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  • How to do Thai massage
    Thai massage is one of the most ancient and effective methods of Thai medicine. It differs greatly from traditional massage, to which Europeans are accustomed to. Techniques of Thai massage are a complex system that includes stretching, pressing, twisting.
    The system Thai massage developed over thousands of years, so there are different opinions about how to do Thai massage. There are at least two different styles with various techniques.
  • How to make correction of eyebrows man
    Eyebrow shaping – is a painstaking job, requiring special attention. To create a beautiful and accurate arc of the eyebrows and to follow them not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex.
  • How to do highlights at home
    Modern tools for hair coloring at home allow you to create a variety of hairstyles. Including to do weave. It is important to find the color and width of the strands.
  • How to dye hair at home
    If you want to dye your hair, you can do it yourself without the help of professionals. For this you need only pick up the paint, properly prepare your hair and properly care for them after painting.
  • How to wear abdominal binder after cesarean section
    Not always give birth easily and without complications, and women sometimes can not be avoided by a simple operation for extraction of the child caesarean section. As after any surgical intervention after a caesarean, you need some time for healing of the seam and the accretion of muscles, and many doctors believe that wearing the brace helps this process. How much time do I need to wear an elastic corset after birth surgery?
  • How to make a fluffy and voluminous hair style from straight hair
    Straight hair is smooth in structure, and to make them lush voluminous hair, use styling products. They are selected depending on the density of curls. For thin perfect light spray to a dense foam.
  • How to get rid of nose hair
    Both men and women are often faced with the problem of a large amount of hair in the nose. I'm sure many of you know that the hair there grows not just because they perform a protective function.
  • How to bleach hair peroxide
    For some women, the question of how to lighten arm hair, is today a very relevant and important. Hydrogen peroxide is a harmless and effective tool with which you can make the hair lighter and shallower.
  • How to style the hair Kare
    Kara is a gorgeous and elegant hairstyle, which to face almost everyone. In General, styling the caret is not much difficulty, however, you should know a few rules and tricks, and in this case, your quads will be irresistible!
  • How to check the shelf life of cosmetics
    From cosmetic products, like many others, there is a period of validity. If you use expired products, not only can not achieve the desired effect, but infection, to allergic reactions and provoke skin diseases. Of course, if your cream or pomade have changed consistency, color, unpleasant smell – better to get rid of. But on the expiration timeand date is not always possible to know immediately by the appearance of the product. And what sealed the cosmetics that you just're going to buy?
  • How to soften toenail
    Surely everyone at least once in life there have been problems with the toenails. Fungus, ingrown nail, peeling nail plate, the nails – this is not a complete list of what dermatologists encounter every day. Fortunately, to date, the achievements of pharmaceuticals solve any problem nails. But sometimes the pharmacy tools are unreasonably expensive. Of course, you first need to understand what exactly is the problem – not to self-medicate, but if you just have to soften the nail for cosmetic effect – it can be done independently at home.
  • How to cure the cuticle
    Inflammation of the nail and redness of the cuticle can occur for various reasons: abuse of the varnish, damage to the cuticle, bacteria or Allergy. The cuticle treatment is carried out in beauty salons and at home.
  • What does the tattoo Scorpion
    In ancient times, tattoos served the function of distinctive signs, they meant belonging to any open organization, or secret society. In the modern world, tattoos became fashionable and very popular, but not as frequently as the owners of the production of drawings wonder about their value.
  • Small Breasts. What its great benefits
    Many girls complex about the size of their Breasts, only one not suit too small and others too big. And though it seemed strange, with age, problems with the bust feel mostly just Busty beauties. You could even say that the girls with the size 0-1-2 with age much more advantages to owners size 3-4-5.
  • What tattoo to make a girl
    The fashion for tattoos has been for many years. And increasingly, this decoration choose girls. How to make a tattoo: bright, fascinating and sexy or one that will only see the closest? To answer this and some other issues before you put yourself in the hands of a master.
