studying the rules of phonetics and reading. The English language is no exception. Although, of course, for optimum results, the spoken language should begin to learn along with phonetic rules.
- How to calculate the area of a triangle By definition, from geometry, a triangle is a figure consisting of three vertices and three pairs of connecting segments. There are many formulas for calculating the areas of triangles, each of triangles you can use a special formula.
- How to check the diode bridge The diode bridge is a full-wave rectifier of alternating current. It serves to convert electric current of variable polarity at current with a constant polarity. Any diode bridge consists of four diodesconnected according to the same scheme. The diode bridge can be made of separate elements, assembled in any way, either in the form of ready Assembly. It is one of the key components to all sources of DC power supply, operating from AC power. One of the common causes of failure of power sources is the failure of the diode bridge. So, if you know how to check the diode bridge, you can quickly identify the type of fault and make the necessary replacement parts.
- How to calculate pipe diameter If your goal is to calculate the diameter of the pipe, then it can be done using simple geometric calculations. Any pipe is a cylinder and has two diametera – external and internal, they differ by twice the wall thickness of the pipe. Payments can be made in different ways, depending on available data.
- How to build a truth table For any logical expression you can build the table of truth. This table shows for which values of the Boolean variables, the expression refers to the unit or is true. By using tabulations of the truth is possible to prove the equality (or inequality) of two complex logical expressions.
- How to pass the exam in physics Delivery of Unified State Exam in physics at the "perfect" place in any technical UNIVERSITY. Of course the unified state exam in physics is the easiest way to do on a budget. But how do you prepare for the exam, because physics - a subject difficult, scaring most of the students.
- How to put the accent in the word contract The emphasis in the Russian language is a very complex and sometimes unpredictable. It can fall on any syllable of the word (unlike, for example, from the French language where the accent is always placed on the last syllable). And this raises a lot of questions. For example, how to put the accent in the word the contractso that the interlocutor did not consider you an illiterate person?
- How to solve logarithms The logarithm of the number b determines the exponent for the construction of the original positive number a, which is the base of the logarithm, and obtain the result of a given number b. The decision of the logarithm is to determine the degree of given numbers. There are some basic rules to define the logarithm conversion or write logarithmic expressions. Applying these rules and determining possible to calculate logarithmic equations, find derivatives, solve integrals and other expressions. The decision of the logarithm looks a lot like a simplified log entry.
- How to solve equations with degrees Skills solving equations with degrees required from students of all educational institutions, be it school, University or College. To solve exponential equations need by themselves, and for other tasks (physical, chemical). To learn how to solve such equations is quite easy, the main thing to take into account a number of small subtleties and observe algorithm.
- How to do logarithms Solving math problems with logarithms is required from secondary school students, starting with ninth grade. The theme seems difficult, since the logarithm is very different from the usual arithmetic operations.
- How to inscribe in a circle a Pentagon A Pentagon is a geometric figure with five angles and five sides. The greatest interest is in the geometry of the regular Pentagon (the Pentagon), the angles and sides equal. It can be inscribed in a circle, and to describe around it. It is very important to be able to do a similar build without the use of the protractor, the usual improvised means. Due to the known properties of a circle and a regular Pentagon to inscribe the Pentagon in a circle is possible only by using one of a compass.
- How to emphasize parts of speech To emphasize parts of speech in the sentence is not so difficult. Though they are not enough, it is a very simple procedure. You just need to study a few rules, and it's done!
- How to construct a regular octagon In the drawing, you often need to build regular polygons. For example, the correct octagons are used on billboards road signs.
- How to multiply in a column The multiplication in column one of the first and the most important operations, which studies the young learner in school. Without a clear knowledge and understanding of the whole sequence of actions when multiplying two numbers it is impossible to acquire further knowledge of mathematics. To fully learn how to multiply in a column can only be a multiple repetition of this operation. Performing the computation in a column, the student trains memory and attention. This allows further easier to concentrate on any task. To multiply numbers in a column need after studying the multiplication tables.
- How to find the radius of the sphere Before the problem of finding the radius of the sphere is necessary to introduce the definition of objects – the sphere and the ball.Of course solid geometry it is known that a sphere is a surface that consists of points in space equidistant from a given point. This point is called the center of the sphere, and the distance at which point the scope away from its centre, the radius of the sphere and is denoted by R. the solid bounded by the surface of the sphere is called a ball. The method of determining the radius of the sphere depends on the available source data.
- How to calculate the volume of the box Suppose you face the task: how many boxes can be placed in the trunk of your car, if the volume is already known? The task is simple: calculate the volume of each box separately, fold and get the full volume of your shipment. Now you have to solve the minimum problem: calculate the volume of the box.
