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- How to make a beautiful day makeup Day makeup, unlike the formal and more festive option, you have to look flashy. In this case, women aim to make it as natural and at the same time to emphasize the dignity of their appearance and hide flaws. It is this apparent "simplicity" and complexity is, so learn all the secrets of makeupand could not at once. After all, bright daylight mercilessly will show all your mistakes. But, knowing the peculiarities of application of day makeupand after some practice you will learn to perform it perfectly.
- How to get rid of dark circles and bags under eyes The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin. The condition is affected by many factors. Unhealthy lifestyle, fatigue and stress, alcohol and Smoking, lack of sleep, excess ultraviolet and, of course, age. They can cause "bruising" and "bags" under the eyes.
- How to get rid of spots after waxing Of course, waxing is good because it allows to make the skin smooth and delicate. But due to the intense exposure to the hair follicles can become inflamed, irritation of the skin and soreness. And as a result - after removing unwanted hair increases the risk of pigment spots and irritation.
- How to straighten hair without damage Fashion trend - perfectly straight, shiny, healthy hair, but unfortunately, it is a great luxury. Various gels and hair products sometimes do not help to achieve the desired effect. However, do not despair and resort to drastic measures in the form of short cuts. Hair can be straightened with a regular hair straightener at home without harm to their health.
- How to treat dry heels Excessively dry skin on the heels can be the cause of various diseases of internal organs. Therefore, if the skin on the soles of the feet soft and gentle suddenly became flaky and chapped, it's time to consult a doctor or dermatologist. Or at least to carry out a complex of measures for the rehabilitation yourself.
- How to prolong the tan It so happens that brought from holiday tan fades in one to two weeks. To preserve the memories of the sun and to maintain a dark skin color, you can use the most common and affordable products.
- How to shave the hair in the bikini area
- How to get rid of the irritation on the feet Irritation on legs is a result of injury to the skin when waxing or epilation. To get rid of this almost impossible, especially if you have delicate skin. But you can do something to minimize the effects after removal of unwanted vegetation.
- How to choose gel nail The choice of gels for nail extension is quite difficult, because manufacturers of such materials; the products that they produce, different in their characteristics. The gels vary in consistency, color, features of the application, and masters of using the products of a firm, pick them mainly empirically. So how can you make the right choice?
- How to dye dark hair to light color Many women love to experiment with hair color. If the nature of the hair light, the painting usually there are no problems: the paint falls evenly, and the shade not much different from what is on the package. Dark-haired people have more complicated, especially if you want to paint in a light tone.
- How to make beautiful cheekbones A woman will always find something to complain about in my appearance, and what it will not be too happy. So, cheekbones, like any other part of the face, may cause displeasure and daily experiences. Some complain about the too prominent cheekbones, and the others in the absence of the relief. Anyway, there are different ways to make the cheekbones is beautiful.
- How to get rid of the irritation after hair removal Hair removal – remove unwanted hair from the root. Very often, after the procedure of epilation, for example, wax or epilator on the skin irritation in form of redness and rashes. The situation is unpleasant, but not fatal. With the skin irritation after hair removal can be addressed.
- How to adjust the nose If you ask all women in their appearance they are not satisfied the most, probably the maximum number of claims will be brought against the nose. Too wide or too long, aquiline, potatoes...Hard to meet someone with a perfect nose shape, but it is easy to make your own with makeup.
- How to dye your hair professional paint Hair coloring is a procedure very popular among women, with the help of which you can easily transform your appearance to boost mood and self-esteem. For staining it is recommended to use a professional paint sold in specialty shops or hair salons. In such assets reduced, the proportion of ammonia and an increased number of caring and pigmenting components.
- How to straighten hair with a hair dryer Perfectly smooth and shiny hair look well-groomed. The owners of hair enough to comb hair, they straightened up and went to strand to strand. And how to be the owner of curly and frizzy strands? Will have to arm themselves with a hair dryer and a round brush.
- How to get rid of acne with home remedies To have a clean velvety skin everyone wants, but not everyone is by nature. So we always have to degrease the surface of the skin, clean the pores, is applied on the face treatment mask to get rid of acne. What cosmetic products nor invented from this scourge, but the most effective are natural home methods.
- How to learn cut hair clippers Profitable enough to have a home clipper hair. After a couple of months the cost will pay off. Especially good to cut her children who, for unknown reasons, afraid of hairdressers. And learn to use this machine quite easily.
- How to kill the smell of garlic Garlic is a very useful product that contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances to the body. However, use may be inconvenient, but it is an unpleasant smell from a mouth that is very unpleasant to others. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to get rid of it.
- How to restore bleached hair Many girls, dreaming of becoming irresistible blonde women decide to bleach hair. But not each of them is fully aware of the harm of this procedure for the hair. Mess up the hair very quickly, whereas the recovery process of damaged hair takes a long time and requires a lot of effort.
- How to withdraw dandruff folk remedies Dandruff starts to appear at puberty every third person in the world. The fungus living on the scalp and feeds the skin fat produces acid, which leads to accelerated death of cells of the skin. For removing dandruff, you can use folk remediesthat have a curative effect.
- How to get rid of the yellow stains under the armpits In people with excessive sweating, there are many problems, especially with clothes. Sweat stains are very hard to wash off, and if they are still not fresh, it's almost unreal. Many people simply throw things light with yellow stains. But it's not so tragic as it seems at first glance, some things can still be saved.
- How to translate drawing on the body A very popular form of jewelry of your own body in people of different age became a tattoo. With the help of special tools applied to the skin a tattoo representing a certain figure or inscription. This procedure is painful because the skin is subjected to numerous needle punctures. But despite this, fans of tattoos every day, month, and year becomes more and more. It should also be remembered that this procedure should take place in specialized workshops, otherwise there is a huge risk to earn a blood infection.
- How to dye your hair in the correct color To painted hairs in harmony with your image and emphasized the natural beauty of eyes and the refreshing color of a person, first of all, you need to know what color suits you the most. Choosing any paint from the palette corresponding to your colorotipo (this principle correspond to the natural colors of your face), a good coloring you should also consider the original color of hair, the exposure time of the paint and some other nuances.
- How to increase nail growth In modern times the procedure of building nails is quite relevant. Nevertheless, many women dream of beautiful, long, healthy and most importantly - natural nails.
- How to remove false nails at home False nails can hide some flaws of your hands and to emphasize their beauty. These pads need to properly use and care for these nails, regular visits to the nail salon. However, there are times when you need to remove false nails at home. Try to make it one of the most common ways.
- How to cover the nails with Biogel The growing popularity of nail bio gel , a substance which not only beautifies the nailsbut also strengthens them. Typically, such a procedure holds a master of nail salon. However, it is quite expensive. Try to learn the tricks bielebog manicure.
- How to freshen up for the week In a week you will be a big or special event but you don't know, you will have time to do everything they can to look amazing. Week to recovery is a very real term.
- How to grow nails quickly The woman should be groomed nails, since the hands are always in sight of the people. To grow long nails – the dream of most women. Of course, you can build, but it is not always convenient, and troublesome. In order to quickly grow the nails, you need quite a bit of time, usually about two weeks.
- How to make haircut at home If the old hair is tired and the hair looks shapeless, at once a bad mood, everything goes wrong, and I want to run headlong into the nearest hairdresser or beauty salon. But it may so happen that your master is on vacation, the nearest salon in the output queue, and money before the end of the month is not enough. So you can try yourself as a hairdresser.
- As the man look younger than his forty-five Today caring about your appearance is inherent not only to women. The man who is able to look young after 45 years, enjoys a special location at the opposite sex.