  • How to get rid of blackheads and pores
    Black spots and enlarged pores – problems people of any age and gender. They are most often a symptom of oily and combination skin types and are observed on the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. Such cosmetic flaws are formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands dust and remains of dead skin, improper diet, use of poor quality cosmetics and other factors.
  • Why crack the gel
    Extended nails are made on the basis of the gel, very beautiful, have a glossy look with a natural Shine, their structure is similar to the structure of the natural nail. There are many advantages, but there is a bad time: gel nails are sometimes crack.
  • What to do if you have a beard
    The beard is part of the overall image of men, a sign of his masculinity. There are even different hairstyles and haircuts to beard looked neat and stylish. What to doif it grows?
  • How to fix the nasal septum
    The septum of the nose is a thin plate of bone and cartilage that divides the cavity of the nose into left and right parts. Symptoms of curvature of the septum of the noserequiring surgical correction may include: crusting, difficulty breathing and frequent nosebleeds.
  • How to weave American braids
    If you like to change your look and not spend a lot of time on daily styling, you will help African American braids. This popular hairstyle will help you easily change the length, volume and hair color. The most common form of African-American braids are braids using synthetic fiber kanekalon.
  • How to get rid of white spots on nails
    In ancient times there existed such a belief that if he appeared on the fingernail white spot, wait for the gift and well-being. However, this is not so, the main cause of white spots on the nails – a failure of one of the systems of the body, lack of vitamins and minerals. This deficit is mainly caused due to wrong and negligent attitude to food. Before you try to mask the white spots on the nails and begin treatment, you need to determine the possible causes of their symptoms.
  • How to know the size of the hats
    Appearance and ease to wear largely depends on how well matched the size. This applies both to the main upper or lower clothing and accessories like hats or gloves. But if your size is usually all known at least approximately, such details as the size of the hats, often overlooked. However, to know these dimensions are important, especially in the case of remote purchases via the Internet or through catalogs.
  • How to increase the beard
    Beard – a sign of the geologist. Or a tourist... it doesn't matter in General. The beard is brave, romantic and with pretensions to chic. And a beard helps to hide some of the facial defects such as scars or bad the shape of the chin. In short, once you decide to get yourself a beard. Most importantly, do it without errors.
  • How to bleach black hair
    The hardest part is the bleaching of black hair. There are many people ways to lighten black hair, but the only way to bleach is to use hydrogen peroxide. It is better to entrust this difficult process professionals, but you can try to do this yourself at home.
  • How to lighten mustache
    A girl with perfect face complex because on the upper lip they have prominent antennae. In certain situations they give the charm, but all the rest - better to get rid of. For example, to lighten.
  • How to stick rhinestones
    Rhinestones are one of the most popular ways to decorate everything from accessories, handbags, gloves, jewelry and garments to your own body. Today rhinestones are used in hairstyles, make-up, manicure. Correctly using crystals, you can become the star of any party and attract admiring glances.
  • How to strengthen hair at home
    In the morning simply beam during the day - elegant wave, night - a high ponytail, and the next day - a tuft of hair on the pillow. Hair needs daily special care, even if you use protective devices. Therefore, the knowledge of how to strengthen hair a few popular recipes that will help you to save a variety of your everyday hair for a long time.
  • What to do to facial hair not grow
    Unwanted facial hair in women (for men it is quite natural), usually appear as a result of the influence of hormonal factors such as menopause, puberty, hirsutism, heredity, etc. of Course, if too thick facial hair you want to seek the assistance of a specialist who will prescribe you the appropriate treatment, but along with that you can try simple and more cosmetic products and procedures.
  • How can I draw `arrows` on the eyes with overhanging century
    Makeup can correct some imperfections. For example, properly applied eyeliner is easy to visually lift the overhanging eyelids, making the eyes look more open. Choose suitable makeup and learn some of the features of its application.
  • The hair on the buttocks: issues of hair removal are so intimate
    Beach season is in full swing and the question than to remove the hair on the priest and in the bikini area is very serious. Basically, to get rid of excess vegetation in this zone is not difficult. But not all home remedies are convenient to apply yourself.