Before using any tool, make sure you know what material is made the thing, and how he perceives the effect of chemicals. In addition, the paint is different, too. Basically, the problem of oil spots.
If the stain is fresh (its period is not more than a couple hours), you can try to simply remove the paint with improvised means and to faded jacket. However, if the jacket fabric, it may be a small spot in a fuzzy print.
You can try to remove a stain tool for removing nail Polish (well, if it is non-acetone). It is less active than the various technical solvents, so a big risk of damaging material there. If the tool does not work, you will have to proceed to more drastic measures.
Excellent for kerosene, gasoline, acetone, turpentine or ammonia, but their use must be very careful. The surface can be ruined and ammonia can leave traces. When using various chemicals it is best to try their impact on some hidden area of the jacket.
Helps paint thinner, but this, though reliable, but it should be used with caution.
Using different chemical preparations should not take a large number. Cleaned gradually, if the stain is small enough to apply a cotton Bud or swab. After the stain, the jacket needs washing. It is not excluded that to wash them several times, at least, in order to destroy the smell of chemicals. In no case do not wash treated with a chemical agent jacket along with other things. First, they can absorb unpleasant smell, secondly, on other things can leave traces.
Some suggest to try to iron the surface of the jacket using a clean sheet of paper and iron. To try, of course, possible, but this method is effective mainly for cloth jackets, and then traces of the stain have remove additional. On leather things, this method is better not to use very big risk of damaging the material, in addition, even if the stain remove will fail, the surface can remain wavy traces. On balanovich jackets better iron not to apply for the same reasons, though if we proceed with caution, the stain can be removed.