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  • How to calculate a factorial
    The factorial of a natural number is the product of all previous natural numbers, including the number itself. The factorial of zero equal to one. It seems that to calculate the factorial of a number is very easy – just multiply all the natural numbers not exceeding a certain. However, the value of the factorial grows so quickly that some calculators don't cope with this task.
  • How to calculate the volume of gas
    To calculate the volume of gaswhich is in a vessel or area, find the volume of geometric methods. This is due to the fact that gas always occupies the entire allotted amount. In that case, if you know the amount of a substance or the mass of gas in normal conditions, find the volume of the gas, multiplying the amount of matter in 0,0224 m3. If the gas is not in perfect conditions, use a special equation.
  • How to find force of air resistance
    To determine the force of resistance of air create the conditions in which the body begins under the action of gravity to move uniformly. Calculate the value of gravity, it is equal to the force of air resistance. If the body moves in the air, picking up speed, the force of his resistance is by using Newton's laws, the force of air resistance can be found from the law of conservation of mechanical energy and special aerodynamic formulas.
  • How to solve the task from the exam in algebra
    Unified State Examination is centrally conducted in the Russian Federation exam in secondary schools (the schools). 2011 exam paper in mathematics contains 12 items (B1-B12), and 6 more advanced tasks (S1-S6). Unified State Exam in algebra need to pass, as it is mandatory for all graduates.
  • How to find the equivalent mass of
    The chemical elements are connected to each other in strictly defined proportions. That is why there was such a thing as equivalent and equivalent weight. ("Equivalent" literally means "equal", "equivalent"). What is the equivalent in the chemical sense of the word? How to calculate the equivalent (or equivalent mass?
  • How to solve equations of chemical reactions
    Chemical reactions called the transformation of certain substances having a specific composition and properties, other substances with a different structure and other properties. In this transformation, no changes in the composition of atomic nuclei does not occur. This is the main difference of the chemical reactions from those that occur in a nuclear reactor.
  • How to distinguish brass from bronze
    To distinguish bronze from brass and, moreover, to determine the exact composition of the alloy is possible only in special laboratories (e.g., methods, spectroscopic analysis). Unfortunately, at home (especially when it is impossible to cause scratches or otherwise damage the object) the range of possibilities will be quite limited. However, there is an algorithm that gives even an approximate, but still results.
  • How to find the area of a regular triangle
    The right triangleω is called a triangle with three equal sides. It has the following properties: all sides of the right triangle are equal and all angles equal to 60 degrees. The right triangle is isosceles.
  • How to find Mars
    Mars is the fourth farthest the Sun and seventh in size of the planets of the Solar system. It got its name after the Roman God of war. Sometimes Mars is called the red planet, reddish tint of the surface gives the oxide of iron contained in the soil.
  • How to raise the electrolyte density
    The density of the electrolyte decreases when the battery is discharged, where he poured. To raise density, try charging the battery to a boil in banks. If the density of the electrolyte is not up to the desired rate, release the place and dilute sulfuric acid.
  • How to lower voltage
    If the voltage in the network exceeds the permissible limits, or simply unstable, in these cases it makes sense to try to lower it. For this purpose the best suitable transformer, but if you don't have it, then you can try to do it with improvised means.
  • How to convert to joules
    Joule (j) is one of the units approved in the SI system. Measured in joules work, energy and quantity of heat. One Joule equals one Newton multiplied by a meter, or watt multiplied by second, or kilograms multiplied by the square metre divided by second squared.
  • How to convert a fraction
    A fraction is a special form of writing rational numbers. It can be represented either in decimal and ordinary form. Conversion of fractions do the kids in the fifth grade, this operation is of great practical importance, which will be useful both in mathematics and in other fields of knowledge.
  • How to make a lens
    The lens is a transparent device, mainly from special glass designed to magnify the image. The lens is a major part of any optical system. Its principle of operation is based on refraction of light rays. To make a glass lens in the handicraft way is very difficult, especially without proper equipment in this case is not necessary. But based on the effect of light refraction, you can make a lens based on liquid.
  • How to grow a crystal of salt at home
    To grow a crystal of their own, in home conditions will be a force even a little familiar with the chemical processes of the people, and the result, as the manufacturing process itself will undoubtedly bring you great pleasure. So, get ready, we begin to conjure and chemotherapy.
