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  • Why dew appears in the morning
    In the basis of the occurrence of many natural processes and phenomena – rain, snow, frost, fog, dew – lay is an amazing physical property of water. Dew is water droplets that appear on the vegetation on summer nights and disappearing under the sunlight in the morning. There is a figure of speech: "had the dew". Indeed, to some extent, Rosa – a form of precipitation. However, it does not fall out as, for example, rain or snow from clouds, and, strictly speaking, this is not exactly, and not only atmospheric water. And what then?
  • The angle bisector and its properties
    The angle bisector has a number of properties. If properly harnessed, can solve tasks of different level of complexity. But even having data on all three bisectors, you can't build a triangle.
  • What is a Newtonian fluid and its antipode
    A Newtonian fluid is any fluid substance having a constant viscosity regardless of the external voltage, which is affecting him. One example is water. From non-Newtonian fluids the viscosity will vary and depends on speed.
  • How to distinguish ordinary stone from a meteorite
    The meteorite can be distinguished from ordinary stone on the spot findings. By law, the meteorite is equal to the treasure and the finder gets a reward. Instead of a meteorite can be other natural curiosities: geodes or nugget of iron, even more valuable.
  • What plants grow in the pond
    Nymphaea Alba, or water Lily is one of the most popular plants of the reservoir, is classified as deep. These flowers are very useful for pond, as they provide the necessary sun protection to aquatic environments and maintain the pond clean, keeping the water clear.
  • How did the Black sea
    The black sea is one of the most changeable and fickle. A careful study of its bottom allowed modern scholars to piece together the events by centuries of transformations, affecting not only the flora and fauna of the sea, but its littoral zone, the impact on climate zone.
  • Where applicable neodymium magnets
    Called neodymium permanent rare earth magnets, known for their high resistance to demagnetization. They are used in heavy and food industry, medicine, computers and many other areas.
  • What is the hysteresis loop
    Hysteresis – a property of biological, physical and other systems where the instantaneous response on impact depends on their current state, and the time interval the behavior of the system is determined by its prehistory. The hysteresis loop is called the graph showing this property.
  • What is the variance
    At school many people think that the wave theory of physics is boring and very confusing. But believe me, it is not so. For example, under not entirely clear, the term "dispersion" does not actually hide anything complicated.
  • Why is the Russian coat of arms double-headed eagle
    Coat of arms, flag and anthem are the three main symbols of the state. Russian coat of arms double – headed eagle is easily recognizable and so widely known that people often do not even wonder why the bird in the image has two heads instead of one.
  • What is acrylic glass
    Kitchen furniture, shop Windows and even lenses today are made of a special transparent material is acrylic glass. It is used for the glazing of airplanes, creation of showcases, price tags and even domes.
  • What is dry water
    Nonsense, but there are "dry water". That is far from a science person seems a linguistic pun, in fact, the hope of mankind for salvation, because "dry water" may soon be to fight the greenhouse effect and harmful gases.
  • How long can a person live without sleep
    There is a strong belief that people cannot live without air, water, food and sleep. Every year more and more is experiments whether in reality can not exist without these conditions. It is proved that on average, no air can reach about one and a half minutes, without water about 5 days without food - no more than two months. And without sleep, each person can do different times.
  • What is a food chain in nature
    The food chain is the many overlapping branches, forming trophic levels. In nature there are pastoral and detrite the food chain. The first is on another call "grazing chains" and the second "chain decomposition".
  • What is the ammeter
    Ammeter - instrument for measuring current in electrical circuits. According to the principle of ammeters are magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, thermoelectric, electrodynamic and others.
  • A popular Latin proverb
    The Latin language in the times of the mighty Roman Empire was the main language of many of the Imperial provinces and regions. In the Middle ages Latin was written scientific and literary works. Latin is the mother of many European languages.
  • How does the temperature of the pressure
    Temperature (t) and pressure (P) – two interrelated physical quantities. Evident is the correlation in all three States of aggregation of substances. From fluctuations of these quantities depends on most natural phenomena.
  • What is the meaning of the idiom `Augean stables`
    Augean stables called a very dirty room and the mess is not only indoors, or in a certain place, but in deeds. This idiom originated with the ancient Greek myth about one of the exploits of the great hero Hercules.
  • What animals live in the forest
    We all know that the life of the forest is the breath of our planet. He clears the air and saturates it with oxygen. Even the familiar woods is full of amazing mysteries. Despite the alluring peace and quiet, it has the life. The forest is inhabited by many animals, birds and insects. To see it, just look around.
  • How does the current from the voltage
    Between amperage and voltage there is directly proportional dependence described by Ohm's law. This law defines the relationship of current, voltage and resistance at the area of electrical circuits.
  • How to graph in Matlab
    Matlab software program for technical computing with its own programming language. Is widespread in engineering and scientific workers, has a well-developed graphic capabilities, including charting functions of one or several variables.
  • How to determine the average unit weight
    Every science that can be called accurate primarily collects research data through observation, sampling, experiments and surveys. The huge flow of information in the process of hard work is processed to obtain average data. They are calculated and then used in physics, mathematics, statistics, and other Sciences.
  • How to translate into a percentage
    Percentage is a relative unit of measurement that expresses the magnitude of a percentage of the whole compared with the number 100. The amount recorded in the format of the fraction shows the ratio of the fraction (the numerator) to the whole (denominator). This allows any number to translate the percent to a proportion, whether it is presented in the form of natural numbers, with ordinary or decimal fractions.
  • As the coordinates of the triangle vertices to find equation of sides
    In analytic geometry a triangle in the plane can be specified in a Cartesian coordinate system. Knowing the coordinates of the vertices, you can write the equations of the sides of the triangle. These will be the equations of three lines that intersect, form a shape.
  • How do I output the number of root
    The numberthat is under the sign of the root, often hinders the solution of the equation, it is inconvenient to work with. Even if it is raised to a power, fractional or not may be provided in whole numbers to a certain extent, you can try to deduce it from the root, completely or at least partially.
  • How to determine the elasticity of demand example
    Demand is the utility level of a product to consumers. To see how he would react to a price change or the average income level, it is necessary to determine the elasticity of demand. This index is calculated as a ratio and expressed in percentage.
  • How to calculate the area of the figure bounded by the parabola
    Even from a school course it is known that for finding areas of figures on the coordinate plane requires knowledge of such concepts as integral. For its application to determine the areas of curvilinear trapezoids - exactly what are these figures enough to know certain algorithms.
  • How to determine the intervals of monotonicity
    An interval of monotonicity of a function can be called interval in which the function either only increases or only decreases. A number of specific actions that will help to find such ranges for functions that are frequently required in algebraic problems of this kind.
  • As in zero gravity to heat the water
    How and why, what laws is the process of heating the water in terms of earth's gravity, is explained in physics textbooks. But after the first space flight many people wonder about the behavior of the liquid in weightlessness. Can it be heated? It is possible, but in a completely different way, not so ka on the Ground.
  • How to find moving the body
    Kinematics investigates different types of motion of a body with a given velocity, direction and trajectory. To determine its position relative to the start point of the path, you need to find the displacement of the body.