Placing the worker on the floorrates, remember that it is made under two documents: staffing and labor contract. In the former case, the employee must take full-time with salary, as determined in accordance with this rate and the employment contract must specify that the employee is accepted on certain conditions (specify which), but wages will receive, based on the number of hours worked. This situation is described in the article 285 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation.
How to take <b>employee</b> 0, 5 <strong>rates</strong>
Also in the employment contract must specify the exact schedule as hours and days. There is another option how you can make the employee to the floorrate. To do this you take on a job as a regular full-time unit full time with an appropriate salary. In order to receive point out the same numbers. And then enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract, which prescribe that an employee works for only halfthe bet and gets a salary proportional to the number of hours he actually worked.
Just don't forget to attach this document with a personal statement from the employee, in which he tells about his desire to work all day, and only a certain part of the working week. Usually this statement is written a month before the translation into a lightweight version of the employee. If the person who accepted the post with half the rate, will fulfill any particular time in excess of their quota (for example, during the week as if he works full-time), wages he must have it at the full rate for the period.
How to take <b>employee</b> 0, 5 <strong>rates</strong>
In addition, in connection with the transfer or adoption of the employee on the floorrates, there are often questions about his duties. Here you need to clearly delineate responsibilities and scope of work. Because when you work on a system of half a day, the duties remain the same, but the amount of work decreases significantly.