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- How to get a job at nuclear power plants Nuclear energy is one of the most competitive sectors of the Russian economy. Nuclear plants are included in the concern "Rosenergoatom" and are branches of the state Corporation "Rosatom". As in any large Corporation, you need people with different specialties. However, employment has its own characteristics, because nuclear plants, and other enterprises of "Rosatom", are considered potentially hazardous objects.
- How to organize the archive in the enterprise In the process of its production activities, any company that creates a lot of documents to be kept for some, and sometimes quite a long time. It is for this required organization of the files.
- How to transfer the worker to a part-time primary work If you have a main employee in accordance with labor legislation, and you would like to translate it into part time, then you should carry out the procedure of his dismissal. Once the employee get another job as a main, you will be able to take it part-time.
- Can you get compensation when dismissal for health reasons? In itself, this sad event like the loss of health, and with it the ability to perform their duties, often entails loss of employment if another position you can not offer or yourself of this option was refused. In the case when it happened, a little comfort you will be able under the law compensation. Their value depends on, civil you are a man or a soldier.
- How to apply for student vacation Labour legislation obliges employers to provide its employees with certain benefits and compensations. This applies to student vacationam. But in practice things are not ideal. Many people combine work and study, often face certain problems. How to make a statement and get a legitimate educational leave?
- How to open a cell phone repair A mobile phone is a subject of research for companies that manufacture equipment. If until recently this unit was only used as a means of communication, now it has so many additional features and applications that more closely resembles a pocket computer. At any time you can get through to a child, send emails, listen to music and even watch a movie. Only here break cell phones often.
- How to make money in a small town The majority of people are leaving small towns to the cities to earn. They are right in that case, if you want to work in big stable company, which is in the province. But small cities provide enough opportunities for earning money for those who want to do business.
- How to write a trip report Report on business trip refers to the travel document and included in the package of documents, which are carefully studied by the tax authorities during audits of income tax, the unified social tax and personal income tax. It is therefore very important to properly execute all papers included in this package. Portion of the securities is the company itself, and part of, including the trip report, prepared by the traveler.
- What you need to know the sales Manager The task of the sales Manager - to liaise between the buyer and the trading or producing organization. The profession was most widespread in the wholesale trade. In addition, there are various specialization sales managers: services, consumer products, and industrial products.
- How to write a cover letter for a job In the course of job search candidates send resume on various jobs. As a result, potential employers sometimes recruited several dozen candidates for the vacant position. In order to notice you and your resume, you must Supplement it with well-composed cover letter.
- How to pay for sick leave on the child In the case of illness, parents are forced to take sick leave to care for him. Federal law No. 255-F3 guarantees payment for sick leave when caring for a sick family member, but the rules of calculation are somewhat different from temporary disability benefits the employee.
- How to pay to the Director the prize Systematic payment of awards the Director must be specified in internal legal acts of the enterprise on bonuses. The employment agreement is sufficient to give a reference to this act without explanation. Discretionary bonuses for the year, semester or quarter if the results of the works allow for the additional payments, shall be calculated and paid on the basis of the decision of the Supreme Executive bodies of the company.
- How to make a lowering of wages Some employers in the course of business activities may experience some financial difficulties. Of course, from the head at this point, a lot of that depends, because it needs to develop an exit plan out of the situation. Sometimes it stops the decision on reducing the salaries of its employees. In order to avoid problems with labour protection, personnel staff shall properly execute the procedure of reduction of wages.
- How to make an exit from holiday The exit of an employee from an ordinary or additional leave or the scheduled return from leave to care for a child the 3 years I do not need to register. But the second option in case of early exit will have to prepare a number of documents.
- How to pay for sick leave if the home injury In accordance with the labour legislation the employer is obliged to pay the disability days employees. When calculating the sickness benefit while receiving home injury should be guided by the letter of social insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/07-1243. According to this document, the benefit is calculated and paid from the first day of incapacity in that size, which relies on a particular specialist.