- How to calculate the area of the walls For the first time, getting to the repair work, people often ask yourself the question - where to start? The first thing you need to calculate the quantity of materials necessary, and for this to determine what the surface will be repaired. The most important thing is possible to accurately determine the area of the walls, especially if you are going to cover them with tile. Tools which are usually used by professional finishers do not always have at hand the dilettante. But the area of the walls can be measured using any means available.
- How to calculate the determinant of a matrix Math matrix is a rectangular array of elements (for example complex or real numbers). Each matrix has a dimension of, and denoted by m*n where m is the number of rows, n is the number of columns. At the intersection of rows and columns are the elements of the given set. Matrices are denoted by capital letters A, B, C, D, etc., or A = (aij), where aij is the element at the intersection of the i – th row and j – th column of the matrix. The matrix is called square if it has the number of rows equal to the number of columns. Now we introduce the notion of the determinant of a square matrix of n – th order.
- How to make a generator A homemade generator can be used if you need, for example, charge the cell phone, and no electricity. At the cottage or in the garage, you might find that items that you will need to build a simple generator.
- How to calculate the volume of pipe The calculation of the amount of bodies is one of the classic types of problems of engineering and applied science. Generally this is not a trivial task. Analytical formulas for calculating volumes of complex bodies can be very cumbersome. However, the volume of a number of bodies are calculated very simply. Easy to calculate the volumes of many solids of revolution. For example, to calculate the volume of the tube, producing a number of simple mathematical operations.
- How to count matrix The term "matrix" is known from linear algebra. Before describing the permissible operations on matrices, it is necessary to introduce its definition. A matrix is a rectangular table of numbers containing some number m of rows and some n columns. If m = n, then the matrix is called square. Matrix is usually denoted in capital Latin letters, e.g. A, or A = (aij), where (aij) is the matrix element of the i – row number j – column number. Let the two matrices A = (aij) and B = (bij) have the same dimension m*n.
- How to construct a regular hexagon The geometric construction is one of the important parts of learning. They form the spatial and logical thinking, as well as enable to realize a simple and natural geometric patterns. The build produced on the plane with a compass and a ruler. These tools you can build a large number of geometric shapes. While many of the figures, seemingly quite complex, built using simple rules. For example, how to construct a regular hexagon can be described in just few words.
- How to translate the volume-to-mass Any object has mass and volume. And this is - an axiom. But, besides these two parameters, there is a third is density of the substance, which consists of a body (fluid). Knowing the density of the body quite easily translate volume to weight.
- How to calculate the area of a circle To solve this problem, you must first introduce the concept of the number P (PI). The number P is a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of this circle. P is an infinite non-periodic decimal fraction, its value is constant for all circles and is approximately 3,14159265358979... To solve practical problems is usually enough values of 3.14Area of the circle is one of the geometrical quantities determining its size. For finding this value is sufficient to know the radius of the circle and the number P (PI).
- How to find the area knowing the perimeter Area and perimeter shapes are the main geometric parameters. Their presence and description with the given values is a significant part of the learning process. In a General sense, the perimeter is the length of all borders of the shape. For a rectangle it is the sum of the lengths of its sides. And the area represents the entire inner part of the figure, measured in certain units. According to the properties of figures and the formulas of area and perimeterand to find correlation between these parameters and shapes to Express one value from another. To find the area of a rectangle with a known perimeterof ω must also know one side of it.
- How to calculate the sine of the angle When you have to deal with solving applied problems involving trigonometric functions, most commonly required to compute values of the sine or cosine of the specified angle.
- How to calculate the arc tangent If you need to multiply or divide several numbers the question of which tool to use does not arise. And here's how to calculate something more complex (for example, the value of the inverse trigonometric functions) is a question with a couple of less obvious answer. In practice, to calculate the value of the arc tangentand?
- How to calculate the percentage of something Modern man is often faced with quite a daunting task, and the level of development of information society implies the ability to solve them. Solve problems involving the calculation of fractions of something should every educated person. Skills proportion calculation is often required in practice. In a cookbook or a textbook on physics may meet this task. Meanwhile, learn to calculate the share is quite simple.
- How to find the extremum The extremes represent the maximum and minimum values of the function and treat its most important characteristics. The extrema are at critical points of the functions. Moreover, the function at the extremum to the minimum and maximum changes its direction accordingly to the sign. According to the definition of the first derivative of the function at the extremum point equals zero or is missing. Thus, the search of extrema of the function consists of two main tasks: finding the derivative for the given function and determine the roots of its equation.
- How to get from step voltage The insidiousness of electricity is that it has no visible signs of danger. Therefore, the person is often too late realizes that he was in the zone of action of electric current.