Baltnorvent resembles a Lily for its wavy leaves. Yellow flowers of this plant can reach 4 cm in diameter. Baltnorvent refers to deep-water plants, growing at the depth of 0.3-0.6 m, and the flowers rise above the water on 5-8 see
Potbelly refers to the varieties of lilies, although not as beautiful and graceful as she is. Yellow small flowers with a diameter up to 8 cm rise above the water on thick stems. Potbelly can grow in both still and running water, as well as in the shade and in the sun. It is deep as the plant goes under water 0.3-0.6 m, and the flowers rise above the surface to 8 cm
Duckweed can make a beautiful velvety carpet of any pond. Most species of duckweed grows very quickly and can tighten the whole pond with their leaves. This plant often found in stagnant ponds or marshes. For an artificial pond used trilobal duckweed as it grows more slowly relative to other types. This plant provides shade in the pond, and also serves as food for fish.
Ceratophyllum is considered one of the most popular aquatic plants, which helps to keep the biological balance in the pond. It is an undemanding and unpretentious plant has no roots, so the amount in the pond can be controlled. Bushy and branchy Ceratophyllum grows under all light conditions, overwinters in buds on the bottom of the pond.
Calamus refers to a large coastal plants. It has a long arrow-shaped leaves, reaching 0.5-1 m in height. Air is growing at a depth of 8-15 cm and is home to many aquatic and shore life. Also air perfectly decorate a small artificial pond.
Sedge, as the air grows at shallow depths up to 15 cm high coastal plant found in wetland soils away from water bodies. The colors of the leaves changes from yellow to green with white flowers, depending on the plant variety. Tall sedge reaches 0.3-0.6 m.
Bushes kaluzhnitsa very popular for decoration artificial ponds. This is a very undemanding plant begins to bloom in early spring in April. The leaves are rounded or heart-shaped, bright yellow flowers resemble daisies and buttercups. Marigold planted to a depth of 5 cm and reaches a height of 0.3-0.5 m.
Bright colors kotuli resemble small yellow buttons, which all summer long cover the surface of the pond. Bushes kotuli rise to water up to 15 cm, and planting depth should not exceed 12 cm. This annual plant is easily propagated by self-seeding.