- How to run the personnel Department Functions HR services, organized to rapidly and successfully developing enterprise significantly different from those that perform the departments personnel, working with traditional methods used back in Soviet enterprises. Lead the HR Department with modern methods so as to cover all stages of the HR cycle – from finding and hiring new employees, dismissal or sending them into retirement.
- How to apply for job title change To change the name of posts of the employee's consent is required. The employer should make changes in staffing, a contract of employment, personal ID card, employment record book and issue the appropriate order. When you change the position of the employment duties of the employee do not change.
- How to conduct a competition the best in profession When the company employs professionals, it delivers strong results and satisfied customers and partners. The contest "Best in profession" gives each employee a chance to demonstrate their skills and confirm their high qualification.
- How to take the employee on a 0, 5 bet Quite often this happens when you need a person to get a job working on the floor rate. And often HR questions arise: how to formalize such an employee? how to count wages?
- How to make a guard In accordance with the Law "On private detective and security activity" from 1992, the security activity is only possible with a license, i.e. the authorization document for the implementation of this work. Thus, only a licensed security guard may carry out fee based services for the protection of citizens and property, to maintain order during various events where there are a large number of people (concerts, presentations, exhibitions), as well as to advise on issues of legitimate protection.
- How to make business cards A business card is a familiar and useful attribute of many spheres of business life, cultural, personal and friendly contacts of different levels. The main purpose of business cards - information about the person's business partner when Dating: at meetings, receptions, conferences, presentations, exhibitions, festivals and other meetings.
- How to calculate severance pay At dismissal at own will, the employee is entitled to compensation for unused vacation. Some mistakenly believe that this rule only applies to those who have been with the company for a year, but it is not. Try to understand how to calculate the payment at dismissal.
- How to write a resume with no work experience To create a resume with no experience fairly easily. Because this summary includes not only past experience but also information about your goals and objectives, their outcomes. Since the first course in an educational institution, you can improve your resume, gradually adding new information that will attest to your potential as a future employee. In order to properly write a resume, you have to remember the basic items that should be disclosed.
- How to get a job as a assistant teacher Currently, employees of kindergartens in large cities have quite a decent wage. In addition, work in a preschool educational institution is attractive because it has a number of benefits - food, long breaks, breaks in enrollment of the child. This attracts many people to the post of assistant teacher now there is a demand.
- How to find a job in Germany To get a job in Germany would not refuse a considerable number of Russians. It is interesting to live in another country, and even wages, according to rumors, is very good. But the employment abroad has never been an easy thing, you need to meet certain requirements and to persevere.
- Whether the premium in the calculation of leave Counting the amount of vacation pay, the accountant is guided by the RF Government decree №922 dated 24.12.2007 G. this applies To a special algorithm, allowing to consider all types of payments that are received by the employee in a payroll period.
- What are the duties of inspector of Department personnel Inspector of the personnel Department (Manager HR administration) refers to the service personnel. He had important work documents that requires practical skills and excellent knowledge of employment legislation. Over recent decades there has been a clear distinction between the functions of the inspector of the personnel Department and other professionals of service of staff.
- How to find useful work The word "work" means primarily an activity which gives a man a livelihood. In other words, for her, he gets material compensation. However, people are willing in their spare time, or free of charge or for a nominal fee to participate in socially useful work to help the needy, improvement of backyards and streets, landscaping, etc. the Number of such volunteers probably would be more, but they often don't know where you might need their services.
- How to post resume to all sites Wisely left summary on a large number of sites for job search greatly increases the chances of the applicant to find a place of your dreams. The part of the employers prefer to view profiles of applicants, instead of being placed in jobs.
- How to check your guard card Profession guard is one of the most popular. But to work as a private security guard, not everyone can. To obtain the document certifying the job, must undergo training in a special non-state educational institution to pass a qualifying exam and obtain the certificate of private security guard of the established sample.