  • How to convert kilograms to milliliters
    The process of translating kilograms to milliliters is a translation of the mass in the volume. A similar problem often found in physics. How to get from mass to volume, kilograms, liters and milliliters?
  • How to arrange the degree of oxidation
    Electrons are part of atoms. And complex substances, in turn, of these atoms (atoms form elements) and electrons are divided among themselves. The degree of oxidation shows how many electrons the atom itself took, how much and what is given. This figure can be determined.
  • How to solve derivatives
    Differentiation (finding the derivative of the function) is the most important task of mathematical analysis. Finding the derivative of the function helps to explore the properties of functions, build its graph. Differentiation is used to solve many problems of physics and mathematics. How to learn how to take derivatives?
  • How to grow crystals of copper sulfate
    Crystals have always been a curiosity and amazement. Nature itself took care of the phenomenon of their growth, resulting in formation of crystals bizarre shapes. It is possible to grow crystals of copper sulphate alone at home, especially since the reagent required for this is so common that there is almost in every house. Is copper sulfate, which has a crystalline blue color, and its anhydrous salt is pale blue. For growing crystals are perfect for both.
  • How to understand physics
    If you look superficially, it seems too complex and removed from everyday life. But it is necessary to delve into the meaning of certain phenomena as revealed to the wonderful world. They speak a special language. There all is order and harmony. To see the beauty and orderliness of this world, we must start with the basics.
  • How to calculate the circumference
    Circle - a geometric figure that is drawn on a plane. Is the circumference of the plurality of points that are equidistant from a given center. In order to calculate its length, you can apply multiple formulas.
  • How to calculate the volume of a cylinder
    Cylinder - a kind of geometric body which is formed of arranged parallel to each other circles, and the many parallel between a straight line drawn from one circle to another. Circles are called the bases of the cylinderand. In order to calculate the volume of a cylinder, it is sufficient to use the formula.
  • How to get nitric acid
    Nitric acid is a strong acid, it dissolves in such metals as copper and silver, and mixed with hydrochloric acid, dissolves even gold and platinum. Basically, it is used in the manufacture of fertilizer. But there are times that it is needed in the home, and you can buy it in hardware stores is not possible, therefore, sometimes have to cook it.
  • How to produce electricity
    The electric current is directed movement of charged particles. It occurs when there is potential difference, i.e. in the presence of electric voltage. Electrical energy is produced in large quantities in various plants, but being many miles from civilization, there is hardly a wire, so long as to reach to the nearest outlet. And electricity in small quantities, can be extracted in nature.
  • How to solve chemical equations
    A chemical equation is the reaction expressed by the formulas. Chemical equation showing what substances react and what the result of this reaction will matter. In the basis of a chemical equation is the law of conservation of mass. It also shows the proportion of substances involved in a chemical reaction. To solve a chemical equation, you must know certain methods, techniques and approaches to this process. You can follow this algorithm to solve chemical equations.
  • How to clean alcohol
    If you are engaged in the manufacturing of wine or other alcoholic beverages at home, then you must be relevant to the question of cleaning alcohol. In the domestic wine industry has been a special place method of alcohol treatment by filtering through charcoal. Now activated carbon – a means very affordable, and a method which will be described below, the most affordable and effective. Now everything in order.
  • Why the astronaut suit
    From the point of view of biology space the environment is absolutely hostile to man. Suitable for human life conditions of the known planets while also not detected. To ensure the life and work of astronauts in outer space and on the surface of celestial bodies are designed spacesuit is a complex and knowledge-intensive clothing for explorers.
  • What is the theory of relativity
    In 1905 albert Einstein suggested that the laws of physics are universal. So he created the theory of relativity. The scientist spent ten years to prove his assumptions that became the basis for a new branch of physics and led to new ideas about space and time.
  • What speed can reach a rocket Topol-M
    Any ICBM "Topol-M" in particular, has a speed range from 6 to 7.9 km/s. Maximum distance at which the Topol-M can hit targets, 11 000 km inclination, and the speed limit of MBR is determined at the moment of start, they depend on the intended target.
  • How many volts are in one ampere
    People make mistakes in the interpretation of the characteristics of electric current, which quite often there is confusion in the name of measured values and units of measurement. Knowledge of basic concepts will help to perceive and transmit information about the electrical systems.