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- How to paint eyebrows paint Well-defined, neat eyebrows a beautiful shape can make a person more glamorous and attractive. In order to achieve this, it is necessary not only to pluck them, but also to know how to paint them, if necessary. The eyebrows can dramatically ease the process of applying makeup to girls with blonde eyebrows.
- How to use serum for hair Hair serum – a new word in the beauty industry. They are concentrated remedies for hair restoration and care. In its action serum combines three main tools: moisturizer, treatment mask and mousse. To wash it is not necessary. In addition to these advantages of whey, it is worth noting the ease of its application and immediate effect. Application of the serum depends on its purpose.
- What you need for nail design Do not have to pay a lot of money tips to have beautiful nails. Enough to have on hand all the necessary tools, and with practice will succeed.
- How to lighten hair with peroxide Facial hair is one of women's issue that women are trying every way to get rid of. Treacherous hairKi usually appear on the chin and above the lips. Razor and tweezers in this business not assistants. The first will only make the hairs thicker and more noticeable, and torture the second instrument will suffer not for every woman. The best tool is the hydrogen peroxide.
- How guys shave their armpits Previously, young people did not remove vegetation from the armpits, but now waxing is the norm. After shaving the hair on the shirt less stains from sweat, since the skin breathes better. To carry out the procedure at home is not difficult, even if you don't have certain skills.
- How to quickly heal a woman Underweight and thinness, as excess pounds can be a serious problem for women not only in aesthetic terms but also in terms of health. If the weight of the women are really below normal, you can do it, and do it preferably under the supervision of a physician.
- How to open Lak Having mastered the subtle art of the home manicure, you can find in my collection a bottle of varnish, which is impossible to open. Do not rush to throw the offending bottle – try to Unscrew the stubborn lid with the help of improvised means.
- How to determine the shape of the nails Gently rasped and treated nails make a women look attractive and tidy. But the handle looked more impressive, not enough to do a manicure, you also need to give the nails a suitable shape.
- How to quickly get rid of spots after acne Pimples and acne do not decorate the face and make it sloppy and unattractive not only for the man but for his companion. However, cure acne, you will face the following problem: dark spots on the skin. In the struggle with them will help simple folk remedies.
- As a man to be prettier The view that "a man should be a little nicer monkeys", is outdated. Today the stronger sex at any age striving to become cuter and cuter and his representatives are willing to spend time and money.
- How to reduce a black eye The reasons for the emergence of such unpleasant phenomenon, as the bruise under the eye, Massa accidents at work, injuries, falls, conflicts between people are... Life is full of surprises, both pleasant and not. And no one is immune from them. In any case, "put" bruise easily, and quickly and effectively get rid of it seems difficult. However, to cope with this problem possible, the main thing - not to lose time.
- How to quickly get rid of edema The appearance of edema can be caused by lack of sleep, overwork, eating at night large amounts of fluid, Smoking, salty food, etc. When you are healthy, such swellings appear infrequently, and get rid of them easy. But their regular occurrence can be a "first bell" any violations in the body – cardiac, renal or endocrine.
- How beautifully put hair A woman with beautifully coiffed hair draws attention, regardless of whether they long or short, straight or curly do. Style it independently.
- As folk remedies to treat nail Hands and feet with beautiful and healthy nails look attractive and well-groomed. If the nails are far from ideal, exfoliate, break, or affected by fungus, they can cure people's means.
- Repaint brown hair to blonde A radical change of color hair care. Hurry, you can obtain an unexpected effect – ugly tint, uneven color, dull, lifeless strands. But if to choose the right paint and change the tint to the hair gradually, you will achieve impressive results – for example, turning your brown curls in light brown.
- As the brown-haired to blonde The desire to change is inherent in most women. Radical changes and a repaint of the brown-haired women to blonde can be produced in stages, it will be as safe for the structure of the hair and will help to achieve the desired result without significant harm for the hair.
- How to make hairstyle Cool wave Feminine hairstyle, stacked waves in the form of S, moves immediately in the 20-30-ies of the last century. Imagination draws skinny girls in silk dresses with lots of jewelry, bright lipstick and perfectly coiffed hair, hidden under the grid. A woman impossible to forget.
- How to enlarge breast in a natural way 23.6 kg - much weighs the world's largest Breasts. The size is 153XXX. Her Breasts to this size woman increased artificially with the help of implants. Such operations, for the recognition of plastic surgery, one of the most popular. However, experts believe that there are a number of ways of breast enlargement natural way.
- How to make hair thicker and longer The density of the hair depends not only on the number of follicles situated on the head, but the thickness of each hair. Therefore, you can make the hair thick, even if your relatives do not boast chic hairstyles. Do not think about genetic predisposition. In the case of hair it can be avoided if you follow some rules.
- How to lighten your underarm skin Dark spots in the armpits can thoroughly spoil the mood of the girls who strive for perfection. There are several ways to lighten the skin in this area.
- How to make a coniferous-salt bath Coniferous bath is well known for its relaxing and calming effect, shown in insomnia, neuroses, vascular and cardiac ailments, hypertension. More use of coniferous baths will bring, if you add to it sea or table salt.
- How to insert lenses into the eye Lenses help to hide poor eyesight. But unlike glasses, which can be worn literally for a few seconds, with the lenses all the more complicated. To look beautiful, you need a little and be patient.
- How to shave whiskey Men are often dissatisfied with the result when shaving an electric razor or a machine: stubble grows quickly, the skin is irritated, and the shave is not clean enough. To shave whiskey, achieving perfect smoothness, which will remain for a long time, with the help of a straight razor.
- How to extend gel nails on tips Naroscheny nails look impressive and give the hands a well-groomed appearance. Modern technologies allow to dream, creating an unusual design and shape artificial nails. Women need only to choose the method of building.
- How to choose a haircut and hairstyle To emphasize their individuality, to hide small flaws in the appearance is possible by using a properly chosen haircut. So when choosing a hairstyle it is important to consider the shape of the head, facial features, structure and color of your hair.
- How to reheat wax for depilation Wax depilation is one of the most popular and effective methods of removing unwanted hair. This procedure can be performed on virtually any area of the body — legs, armpits, bikini area. Although manipulation is quite painful, it has its advantages. For example, during depilation with waxand hair is pulled out from the skin along with follicles, this means that in the next few weeks of problems with excess hair you will have.
- How to get rid of acne after shaving Shaving is a process which irritates the skin and many causes of acne. Most affected are men who have to shave their face. Women experience irritation when shaving bikini area, legs and underarms. So how to get rid of acnewhich cause the discomfort and itching after shaving?
- How to get rid of the capillaries on the legs Capillaries on the legs or the so-called "stars" appear in people for various reasons: it is the excessive sunburn, frostbite, heredity, alcohol abuse, hormonal disruption, varicose veins, etc. Regardless of these reasons to get rid of the capillaries is quite possible today, but if not to remove the cause of their appearance, they can appear again.
- How to lighten dark blonde hair A owner dark blonde hair tend to lighten your natural tone. This procedure can be done at home, and with the help of experienced craftsmen in the cabin.
- How to prepare henna Manufacturers and suppliers recommend a single method of making henna – it is listed on the packaging. In fact, during the use of this natural remedies for coloring and improvement of the hair was invented and tested many recipes. Properly prepared henna strengthen the hair and impart Shine and softness, dyed in rich shades – from Golden-red to dark brown.