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- How to find the minimum value of the function The need to find the minimum value of a mathematical function is a practical interest in the solution of applied tasks, for example, in the economy. Great value for business is to minimize losses.
- How to find the determinant of a matrix of order 3 Matrices exist for displaying and solving systems of linear equations. One of the steps in the algorithm of finding a solution is finding the determinant or determinant. The matrix is 3 orders of magnitude is a square matrix of dimension 3x3.
- How to calculate the sides of a quadrilateral A quadrilateral can be right or have an arbitrary shape. For the correct figures known relations between the elements. These relationships are expressed by formulas allowing to find the parties through other options.
- How to calculate the length of the curve When calculating any length, remember that it is a finite quantity, that is just a number. If you mean the arc length of the curve, such problem is solved by using the definite integral (planar case) or a curvilinear integral of the first kind (the arc length). The arc AB is denoted IAV.
- How to calculate valence Valence – the most important concept in chemistry. The physical meaning of this concept became clear through the development of the theory of the chemical bond. The valence of an atom is determined by the number of covalent bonds that it is connected with other atoms.
- How to find the area, knowing the diameter Objectives to calculate the area of a circle often meet in the school geometry course. To find the area of a circle, you need to know the length of the diameter or radius of a circle in which it is enclosed.
- How to calculate the concentration With the concept of the concentration of people is found not only in science but also in everyday life. For example, the mass fraction of fat listed on food products (milk, butter etc.) are not that other, as percentage concentration. Also it has another molar, normal and molalla concentration. And any of them easily calculated.
- How to release oxygen from water Pure oxygen in large quantities is used in medicine, industry and other fields. For these purposes it is obtained from air by liquefaction of the latter. In the laboratory the gas can be obtained from the oxygenostergade compounds, including water.
- How to learn to solve equations An equation is a mathematical record of equality with one or more arguments. The solution of the equation consists in finding unknown values of arguments – roots, in which the specified equality is true. The equations are algebraic, algebraicheskie, linear, square, cubic etc. To solve them you need to learn the identity transformation, shifts, lookups and other operations to simplify the expression, maintaining a given equality.
- How to build isometric projection All objects of reality exist in three-dimensional space. In the drawings they have to portray in a two dimensional coordinate system, and it does not give the viewer an adequate understanding of how the object looks in reality. Therefore, technical drawing, apply the projection, allowing to transfer the amount. One of them is called isometric.
- How to find cofactor of the matrix Algebraic Supplement is one of the concepts of matrix algebra applied to the elements of the matrix. Finding algebraic additions is one of the steps of the algorithm for determining the inverse matrix, and matrix operations division.
- How to calculate the variance Dispersion refers to the absolute indicators variation. It represents the average square deviations of various values from its average value. Is used to denote the sign of σ^2.
- How to find square meter To calculate the square meter is not difficult. Need a mathematical formula for rectangles studying in second grade. Difficulties may arise with the calculation of the area of nonstandard shapes. For example, if we are talking about the Pentagon or a more complex configuration.
- How to calculate absolute error Measurements can be performed with varying degrees of accuracy. It is absolutely accurate are not even precision instruments. Absolute and relative error may be small, but in reality they are almost always. The difference between the approximate and exact values of a certain magnitude is called the absolute error. The deviation can be both upwards and downwards.
- How to calculate the slope The calculation of slope may be needed when surveying the works, the calculation of the slope of the roof, or for other purposes. Well, if you have a special device for measurement data, but if not – do not worry, it will be enough roulette and improvised.
- How to graph the parabola A parabola is the graph of a quadratic function of the form y=A·x2+B·x+C. Before plotting it is necessary to undertake an analytical study of the function. Usually I draw a parabola in the Cartesian rectangular coordinate system which is represented by two perpendicular axes Ox and Oy.
- How to convert geographic coordinates The coordinates of the object can be recorded in several ways: in degrees, minutes, and seconds (the old method), in degrees and minutes with decimal fraction, and in degrees with a decimal fraction (the modern version). Now used all three ways, creating a need for translation of geographic coordinates from one system to another.
- How to calculate molar concentration Molar concentration is the value which indicates how many moles of the substance is 1-m liter of solution. For example, it is known that in a liter of solution is exactly of 58.5 grams of common salt – chloride of sodium. Molar because this substance is 58,5 g/mol, we can say that in this case you have odnokolernyh salt solution. (Or, in record, 1M solution).
- How to determine the coordinates of the point In order to uniquely determine the location of points in space, was coined by geographical coordinates. With this system, you can always find the any point on the globe, on the map or on the ground.
- Why the blood Various diseases and injuries can cause damage to blood vessels and lead to bleeding. To avoid massive blood loss, it's very important to immediately resort to medical help.
- How to know the azimuth Everyone at least once in my life had to walk in the woods and think about what to do if you get lost. To navigate the terrain can be different, a lot of ways, the most common are the compass and visible objects surrounding countryside.
- How to translate the hieroglyphics on the Russian Today there are only a few languages with characternical writing, among them Chinese, Japanese and Tangut. In the Korean language for a long time used Chinese characters (hancha), but today they are almost out of use. Tangut little known, but the first two are quite popular around the world. But their writing system is so different from the usual letter, inherent in European languages, which translate unknown characters is proving difficult.
- How to multiply square root square root One of the four elementary mathematical operations (multiplication) has created another, somewhat more sophisticated exponentiation. That, in turn, has added additional complexity in the teaching of mathematics, giving rise to reverse a surgery - extraction of root. Any of these operations, you can use any other mathematical operation, which further confuses the study of the subject. To make it all somehow organize, there are sets of rules, one of which reglementary the order of multiplication of the roots.
- How to find the area of a circle and its parts Calculating area of a circle and its parts refers to the geometry problems 9th grade. The ability to solve them you may need not only to help your child with geometry, but also to perform technical tasks at work or at home. Applying the formula to calculate the area of a circle can, for example, to calculate the consumption of materials according to drawings in the construction of a circular pool or calculate the cross-sectional area of the electrical cable when performing electrical work.
- How to build a logarithmic function Is called the logarithmic function, which is inverse exponential. Such a function has the form: y = logax, where a is a positive number (not zero). The appearance of the graph of the logarithmic function depends on the value of a.
- How to build a variational series Variation number represented by a certain sequence variants (x(1),...,x(n)), which are arranged in order of descending or-decreasing. The first element of the variational series x(1) is called the minimum: xmin denote it. The last element of this series is called max and is denoted by xmax. On the basis variational series is plotted.
- How to find the slope of the tangent Y=f(x) will be tangent to the shown in figure the schedule at the point x0 if it passes through the point with coordinates (x0; f(x0)) and has the slope f'(x0). To find such a factor, knowing the characteristics of a tangent, it's easy.
- How to draw axonometric How to portray three-dimensional body on the plane of the paper? For this purpose, methods of perspective (from the Greek words "axis" — axon and "measure" — metreo) or projection. The easiest way to show this principle in the case of Cuba.
- How to calculate growth rate The coefficients of growth of population are important indicators for the calculation of demographic statistics. These data are based on information recorded in the regular census of citizens, and demonstrate natural and mechanical growth of the population.
- How to build a plane that is parallel to a given So good to be able to solve the problem of solid geometry, it is first necessary to examine in detail its basic shapes – plane, their properties and methods of construction. Consider the detailed algorithm for solving the common task of building a plane parallel to a given.